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انگریزی کے اردو بول چال پراثرات : مثبت اور منفی پہلوؤں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ English, as a global language, not only facilitates global communication but also serves as a storehouse of the latest knowledge. It is the language through which scientific and economic developments are shared worldwide. The increasing influence of English on the world's languages, especially those of developing nations, is driven by globalization, financial dominance, and technological advancements such as the internet and social media. Some linguists suggest that such influences contribute to the extinction of numerous languages. Even Urdu, our national language known for its adaptability to external influences, is experiencing the impact of English. Meanwhile, the historical influence of the English language on Urdu can be traced back to the British colonial era in India present-day impact is even more pronounced. This research paper aims to examine the effects of the English language on Urdu discourse, presenting an analysis of both the positive and negative impacts, and proposing solutions to mitigate the adverse effects by understanding their underlying nature.
ادبی اصناف کی معیار بندی : اکیسویں صدی کے پاکستانی اردو افسانچے کا ہئیتی و تکنیکی مطالعہ The beginning of the story has come into existence with the passion and thought of man and man has been interested in the story from the beginning. With the passage of time, many things have changed. Due to the change of time and evolution in literature, there has been a change in literary genres in terms of style and technique. If we look at fiction, there have been many genres in terms of the difference between style and technique. The series of fiction that had reached the narrative, novel, short story, and short story moved towards the shortest and a new genre appeared in the form of "Fiction". This literary genre is being written and read under many different names in the literature of the East and the West. Afsancha, Micro Fiction, Flash Fiction, Very Short Story, Short Short Story ,Mini Story, Pop Story ,Sudden Fiction, Nano Story, Drabble Story, Hundred Word Story , etc. These are the different names that are prevalent in literature. Fiction is a story that is told with brevity and that makes an impression on the reader. Along with these technical requirements, the most important principle is the story of fiction. When these three basic elements meet, then Fiction is possible. Composition basically determines the boundaries of any literary work visually and expressively. It informs us about the visual appearance of the genre. Creative literature is written in many ways. Each technique has the same goal and result: to create a genre. From the idea or raw material to the completion of the creation of the genre until a physical form emerges. It all happens under a mechanism. This system is called technique. As for the technique as well as the form in the creation of fiction, this too is not fixed. In fact, the material or raw material or an event or a common story is fictionalizing a simple matter of turning it into fiction according to technical rules. The method is called 'technique' and when the artist completes his work, the form or form in which it is presented is called 'composition'. Scenery in fiction, detailing, technique of consciousness, intellectual analysis, dialogue, allegorical, symbolic, abstract, single-word present technique, single-word absent technique, dramatic technique, letter technique, diary technique, narrative technique, All techniques like etc. are used in fiction. Western literature is also written as a short story. Related to English literature, Catherine discusses flash fiction based on three characteristics. 1. Brevity, 2. A Beginning, middle, and end, 3. A twist or surprise at the end In the context of these three basic technical principles, the scope, technique, art and requirements of flash fiction are explained. Pakistani Afsancha writers of the 21st century (2000 to present) have been analyzed in terms of themes. Like other genres of fiction, all the topics of society and life are found in fiction, including women's problems, psychology, sexuality, family problems, social individual problems, collective social problems, political themes, religious themes, romantic themes, nostalgia, fantasy. Themes,viii establishment, lawlessness, corruption, crime themes, modern inventions, social media, pollution, etc. are the themes of fiction. Among these authors are Dr. Shahid Ashraf, Mansha Yad, Dr. Nasir Abbas Nair, Mubasher Zaidi, Dr. Saadat Saeed, Abbas Khan, Muhammad Ali Rana, Aqeel Abbas, Jameel Akhtar, Syed Majid Shah, Seemin Durrani, Dr. Qasim Yaqoob, Ibn Masafir (Jawad Hasnain). Basheer), Munir Abbas Supra, Tanveer Zahra, Shafa Chauhri, Munir Ahmed Firdous, Maqsood Elahi Sheikh, Usman Alam, Salmi Jilani and Muhammad Zubair Panwar etc., whose fictions have been thematically analyzed. A review of his fiction also reveals that these are themes distilled from our society.
