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اسلوب القصة فی القرآن الکریم | The case under current investigation is: The parables in the Quran their mode of narration. Reading and reciting the Quran has its own charm but the real pleasure and profit lies in its true comprehension and exact following. Precepts and practice both are important. Keeping this in view I venture forth to bring to light the distinctive characteristics of narration of narratives. Allah created man. He taught him Quran through His last and final messenger Muhammad (SAW) - The Best Educator and the Best Educationist though himself an illiterate. The Quran is the mother of books, high and full of wisdom. "We gave the lucid book and we guided them unto the right path. They may ponder over its signs and that men having wisdom may be warned." This is the guidance of Allah to mankind. "And in this Quran have we set forth every parable for men". Allah has framed them in fix measures. Construction is situational. Allah has set forth every kind of parable in the Quran. Allah sets forth the parable of one person who has quarrelsome partners as his master and of one person solely devoted to another person. Can these be equal in likeness? It sets precedents and examples for later ages. It is no magic but all truth and an open message. For those who believe, it is guidance and a cure. There will be an unceasing award for those who act aright. Those who without knowledge take the path as jest are doomed to shameful punishment. These parables not only tell but fore-tell. The dreams dealt within the parables, too, have true vision. Parables are not stories depicting the lives of the Prophet. Their tone is didactic. They are the vehicles which carry the message of Allah: Trust in Him and do the right. The Quran is in Arabic. Each parable has been worded through the peculiar construction of Arabic. The matter is free from any crookedness and the style free from any ornamentation. "And we have not taught him poetry, nor is it worthy of him". Allah has sent down the best of words alike all through and which teacheth by repetition by which the skin of those who fear Allah cloth creep and heart become softened un to the remembrance of Allah. The narration is perfect and the most glorious example of effective teaching - the receptive end is almost involved all the way. As a result Human Soul is elevated. The reader is enlightened. Why to teach? What to teach? How to teach? And to what ends - all learning and testing processes are complete. The narratives in the Quran help shape a comprehensive life covering different spheres of human activity and completely purge the society of the multiple deep seated evils. All parables have their rightful place. They are meant not to amuse but to instruct. It is preaching which profits the faithful. The tone is didactic. The appeal is universal. All is original and inimitable. "We wished to warn mankind". "And surely we have made the Quran, easy to learn a lesson from it but is there anyone who will learn" Propagation of these instructions is very much emphasized, "I have fulfilled my mission to convey the message of Allah for your guidance and follow-up. You stand a witness to it". Allah is the Author and. He is the Custodian and Preserver. The book has kept its original form till date and knows no change. |
نظریة القرآن فی التعلم و التعلیم و اثرھا علی الادب العربی | Concept of Learning and Teaching in the Quran and its Impact on Arabic Literature" The Quran is primarily the book of education with its focus on man's all around development i.e. biological, psychological, moral and social. It’s very first revelation starts with bidding man to read and with highlighting the fact that it is through pen that man learns. There is a bulk of Arabic words etymologically related to the word al-ilm in terms of its derivatives, occurring in the Quran in its different verse-contexts. These words taken along with the Quranic call to observe, probe and ponder over natural phenomena as well as Quranic epistemology, all lead naturally and logically to a well-defined education-theory with its twin processes of learning and teaching. In this respect, fundamentals of Quranic theory of education, judged in this etymological, semantic and epistemological context along with the Quranic methodology of education are the main focus of this research. A comparative and contrastive study of the Quranic theory of education with its impact on Arabic literature and other classical and contemporary theories thereof reveals the hitherto unknown and un-discovered hidden features of the Quranic theory of education and epistemology |
