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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
درس گاہ صفّہ کا نظام تعلیم و تربیت | A Historical Study of educational and training system designed by Prophet Muhammad [SAW] at Al-Suffah [The first residential seminary of Islam] relates to the analysis of factors that have lead and still contain the ingredients for building a strong system of education as it has been considered the core value of human life. Religion and education are interrelated. The preaching of religion depends upon the education and training. Our Holy Prophet [SAW] was an ideal educationist not only of his times but for the future generations as well. The Thesis deals with the main five chapters: First Chapter: It contains complete definition of education and training, different views about it, importance of education in the light of prophetic model and itsvisible aspects. Educational and Training policy and its objectives in the times of Prophet Muhammad [SAW]. Second Chapter: It explains the meaning of word "Suffah" in detail, construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi and establishment of Suffah. Available facilities and educational characteristics of Suffah have also been explained along with the names and total strength of Ashab-e-Suffah along with their cardinal virtues, financial status, get up and living style. Third Chapter: It comprises of detailed picture of Curriculum of Suffah University showing Compulsory and Elective courses. The time-table, rules and regulations implemented there along with special advices from the Prophet Muhammad [SAW]. A wide range of Extra-Curricular activities covering different games, educational travels and -war strategies. It also introduces the teachers, teaching Assistants and Class Representatives. Class room environment, teacher-student relationship and a vast variety of teaching techniques used by the Prophet Muhammad [SAW] is the core topic of this chapter. In other words this is a detailed sketch of prospectus of Suffah University. Fourth Chapter: As Prophet Muhammed [SAW] presented new aims and methods of education. He transformed behavior of thousands of people specially the students at Suffah within few years through educating them. It demonstrates the educational and practical services rendered by .the students of Suffah University in the field of Quran-e-Kareem, Hadees-e-Mubarikah, Fiqh, Jurisprudence, compilation of Hadees books, establishment of Islamic educational Institutions in different Islamic states, Services in the Holy wars and offering their lives for Allah [SWT]. Along with this it also explains other multiple services rendered by students of Suffah in various fields for the cause of Islam. Fifth Chapter: It describes the journey of Islamic EducationalSystem from SuffahSeminary up topresent era. Practical approach towards the education and training system of present era is stated.It includes unique tipsextracted from the Prophetic educational and training systemfocusing on rights and responsibilities of Management, Principal, Teachers and Students. At the end step-wise Model of Ideal educational system is stated. |
An Analysis of Women Social and Political imporvment in Pakistan 1999-2013 | NA |
A Study of China Pakistan Economic Corridor in Perspective of Inter-Provincial Controversy | NA |
The Study of Pakistan’s political Culture in the Promotion of Political System (1988-1999) | NA |
The Constitutional Status of Gilgit Baltistan, Factors adn Implications | ABSTRACT Constitutional Status of Gilgit Baltistan is not clear and there are many factors that are affecting this status. Politics of this region is complex due to its political history and its cultural diversity. Its basic design is defined by local cultures. Furthermore, this design has been altered and manipulated by several federal governments. Individuals of Gilgit and Baltistan have not been capable to attain legitimate position and rights as a citizen of Pakistan since independence in 1947 that leads dis-satisfaction and sense of political deprivation amongst the people. This paper is an attempt to understand the constitutional status of Gilgit-Baltistan and is try to find out the factors that are affecting the political system of Gigit-Baltistan. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan have close religious, ethnic and linguistic ties with the people of Pakistan. The value of Gilgit Baltistan is important to Pakistan, China, India, and the United States due to its strategic location. CPEC passes through the Karakoram Highway and covers almost 600 kilometers distance in Gilgit-Baltistan. CPEC will bring a lot of changes in Gilgit-Baltistan because of infrastructure development, construction and hydropower stations. Some mega development projects have has already started. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan are concerned that they are getting little from CPEC. The constitutional status needs to be addressed by the government of Pakistan immediately, according to the wishes of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. In August 2015, Gilgit Baltistan Legislative assembly passed a unanimous resolution which demanded federal government to declare Gilgit Baltistan as a constitutional province of Pakistan. There is a requirement of consultation with all political parties, civil society, lawyers and youth of the area to avoid misunderstandings/confusion on new order. Before giving a final shape to this order, it must be discussed in Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly. This study will help the students of Pakistan studies to understand the issue of legitimate position of Gilgit & Baltistan in its entirety. The paper concluded that each district of Gilgit-Baltistan can be given one seat each in the National Assembly, making it a total ten seats and representations in the Senate as it is in occasion of other provinces. Political process in Gilgit-Baltistan remained a dream up to 1972, till the Agency System was abolished. Today, although there is organizational infrastructure of all the main stream political parties, yet the analysis of past four decades reveals that, the political associations are based on weak bondages. The elections for member ship of Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly are mostly contested on the basis of personal repute, caste and sect, rather than political party affiliations. This is because of the reason, that the individuals of Gilgit and Baltistan have not at all representation in the Domestic Assemblies of Pakistan. Was it so, political parties of Pakistan would take the matter seriously and make earnest efforts to resolve the problems being faced by the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. It is imperative that Gilgit-Baltistan should be integrated in the main political stream of Pakistan. This is essentially important to defeat nationalist tendencies. There is a need to take appropriate measures to shun the notion of sectarianism. The prosperity of Gilgit-Baltistan is associated with better communication links with the main land, Pakistan. For this purpose Karakorum High Way which serves as life line artery, needs to be maintained. The progress can be achieved by Expansion of tourism, investigation of minerals as well as natural resources. Developing the huge possible of generation of hydro power, development plus marketing of small house business for example, fruit protection, juices, refreshments, crafted works. Key words: Gilgit-Baltistan, accession, Gilgit Scouts, Kashmir Issue, Karachi Agreement, political deprivation, United Nations, Maharaja of Kashmir, British imperialism |
