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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
Interférence Linguistique De La Première Langue Et La Langue Seconde Dans L’Apprentissage D’une Langue Etrangère : Cas Des Etudiants Pakistanais Du FLE | When students learn a foreign language, they already possess a linguistic background which, at times, makes learning a foreign language difficult. They therefore often tend to transpose the rules from their L1 or L2 to their L3. The negative transfer from one language to another automatically leads to interferences i.e. the contact of languages, and the confrontation of two or more linguistic systems more or less foreign to each other. Translation is an interlinguistic activity where interference is inevitable. Morphosyntactic interference occurs when a subject uses a morphological and syntactic feature of L1 or L2 in the target language. Thus, this study aims to identify and analyze the morphosyntactic errors made in translation (English-French) by learners of the French department of NUML. We will administer this study on learners of two different levels of FFL. By analyzing the mistakes made by learners, we can identify the presence of interference and then present solutions that could help learners improve their translation. Our objective is also to suggest methods to be followed in order to facilitate the teaching of FFL and make it more practical, by allowing learners to avoid mistakes. Lado's contrastive analysis and Corder's error analysis are the theoretical frameworks that provide the basis for this research. Contrastive analysis highlights the similarities and differences between languages; while, error analysis classifies, identifies and describes errors made by an L3 learner. |
Reconstruction ou Déformation de l’Image Voulue dans les Textes Descriptifs de « La Peste » de Camus et « Taoune » de Nagi |
Impact de la Technologie En Classe Du FLE Au Niveau Precoce |
L'Analyse Sémiotique du Roman« Les Trois Mousquetaires »etsonAdaptationCinématique | Thesis Title: The Semiotic Analysis of the Novel “The Three Musketeers” and its Cinematic Adaptation. The thesis semiotically analyzes the iconic novel “The Three Musketeers” written by Alexandre Dumas with the aim of determining the use of different signs in the dissemination of specific messages to a given audience. The meanings of these signs used in the novels are then compared to those used in the film. This comparison offers a very interesting analysis of the use of signs in different media to produce the same impression for their audience. At the same time, this analysis will provide critics and researchers with a guide to compare the original work and its adaptation. Peirce's theory of signs was used as an investigative tool to understand the construction of meaning through words in the novel and visual signs in the film. The data for this research study are collected through a “stratified and intentional sampling” which at the same time ensures comprehensive coverage of the novel and film and allows the researcher to choose certain elements narratives, characters, settings and motifs in both media. By analyzing the signs and their signified in the two media as the main subject of this study, the researcher discovered some very interesting cultural contrasts providing researchers and academics with frameworks and perspectives to explore the complex dynamics between literature and cinema. Keywords: Adaptations, semiotics, cinema, novel, The Three Musketeers |