اسالیب تقدیم المعنی فی القرآن | My research thesis is on Styles of Semantic Presentation in the Holy Quran. Basically, it discusses only those literary styles which play their role in conveying meanings to the reader or listener. Though it is a very vast field, my focus is on a few major styles. As implied by the title, the thesis discusses only those literary styles which play their role in conveying meanings to a common person. It does not creep into the depths of semantic branches of rhetoric rather it highlights those angles which are usually ignored by most of the scholars. I have divided this research in three major portions: The first part discusses the common styles of semantic presentation which come under lexical field. It generally deals with the individual entities. The language of the Holy Quran carries the best words to convey its Divine Message. It made modifications in existing words to suit it and also made innovations. The second part deals with the integrated complexion created by these individual entities when they are combined in special arrangements which is only the specialty of the language of the Holy Quran. It again made innovations in rhetoric styles to convey meanings in the best possible way. After reciting the Quranic text carefully we find it conveying its message through literary styles like figuration, personification and illustration. These styles help us to understand metaphysical and transcendental phenomena. The third part discusses the phonic part of the Quranic Language in conveying meanings. We find its phonic characteristics like rhythm, tone, strain, melody, tune, intensity etc. playing their role in conveying the Divine Guidance in the best possible way. We usually recite the Holy Quran for enhancing our reward for the life hereafter. If someone tries to get some guidance from it, he usually concentrates on canonical or ethical aspects. I have concluded from this research that it is far beyond that. It is the Devine Guidance but it is also a Linguistic Miracle a literary masterpiece of matchless sublimity. Through this study we can only get a glimpse of it, not the whole thing. |
الاعجاز البیانی فی ضوء النصوص القرآنیة | There is no doubt that the Holy Qur'an is a great blessing from Almighty Allah. If this had been the only blessing bestowed on this final Ummah, we would still have surpassed all previous ummahs in blessings. This book is the epitome of sweetness. Its beauty stretches from the tongue of the .2 gam and can be felt in the very depths of the heart of the listener. One can not tire of reading it, nor of listening to it; the more one delves into it, the richer its treasures reveal themselves to be. This book appeals equally to a scholar and a layperson at the same time, and guides them both. It has the power to awaken nations from ignorant slumber, and to show them the path to success. One aspect of this brilliance is the fact that not only does it encompass vast treasures of wisdom and knowledge, but it is also a literary and linguistic miracle. This latter point is expounded further in this present research work. The direct and implied meaning of the text of the Holy Book is indeed beautiful. The very vocabulary and its mesmerizing usage are so apt and balanced that there can be absolutely no comparison. Revealed at the time when Arabia was at the pinnacle of linguistic excellence, nothing could face up to its splendor, attempts by the disbelievers who put together all their resources to this futile end notwithstanding. This was one reason why the opponents of this message, having completely failed this way, resorted to violence and warfare. If they could have countered the linguistic beauty of the Holy Qur'an, the world would not have seen the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. To illustrate this linguistic miracle of the Holy Qur'an, a few styles have been selected from its vast treasures of Ilm-ul-Bayan. These include, but are not limited to, the vocabulary, the usage of similes and metaphor etc. that challenge human ability and leave it pale in comparison. The Holy Qur'an chooses different styles beautifully based on specific contexts, catering beautifully to the addressee and the message. Where the circumstance calls for simplicity, the Holy Qur'an employs a simple yet brilliant style, and where the need is for eloquence, it engages a sparkling dignity. Thus it is a direct and correct conclusion that the Holy Qur'an's linguistic approach is a string of gems that embodies many different styles; each gem is magnificent on its own, and at the same time, the majesty of the string is revealed even more fully when considered as a whole. A miracle of the Holy Qur'an is that it showcases divine brilliance in a way that is comprehendible by efforts of human knowledge and imagination without compromising its full magnificence. This becomes evident in another way also. It is interesting to note that the best amongst human literature now employs the same vocabulary and similar linguistic techniques, and yet the distinction between the products of the human mind and this divine book has not been bridged at all. 1. Arabic, for the larger Islamic concept of 'nation' that surpasses all geographic boundaries. 