A Case Study of Demoeratic Transitions in Pakistan 1999-2008 | ABSTRACT In Pakistan since its inception, every military dictator had showed their justification for reasoning behind the intervention of military into democracy to defend the state and to rescue the country from the corrupt civilian leadership. In this research study when the military government of General Musharraf dethroned the elected civilian government of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, he justified Army rule and defined it as new path to lead state affairs. It was main agenda of Military government to resolve internal as well as external issue. Although, Gen. Musharraf suspended the Constitution 1973, the military government of the Gen. Musharraf has showed its willing to work remain under the constitution and abound rules of law. The military government of Musharraf adopted the tactics of divide and rule. The opposing group of the military government argued that a process of special court (NAB) is not need to tackle the cases of corruption against the political leaders and also argued that to expel politicians from contributing in October polls, the NAB process were being launched. The top political parties blamed to military government to strengthen his positon on civil rules in Pakistan. On the other hand, the military government was troubled by refusing to share power with well-organized political party. The Pervez Musharraf decided with allowing to all major political parties for its survivals. Resultant, the Pakistan People Party including Pakistan Muslim league (N) joined hand by rejecting the Pervez Musharraf policies and started struggle for the restoration of democracy. They have taken initial stop by working jointly to pressurize the Pervez Musharraf government in restoration of democratic transition. If the two major parties Pakistan people Party and Pakistan Muslim League (N) sustained mutual agreement, they will have learned how to stop the resistance of the military intervention and to promote the democratic consolidation in Pakistan. |
Geo-Strategic and Economic Significance of Gawadar Port for Pakistan |
Geo-Strategic and Economic Significance of Gawadar Port for Pakistan |
The Glass Celiing: A Perspective of Women At Senior Managment Level | This study focuses on the public education department. The selection of education department was because it is considered the model for rest all other departments. The second reason was that if GC in prevailing in this department its mean these are being translated into other departments too being the feeding departments in HR to all others. Second the important element for this study was to observe the finding in the sphere where all are very well educated and having the big stand of education and qualifications. This cluster of persons having the high level of education were taken in the observation because it can be standardized for the rest other was also the matter for consideration that these findings can be very fruitful in curriculum development and revision. It deems wise that this study should be used while developing the curriculum by the curriculum wing so that this trend should be inculcated by the curriculum wing and accreditation council. The finding of this research the dependent indicators have very highlighted relation with the dependent variable. The independent variable was GC for the working women and rest four independent variables were effect of individual factors, family factors, cultural factors and organizational factors. As per the results, individual factors, family related issues, cultural factors and organizational hurdles are the main reasons why women in Pakistan have less access to the growth possibilities than the counter gender. The literature have discussed the social and psychic connection of the two and also identified how efforts have been made or sabotaged in the past for the subject. This research concludes that the glass ceiling which is a headwind in the working women career growth has four main factors which play negative role. These prime four influences are individual factors, family factors, cultural factors and organizational factors. |
The Glass Celiing: A Perspective of Women At Senior Managment Level | This study focuses on the public education department. The selection of education department was because it is considered the model for rest all other departments. The second reason was that if GC in prevailing in this department its mean these are being translated into other departments too being the feeding departments in HR to all others. Second the important element for this study was to observe the finding in the sphere where all are very well educated and having the big stand of education and qualifications. This cluster of persons having the high level of education were taken in the observation because it can be standardized for the rest other was also the matter for consideration that these findings can be very fruitful in curriculum development and revision. It deems wise that this study should be used while developing the curriculum by the curriculum wing so that this trend should be inculcated by the curriculum wing and accreditation council. The finding of this research the dependent indicators have very highlighted relation with the dependent variable. The independent variable was GC for the working women and rest four independent variables were effect of individual factors, family factors, cultural factors and organizational factors. As per the results, individual factors, family related issues, cultural factors and organizational hurdles are the main reasons why women in Pakistan have less access to the growth possibilities than the counter gender. The literature have discussed the social and psychic connection of the two and also identified how efforts have been made or sabotaged in the past for the subject. This research concludes that the glass ceiling which is a headwind in the working women career growth has four main factors which play negative role. These prime four influences are individual factors, family factors, cultural factors and organizational factors. |