ادب کے تانیثی مطالعات : اردو ناول کے مرکزی کرداروں کی شناخت کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ The proposed topic consists on analytical study of the identity of the main female characters of two Urdu novels. Under this, the role of women in the novels of Jameela Hashmi and Humira Ashfaq, "Chehra Beh Chehra Ro Be Roo" and "Me Suzam" has examined, under the proposed research topic. It is intended to do an analytical study of the identity of the main female characters of the two novels. The main character of Jamila Hashmi's novel " Chehra Beh Chehra Ro Be Roo" is Qaraat-ulAin Tahira, who was a historical figure of Iran and an important member of the Baha'i movement, while the main character of the novel "Me Suzam" is Rabia Khuzdari, a well-known Persian poet. Male Dominated Society by Jamila Hashmi and Humira Ashfaq I have made the subject of injustice and discrimination against women. In our society, male domination is found every where and men have a special importance, even women's names are attributed to their father first then to their husband after marriage the man’s has always made the woman subordinate, even if she has perform as a mother, sister, daughter or wife. In these two novels, it has been observed and analyzed from the perspective of women, to what extent the above-mentioned writer has dealt with this subject.
نذر سجاد اور ان کے معاصر مرد ناول نگار:اصلاحِ نسواں کے تصورات کا تقابلی مطالعہ The present study is about the comparative analysis of Nazar Sajjad and her contemporary male noveliests. The researcher finds the "Reform feminism" which is an important theme that has been effectively presented in Urdu novels. It involves striving to improve women's rights and opportunities while eliminating gender and social disparities. In present novels, reform feminism is portrayed in various ways. In the present study the researcher tries to find the significance of novels to prominent the women's rights in patriarchal society. These novels typically grant women a constant status, giving them the right to intellectual and physical development. They encompass different aspects of women's lives, such as careers, education, and independence. The principles of reform feminism are presented powerfully through impactful stories in these Urdu novels. These stories are highly influential and effectively highlight the value of women's rights and the path toward social change. These Urdu novels are a significant part of advocating for women's rights and improving their opportunities in society. Nazar Sajjad, as an Urdu novelist, has also explored the theme of reform feminism in his works. In his novels,”Akhtar un nisa begam”,”Najma”, Hurman naseeb”,”Aah e mazlooman”, Surayyah” and mazhab o ishq” she often delves into the struggles, aspirations, and empowerment of women in society. Haider's storytelling often portrays women as strong, independent characters who challenge traditional gender roles and norms. Through her narratives, she highlights the importance of women's education, their right to make choices, and the need for gender equality. The researcher realizes that Nazar Sajjad's novels serve as a medium to advocate for women's rights and emphasize the significance of reform feminism in contemporary society. His works contribute to the ongoing discourse on gender equality. In this study Male Urdu novelists also contribute in the discussion of reform feminism by addressing issues such as women's education, their rights to make choices, and the need for social and economic changes to promote gender equality. Through their storytelling, the researcher did textual analysis. Her aim is to notify the awareness about gender discrimination and the importance of women's empowerment in Pakistani and South Asian societies portrayed by Pakistani. Some notable male Urdu novelists who have touched upon the theme of reform feminism in their works include Deputy Nazeer Ahmad,mirza Hadi ruswa,Rashid Alkhyri ,Mirza Muhammad saeed”and Prem chand who explored gender dynamics and women's issues in his novels and short stories. Rashid alkhyri has collaborated with male authors to co-write novels that address women's rights and societal challenges. The researcher finds the similarities and dissimilarities in their novels by doing comparative analysis of the text. The textual analysis is done by doing line by line analysis of the text. The data is being collected from different books and from multiples research articles. After doing study, the researcher found the author’s collaboration to prominent the inequality of women in society. Women not only deprived from social and political but also from domestic rights. The researcher did the comparative analysis to find the contribution of different authors on similar issue. The researcher observed that every author tried hard to enhance forfeiture of women in society
خواتین کی اردو آپ بیتیوں میں تانیثی تصورات : تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ The patriarchal society emerged four thousand years ago. But it is estimated that under this system 50% of women are tortured. This violence has destroyed their personality. On the other hand without them life cannot be maintained and flourished. Early marriage,lack of health facilities and domestic disputes have suppressed them.They have been confined to the four walls.They are given a secondary status in the society.They are subjected to violence in the name of custom and religion.Modren and ancient family status is also to related family thought and life style.The women who got the opportunity to marry by their own choice were satisfied with their lifein a fulfilling way,but on whom the elders imposed the decision of their choice their life considering it as burden and not being able to enjoy it the compromised had hollowed her out.Shame,revelation and integrity rules are made by men so that women remain mentally enslaved to them.These rules forcewomen to live humiliating life.Why women’s work and creation are not brought to the fore if their books are published in the market,why their