2. Arabic, for one who recites. 3. The three battles from the early age of Islam. Holy Qur'an stands to this day, and shall continue to do so for all time, with all its glory as a shining testament to the boundary less divine wisdom and magnificence, for which even the entire creative prowess in the world around us is no match. This research has engaged several noted exegesis of the Holy Qur'an to identify, understand and classify a part of the linguistic magnificence of this divine book. The Glorious Qur'an's eloquent stylizations embody infinite beauty, and showcase the miracle of the brilliance of the divine wisdom. It presents a spectacular combination of eloquence that radiates beauty, and comprehensive conciseness. These are just two of the miracles that form the Holy Qur'an. The characteristics outlined in these preceding lines, and subsequently in this research show the outline of a magnificent picture, and yet this only be labeled as being hardly a drop in the ocean in comparison to the full glory of the Holy Book. I pray to Almighty Allah to accept my endeavor to showcase some of this grandeur in this research, and to make it beneficial for me, and the whole Muslim Ummah. |
الروایة التاریخیة عند جرجي زیدان و عبد الحلیم شرر | Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar As Historical Novelists Narrative techniques hold great importance for the appropriate creation of novel. They are important especially in process of writing a historical novel. In the present dissertation an effort has been made to compare Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar as historical novelists. The aim of this dissertation is to underline the similarities and differences in the narrative techniques of Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar in their historical novels. The focus of the study is the contrastive points with special references to plot, language and style. Narrative techniques are extremely important in the creation of historical novel. Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar hold a special place in the world of literature by virtue of being initiators of historical novel writing in Arabic and Urdu literatures respectively. They are both prolific writers with Sharar writing twenty nine and Zaidan twenty two historical novels. They are similar in the use of dialogue, soliloquy, scene depiction and epistolary technique, at the same time that the works show glaring disparities between the two novelists in the modes of narration and in plot construction. Historical novel writing was introduced in Arabic and Urdu literatures through the medium of English Literature, with Abdul Halim Sharar introducing historical novel writing in Urdu literature, and Jurji Zaidan into Arabic literature. Both writers were following in the wake of Sir Walter Scott's historical novel Talisman. The aim of writing historical novels was to rouse the Muslims of the world, who had not only been deprived of ruling, but had been forced to become slaves from their earlier position of being masters. The cultural identity of Muslims was distorted and it was an attempt to remind them of their past glory that stories of the golden past were presented. These stories emphasize the numerous victories scored by Muslims over non Muslims despite their smaller numbers and logistically weaker position. These novels were written with the view to generate and restore faith and Islamic spirit among the Muslims. Judi Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar, through their writings, have tried to minimize the cultural and political downfall of the Muslims. For this purpose they have used the lives and personalities of great Muslims heroes, to pull the Muslim nation out of lethargy and lassitude. This technique can thus be considered as a positive technique in attracting readers, especially the youth, towards exploring their great history. By introducing it in the form of romantic narrative the two novelists have underscored the significance of the comparative study of literatures in different languages and cultures as part of literary criticism. This research is expected to help students and teachers to explore further avenues of research in the field of Arabic literature, in general, and comparative literature, in particular. It is also hoped that a comparison of the two writers, belonging to two different languages, will provide a wider perceptive for the analyses of different literary and cultural aspects in the works of writers. The researcher hopes that his comparative study will serve as an important vehicle in discovering the social, cultural and literary differences between two civilizations. |