father’s ,brother’s,or husband’s name is written,the reason for these tradations will be known.When she goes out side the home for a job to meet her family needs, she faces great difficulties and obstacles including sexual harassment. one has to facethe exceptations of high work in low remuneration.The government also give rights to women as second class citizen.Due to increasein the educational trend of women in the society,there are difficulties in getting jobs.They need to support of family and state to achive development.Feminism rose voice against these gender issues.Lot of people inspire feminist thought all over the world. Literature is also the reflection of society.Autobiographraphies is not the story of one person it is also reflect the future of any society.The most common purpose in brief autobiographies is to depict an important challenge or event in author,s life,their story helps readers understand the lives of others who come from different backgrounds.The authors are trying to display a message of change through the characters,words,and actions.Women have expressed their identities in their autobiographies.They have resisted against the conspiracies of the patriarchal society.In this research urduIX autobiographies written by women writer will be studied under three basic concepts of feminism.These concepts are selfconsiousness,family and social status.After resisting and evaluating those reasons a conscious indivual,s definition will be presented which will definitely increase the importance of urdu literature in this field. The Historical and Analytical methodologies of research are applied to accomplish this research work. In order to cover the topic comprehensively and the books referring to the religious, cultural, social, historical and literal aspects of the topic have been consulted. The impact of the initiation and development of the feminist movement is also examined with reference to the autobiographies of the women, in which the concept of feminism is evaluated on the basis of their texts. Along with the critical analysis of the relevant books on the subject, the assistance is also taken from the articles obtained from the internet, library and other supporting sources.This research work is a reflection of the society in which modern problems of women are not only highlighted from their cultural aspects but also the attention is drawn towards their solutions.
ادبِ اطفال اور جدید رجحانات : تسنیم جعفری کے منتخب ناولوں میں ہارڈ اور سافٹ سائنس فکشن Tasneem Jaffrey is a famous name in science fiction. Who has made the subject of hard and soft science fiction? Since science fiction is the subject of modern era and the important need of this era, its importance cannot be denied .Science fiction is a new topic in children's literature. Today's era is associated with modern technology means that today's children will not be wrong if it is called a computer product and therefore children are not interested in traditional stories, they ask for solid arguments and explanations for everything. Tasneem Jafari's scientific literature for children reveals about the mental level of the child. Today, because of the age of internet and technology, what kind of thinking does a child have, how far does his imagination go and what are the factors that influence his thinking? Today's child has become addicted to the screen. Be it cartoon stories, Pokémon or computers, spaceships or rockets to other planets in deep space take us out of the world of imagination and introduce us to the mysteries of the universe. Which provide the material of interest to the children but deliver them to a world of reality where they are attracted to the red planet by removing the traditional concepts. If he does not grasp the mental level, he starts to distance himself from literature.
ادب اور کثیر الثقافت سماج: پاکستانی اردو ناول میں اقلیتوں کے مسائل کی عکاسی Literature refreshes Human Emotions and feelings all the time, bestows spiritual peace, teaches the art of live and let live at the level of love, binds in the strings of civilization, peace and huminity and strigs together all those who have different views.Novelization has distinguished significant trends in its evoluationary proess. The universality of subject matter and style has made Novel a popular genre in the realm of Urdu Literature.A Novelist does not only write a story through Novels, he also look through the cracks to open the layers of different periods, situations and problems, unravels the comelexities of social, economic and religious codes and reveals the dimensions.A revelation that destroys your prejudices and reservations and transforms a person's personaly, thinking and ideology.The prominent Novelists of Pakistani society have reflected the problems of minorities through their Novels.This dissertation/paper is devided into five chapters.The first chapter is about rights of monorites in light of charter of Madina, Pakistani Constitution and Law, United Nation's Declaration on minorities and Will Kymlicka's views on minorities.The second chapter reflects economic problems of monirities like possession of property, forced labour, political monoply, extreme poverty and prejudice etc.The third chapter cxplains social issues faced by minorities like negative social behavior, Maltreatment, fear of society, punishment for patriotism, oppression of powerful, rebellious attitude against social oppression, sexual abuse of minorities women etc.The fourth chapter describes the religious issues ofviii minorities like superstitions,issues of identity, hat speech, religious monoply class, attacks on woriship place,forced conversion etc.The Fifth chapter is the conclusion.All the rights for minorities ensurd by Constitutions and Law are mere paper work,when it comes to implementation. For the said resons minorities are facing above mentioned problems. The selection of this research paper has been made by keeping in view the reflections of problems or issues of minorities. No work has been earlier on this topic either at academic and literature level.