اللغھ الانجلیزیة و اُثرھا علی اللغة العربیة الاعلامیة | This topic basically discusses the issue of influence of English language on Arabic media language along with the factors that are part of this influence. In addition to that, it also throws light on the consequences and outcome emerging from the interaction of both languages. Indeed, the influence of any language on the other is one of those issues which have been discussed by various linguistics and philosophers. They term this issue "a spiky issue" which may not be solved easily. Going through the annals of history, we find that there was a time when the Arabic language exercised immense influence on various European languages like English language due to the supremacy of Muslims over the western world in the political domain. Resultantly many Arabic words traveled to English language with minor changes such as "Alcohol", "Algebra", "Almanac”, “Caliph", "Cotton", "Minaret". On the contrary, now the situation has changed. The English language is influencing the Arabic language and especially the Arabic media language because of hegemony of western world over the Muslim countries including the Arab countries. The result of this is that a lot of English words are traveling to Arabic language in various fields like information technology, Political Economics, medical, and educational fields. For instance, in information technology "Video" "Camera”. “Radio" " Computer"(1-i9.l.-c) and in political field," Protocol" “Dictator", and in economic field: “Broker" " Tariff' and in medical field: “Typhoid" “Vitamin", and in education field:" Bibliography" " Doctor". Obviously, there are various factors which are responsible for the influence of English language on Arabic media language. These are social, cultural, educational and linguistic ones. It should be known that the influence of English language on Arabic media language is resulting into the spread of linguistic mistakes and colloquial dialect. It also creates the phenomenon of linguistic transformation and deterioration. This thesis contains five chapters and each chapter has its sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the literal and technical meaning of language and media, its evolution, brief history of Arabic and English Languages. The second chapter discusses the factors that are part of Influence of English Language on Arabic Media Language. The third chapter throws light on the Influence Issue among the various languages. The fourth chapter describes the influence of English language on Arabic Media Language in various fields such as politics, economy, medicine, education, information technology and advertisement. The fifth chapter deals with the results, both positive and negative, accruing from the influence of English Language on Arabic Media Language. In addition to that, it also undertakes a comparison of positive and negative results. Results, findings and recommendations have been stated at the end of this PhD thesis. |
تعین المشار الیہ فی القران و اثرہ علی تفسیر ایاتہ الکریمة | There are many demonstrative pronouns in the Holy Qur,aan and mostly their signified nouns are hidden, so in the fixation of these signified nouns; the interpreters of Holy Qur,aan have difference of opinion. Now the question is raised that this difference of opinion is a cause of different interpretation of Holy Qur,aan or not? So in this research, we have reached at the reality that the difference of opinion in these signified nouns is a cause of different interpretation of Holy Qur,aan. Now we will mention the short summary of this reality.These following demonstrative pronouns are mentioned in the Holy Qur,aan: (1) ھذا(2) ھکذا (3) ماذا (4) من ذا (5) ھذہ (6) ھذان (7) ھاتین (8) ذانک (9) ذلک (10) ذلکما (11) ذلکم ( 12) ذلکن (13) تلک (14) أولاء (15) ھؤلاء (16) أولئک (17) أولئکم (18) ھھنا (19) ھنالک (20) ثم Mostly, their signified nouns are hidden, so in the fixation and interpretation of these hidden nouns, the difference of opinion has arisen; mainly this difference is an unreal and wordy warfare, because the interpreters express the indicated hidden nouns in their own words without fixation of them in Qur,aanic verse, so this difference of opinion has no result and effect at last. However there is a real contradiction also, in the indicated hidden nouns of these demonstrative pronouns except others: (1) ھذا (2) ھذہ (3) ذلک (4) ذلکم (5) تلک (6) أولاء (7) ھؤلاء (8) أولئک(9)ھنالک (10) ثم The difference of opinion is mostly looked like real contradiction in first stage but after research and deeply study, we know that he is not so. Sometimes, the matter is probably against it. Sometimes, no difference of opinion in the fixation of indicated hidden noun but the interpretation of his demonstrative pronoun is more than one due to rhetorical manner. Sometimes, a demonstrative pronoun gives a significance when he connected with former sentence and gives other meaning when he related to latter sentence. Sometimes a demonstrative pronoun is a complete sentence with hidden words. I could not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who covers all of indicated hidden nouns which are mentioned in the interpretation of demonstrative pronouns, however the imam Abu Hayyan did effort to collect them but he could not cover. Similarly, Ibn-e-Jawzi also could not cover, although he did a great effort also. I did not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who expresses rhetorical winks and manners under the demonstrative pronouns and their indicated hidden nouns, however the Imam Abu Su,uood did this big effort with brevity in some stages, who has been certainly flambeau for me in rhetorical manner, So I explored and then expressed it with depth and detail by the grace of Allah. Similarly, I could not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who expressed morphological research about indicated hidden nouns of demonstrative pronouns, but I explained it by the help of Allah. In short, I expressed the real difference of opinions about interpretation of demonstrative pronouns and fixation of their indicated hidden nouns in Holy Qur,aan and his effects on interpretation of Holy Qur,aan with morphological, syntactical and rhetorical winks and manners, due to clearness of words, meanings and to relate between them and to explain the difference of opinions and his effects. All are based on 1087 verses of Holy Qur,aan. |
دراسة تقدیة و عمرانیة لاسلوب کتابة عبداللھ بن المقفع مع الترکیز علی مدرسة الترسل الطبیعی لھ | A Critical and Sociological study of the literary style of Abdullah ibn al-Muqaffa with Focus on his Literary School: Natural expression. Due to scarcity of sufficient references and material on the subject of my thesis, I was obliged to follow methods of induction and survey of literature or obtaining and extracting necessary material and data. My research is ristricted to the following points. 1- Life of Abdullah Ibn Muqaffa with focus on his early environment and schooling under the care of his Magian parents and then his journey to Baghdad to enhance his exposure to a broader and deeper know-how of Arabic/Islamic Sciences and literature and then his literary and political life plus his reformative movement having led to his untimely death. All this followed by a critical discussion of his literary works and then critical evaluation of his thoughts and political wisdom with special focus on his theoretical philosophy and practical wisdom as extracted from his writings along with description of the salient features and traits whereby his literary works and thoughts are distinguished from his contemporaries and his predecessors all this followed by critical evaluation of different writers and critics' opinions/views about his life, writings and thoughts taking a different stand and at the same time synthesising different views in this connection. During working on my dissertation I followed methods of: 1- Induction 2- Survey of literature 3- Acquaintance and Description 4- Historical criticism All these are based on colligation of data and facts with observation of precision, penetration, necessary briefness and avoiding unnecessary and redundant details. |
دراسة تقدیة و عمرانیة لاسلوب کتابة عبداللھ بن المقفع مع الترکیز علی مدرسة الترسل الطبیعی لھ | A Critical and Sociological study of the literary style of Abdullah ibn al-Muqaffa with Focus on his Literary School: Natural expression. Due to scarcity of sufficient references and material on the subject of my thesis, I was obliged to follow methods of induction and survey of literature or obtaining and extracting necessary material and data. My research is ristricted to the following points. 1- Life of Abdullah Ibn Muqaffa with focus on his early environment and schooling under the care of his Magian parents and then his journey to Baghdad to enhance his exposure to a broader and deeper know-how of Arabic/Islamic Sciences and literature and then his literary and political life plus his reformative movement having led to his untimely death. All this followed by a critical discussion of his literary works and then critical evaluation of his thoughts and political wisdom with special focus on his theoretical philosophy and practical wisdom as extracted from his writings along with description of the salient features and traits whereby his literary works and thoughts are distinguished from his contemporaries and his predecessors all this followed by critical evaluation of different writers and critics' opinions/views about his life, writings and thoughts taking a different stand and at the same time synthesising different views in this connection. During working on my dissertation I followed methods of: 1- Induction 2- Survey of literature 3- Acquaintance and Description 4- Historical criticism All these are based on colligation of data and facts with observation of precision, penetration, necessary briefness and avoiding unnecessary and redundant details. |