ادب اور نظریہ تواخذ : احمد ندیم قاسمی کے منتخب افسانوں اور "قاسمی کہانی" کا تقابلی مطالعہ Derivation is the name of transfer from one path or medium to another path or medium. In this, any genre of literature such as novel or fiction is adapted into visual literature such as drama or film. The most important theory on adaptation is that of Linda Hachin, who presented it in her work "A Theory of Adaptation". In this work, he has described the four methods of derivation with the help of which a work of art can be adapted into the form of drama. These four methods include the examination of change of subject, the sequence of events, the habits and moods and the reflection of the emotions and thoughts of the characters. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi is a famous name in Urdu fiction. A few of his selected fables were dramatized under the theory of tawakhs. These legends include Ehsaan, Alhamdulillah, Sons and Daughters, Snow of the Mountains, Sat Bharai, Yadesh, Sultan and House to House. A comparative analysis of fiction and drama when studied in the context of Linda Hutchin's theory of derivation, in the presentation of characterization, sociology, scenery, themes, language presentation, events, plot and dialogues in drama and fiction. Where there are many commonalities there are also differences at many points and these differences are brought out in the context of Linda Hutchin's theory of derivation. The dramatization of fiction is the best application of Linda Hutchin's theory of derivation.
ادب کا بدیعی تناظر : خورشید رضوی کی شاعری میں تلمیحات و اشارات کا تحقیقی جائزہ This research analysis explores the complex use of allusions and symbols in the poetry of Khursheed Rizvi, a prominent contemporary Urdu poet. It explores how Rizvi skillfully employs allusions to historical, religious, cultural, and literary figures, places, as well as symbols drawn from diverse cultural and philosophical backgrounds, to convey profound meanings in his poetry. The study examines how these literary devices enhance the thematic depth of Rizvi’s work using allusions and symbols, and creating layers of interpretation of the common notion into a very neoteric form for readers. Through a close reading of selected poems, and the analysis reveal the various interplay between allusions and symbols in Rizvi’s poetry, illustrating how they contribute to the richness and seemingly complexity of his poetic expression and completely beautifying and simplifying the physicality and spirituality of the aesthetic. The research concludes that Rizvi’s use of these elements not only reflects his mastery in words and meanings but also serves to engage readers in a deeper intellectual and emotional experience. While studying and analysing Khursheed Rizvi's poetry, whether it is Nazm or ghazals, happened to be revealed that both reflects extraneousness, collective individuality, individual collectivity, loneliness and oneness, compilation of conflicting and conflicting feelings, unique journey from existence to nothingness and nothingness to existence. all these precious aspects are the result of Khursheed Rizvi's poetry
لفظی اشتقاق اور توسیع زبان : لفظی اشتقاق کی عملی صورتوں کا مطالعہ بحوالہ خصوصی ظفر اقبال اور سمیع آہوجا Language development is an eternal journey, continually evolving through cycles of acceptance and rejection. Yet, languages that fail to adapt ultimately fade into obscurity, casualties of diminishing speakers. Urdu stands as a testament to the power of acceptance, its resilience ensuring its survival amidst linguistic shifts. The process of language expansion unfolds across public, literary, and translation domains. This study focuses on the literary sphere, dissecting the works of Zafar Iqbal and Sami Ahuja to unravel the intricacies of derivation. Derivational processes, whether through affixation or zero affixation, shape the lexicon and contribute to language growth. Moreover, the role of vocabulary and word-building emerges as a cornerstone of this expansion. Words undergo derivational or inflectional transformations, while some acquire new meanings sans morphological additions. These linguistic phenomena are exemplified in the literary oeuvres of Zafar Iqbal and Sami Ahuja, showcasing the dynamic nature of language evolution. Borrowing emerges as a primary mechanism for lexical enrichment, with adjectives often sprouting from nouns and new verbs emerging from the creative depths of Iqbal's literary canvas. Employing a qualitative methodology, this thesis delves into the nuanced process of language expansion, offering insights into the formation of novel linguistic constructs.