وضع اللغة العربیة فی کشمیر و دور المدارس فی نشر اللغة العربیة فی کشمیر الحرة | This Ph.D. study explores the status of Arabic language in Kashmir and investigates the role of educational institutions: Government, Private and Madaris in spreading Arabic language in Kashmir. This thesis is divided into two parts.In part One,the status of Arabic language is explored and it also discusses the arrival of Arabic language in Kashmir and its effects on the Kashmiri language.Part two is an enquiry into the efforts made by Madaris, Schools ,and other institutions in teaching and spreading Arabic language,and in this matter,all the scholars, teachers and poets of Kashmir also discussed who contributed to making Arabic a living language.To this effect, this work studes the impact of Arabic language on Kashmiri land and language. Because of the influence of Arabic, it was found out that Kashmiri language has taken morphological and syntactical affects and has absorbed many Arabic words and phrases into its vocabulary. Sometimes, these introductions become problematic for Kashmiri students, for which this study suggests many techniques for overcoming these obstacles. |
مقارنة بین السلوبی الشھید سید قطب و السید ابی الحسن علی الندوی و مکانتھما فی الادب العربی الحدیث | My thesis is divided into five chapters, each dealing with a particular aspect of the two writers’ personality traits and their literary style. Chapter 1: The meaning and sense of literature and literary style. Comparative study to show how a piece of literature is accorded low or high value in the light of some universally established standards and principles. Chapter 2: Focusing on the main features of the personality of Sayyed Qutab, a critical study of his standing in the world of literature. Analyses of the social and civil (political) factors which shaped his personality and influenced his writings – he became an extraordinary writer whose influence on both the common and highly educated classes was quite great. Chapter 3: Sayyed Abu-ul-Hasan Ali Nadvi’s life and literary pursuits. How his writings won special applause in the Arab world. What makes his writings so profound and powerful – characteristics of his peculiar style and his grasp of social trends? With his understanding of individual as well as a peoples’ collective attitude and behavior, he was able to respond to the challenges of the day. His thought has some common strands with that of Sayyed Qutab. Yet, the former appears to be more anti-West and a passionate defender of religion. He aligns himself with more traditional Muslims, and attacks those ‘internal opponents of Islam’ -including radical reformers - for their being pro-British or enamoured by the West. Chapter 4: A comparative study of approach and style of Sayyed Abu-ul-Hasan Ali Nadvi and Sayyed Qutab. I have divided this chapter into sections. In one, I explain the similarities between the two litterateurs; in another I dwell on their techniques and style; in yet another I focus on the way they approach a problem, etc. Chapter 5: Differences and discords –both of viewpoint and style. For example, education was a significant issue Sayyed Abu-ul-Hasan Ali Nadvi deals with. He was critical of ‘modern’ schools being established by foreign missionaries as well as government. His concern with ‘reforms’ in education stemmed from his opposition to indiscriminate borrowing from the West. Sayyed Qutab tends to blame the prevailing conditions under authoritarian governments for the decline of education, its purpose and standard. Averse to the rulers’ approach and practices, scholars have either turned aloof from the collective, social matters, or seek improvements within the existing system. |
اختلاف عودة الضمیر و اثرہ علی تباین تفاسیر الآیات الکریمة | This topic basically discusses the issue of the difference in the antecedent of the pronoun in the Holy Quran. In addition to that, it also throws light on the influence of the difference in the antecedent on the interpretation of the Quranic verses along with the preferred statement regarding the difference in the antecedent such as the difference in the antecedent of the pronoun in the following Quranic verse: وَكُنْتُمْ عَلَى شَفَا حُفْرَةٍ مِنَ النَّارِ فَأَنْقَذَكُمْ مِنْهَا (آل عمران: 103) By pondering over this Quranic verse, we find that there are three statements regarding the antecedent of the pronoun "ها" in "منها". First, the antecedent of the pronoun is "النار". Secondly, the pronoun stands for "حفرة". Thirdly the reference of the pronoun is "شفا". The preferred one is the first statement because of three reasons which are as under: 1- The purpose of Allah Almighty in this Quranic verse is to save the Muslims from "النار" (Fire or Hell) and not from "حفرة" (excavation) or "شفا" (bank of Hell). 2- "النار" is the nearest antecedent and according to the principles of exegesis when it is possible for the nearest noun to become antecedent, the farther one should not be taken as antecedent. 3- There is not conformity in femininity between the pronoun "ها" and its antecedent "شفا". And as for as the antecedent "النار" is concerned it conforms with the pronoun "ها". 4- The apparent meaning of this Quranic verse determines this antecedent as well. Obviously, there are various factors which are involved in creating differences in the antecedent of the pronoun such as having not mentioned the antecedent clearly and the possibility of being various antecedents at a time. Indeed, the influence of the difference in the antecedent on the interpretation of the Quranic verses is one of those issues which have been discussed by many interpreters of the Holy Quran, writers, scholars and linguists. Going through the various books on the interpretation of the Holy Quran, we find that this aspect of the Holy Quran has been discussed by them in bits and pieces but no exclusive work is available on this topic in one book. So the efforts have been made in collection and compilation almost all important and relevant material on this topic so that it may be brought to the readers in a comprehensive, well organized and an approachable shape. This thesis contains three chapters and each chapter has its sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the literal, technical and metaphorical meaning of (اختلاف) i.e (Difference) and its reasons. The second chapter discusses the meanings of the pronoun and its grammatical rules. The third chapter throws light on the Influence of the difference of the antecedent of pronoun on the interpretation of Quranic verses. In addition to that the results, findings and recommendations have been stated at the end of this Ph.D thesis. |
الجملة فی اللغتین العربیة و الاردیة | مقالے کا دائرہ کار بعنوان "الجملة فی اللغتین العربیة والأردية"، دراسة تقابلية) اردو عربى زبان ميں (ج ملے) کے تقابلی مطالعہ پر مشتمل ھے۔ مقالے کی ابتدا عربی زبان میں ( مقدمے) سے ھوتی ھے جس میں مقالے کی غرض و غایت ، اس کے موضوع کی اھمیت اور اھداف بتائے گئے ھیں۔ اس کے بعد (تمھید) کے عنوان سے(علم تقابلی مطالعہ) کی ابتدا، اس کی اھمیت اور (علوم اللغة) كے تقابلی مطالعہ کی غرض و غایت ذکر کی گئی ھیں۔ باب اوّل میں عربی اور اردو زبان کی تاریخ، نشوونما، اور دونوں زبانوں کے باھمی احتکاک اور خصوصیات کا ذکرھے باب دوم (کلمة) سے متعلق ھے۔ جیسا کہ آپ جانتے ھیں کہ ھے هر کلام کی روح (جملة) ھے اور جملے کی ساخت اور بناوٹ میں کلمات کا نمایاں کردار ھوتا ھے ۔ لہذا کلمہ کی اس اھمیت کے پیش نظر ضروری سمجھا گیا کہ ایک باب عربی اور اردو دونوں زبانوں میں (كلمة) سے متعلق ھو، اور اس باب کی آخری فصل دونوں زبانوں میں(كلمة کے تقابل) سے متعلق ھے۔ باب سوئم میں اردو اور عربی زبان میں (جملة) کی تعاریف، اس کی اقسام اور جملے کی صرفی و نحوی نظام سے بحث کی گئی ھے۔ اور آخری فصل میں دونوں زبانوں میں جملہ اور اس کی خصوصیات کا تقابل کیا گیا ھے۔ باب چہارم میں جملة بسیطة اور اس کی اقسام (جملة اسمیة/جملة فعلية) کا تفصیلی ذکراور تقابلی مطالعہ عربی اور اردو دونوں زبانوں میں پیش کیا گیا ھے۔ باب پنجم (جملھ مرکبھ) اور اسکی اقسام کو عربی اور اردو زبان میں بیان کرنے سے متعلق ھے۔ اس باب کی آخری فصل میں بھی بقیھ ابواب کی طرح جملھ مرکبھ کی تمام اقسام کا تقابلی جائزہ دیا گیا ھے۔ مقالے کے آخر میں مقالے کے اھم نتائج بیان کیے گئے ھیں اور اس کے ساتھـ مصادر ومراجع کی فھارس عربی اور اردو زبانوں میں درج کی گئی ھیں۔ |
الخطب النبویة و مزایاھا | The title of this research thesis is "The Prophet Orations and its Characteristics Rhetorical and Literary Analysis". This thesis has been divided into four chapters and every chapter has been divided into many sub-chapters. Chapter 1: Oratory It has been divided to three sub-chapters. Oratory lexicology and idiomatically. Introduction of oratory. Oratory and its standards. Chapter 2: History of oratory before Islam and after its appearance. Oratories situation before Islam. Famous orators before Islam. Examples of pre-Islamic orations and their analysis. Chapter 3: Orations of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). History of Prophet's orations and their writing down. Some examples of the Prophet's orations in objectively analysis. Evaluation of the Prophets orations in the literature point of view. Chapter 4: Rhetoric most imposing characteristic of the Prophet's orations. Rhetoric lexicology idiomatically. Rhetorical evaluation of the Prophet's oration's in the light of. Rhetorical evaluation of the Prophet's orations in the light of. Rhetorical evaluation of the Prophet's orations in the light of. Rhetorical evaluation of the Prophet's orations in the light of. |