Bahawalpur State Dynastic Contribution in National Integration | The study is conducted to analyze and address history of Bahawalpur City and its surroundings that once constituted a major portion of economy in the ancient times. The study is conducted for that to generate the proper discuss on the contribution in national integration of Pakistan. That study will enhance the facts and figures of the Bahawalpur state which helps the development of Pakistan by his integration. The movements were for the independence of the Sub-continent and political occurrence in that movements, did highly impact the people of Bahawalpur but only as a point of information's collected then as some original local political activity. Objective behind conducting this study is to acquire an understanding of contribution of Bahawalpur State in progressing Pakistan. Nawab of Bahawalpur was very loyal with Pakistan and they showed their determination to makes Pakistan developed country. Through this study the role of Nawab will be enhanced and benefits discussing which Bahawalpur State gifted to Pakistan. The research would largely rely on historical technique of data collection using texts written by historians, and lastly contradictory statements, myths and realities would be brought in account to reach the more accurate results about the state of Bahawalpur and its high contribution in national integration for the newly created country Pakistan. Conclusively |
Bahawalpur State Dynastic Contribution in National Integration | The study is conducted to analyze and address history of Bahawalpur City and its surroundings that once constituted a major portion of economy in the ancient times. The study is conducted for that to generate the proper discuss on the contribution in national integration of Pakistan. That study will enhance the facts and figures of the Bahawalpur state which helps the development of Pakistan by his integration. The movements were for the independence of the Sub-continent and political occurrence in that movements, did highly impact the people of Bahawalpur but only as a point of information's collected then as some original local political activity. Objective behind conducting this study is to acquire an understanding of contribution of Bahawalpur State in progressing Pakistan. Nawab of Bahawalpur was very loyal with Pakistan and they showed their determination to makes Pakistan developed country. Through this study the role of Nawab will be enhanced and benefits discussing which Bahawalpur State gifted to Pakistan. The research would largely rely on historical technique of data collection using texts written by historians, and lastly contradictory statements, myths and realities would be brought in account to reach the more accurate results about the state of Bahawalpur and its high contribution in national integration for the newly created country Pakistan. Conclusively |
Role of Civil society organizaion and Political participation of Youth in Pakistan | ABSTRACT Pakistan has a significantly higher ratio of the younger population comprising of just over 60 per cent, however, these young voices are largely unrepresented in the political system thus a majority of them are excluded from policy development. The focus of this study is to analyze the role of civil society in promoting youth participation in the political process. The methodology of the study includes a review of the existing stock of literature on youth participation in politics and the role of CSOs in the promotion of youth participation in politics, followed by collecting and analyzing primary data from 200 university students aged 18-29, and interview from 10 members of CSOs working in Pakistan. Finding from both Survey and the interview shows that like other democratic countries, there is strong role and space available for CSOs to play in engagement of youth for political participation in Pakistan, but a limited number of CSOs are working specifically on political participation of youth. Most CSOs don’t work in this domain given its dependence on government rules and regulation and are not allowed to work on the political emancipation of youth that resultantly makes the government accountable to the people. Another reason is the CSOs lack financial independence and sustainability and their function as a watchdog and making the political leadership and governments accountable to the public is weak. Those CSOs engaged in promoting youth political participation do it by arranging workshops, seminars, social gathering, public talks and publishing its reports for the youth political empowerment in Pakistan. Thus the study concludes the role of CSOs in promoting and enhancing youth political participation in Pakistan is limited. |
China's Growing influence in Afghanistan: It's Impact on Post 2014 Pakistan | This research examines China’s growing influence in Afghanistan (post-2014) in the context of the Chinese government’s overall approach to Afghan peace and stability. The China growing influence in Afghanistan can be seen in three dynamics which are security, economic and geo-strategic and in the same area its impacts on Pakistan have also been explored. This study is based on mixed research approach mean Qualitative cum Quantitative. In the economic field it has been observed that the Chinese invested in Afghanistan more in the post 2014 as compare to pre-2014.In the security field the China diplomatic efforts can be seen in the form of treaties and agreements with Afghanistan under Ashraf Ghani’s Afghan Unity Government AUG. These efforts are to eradicate terrorism and extremism from Afghanistan as China herself is facing the same issue in its western region. The China vision in Geo-strategic field and its strategy and policy towards Afghanistan is analysed. These three tier policies of China in Afghanistan have certain impacts on Pakistan and these impacts are explored under BRI particular part which is CPEC Post 2014. The important regional player China has also reassessed its policy towards Afghanistan. The changing nature of economic interests in South Asia and Central Asia, China has also initiated collective rapprochement towards Afghanistan, being gateway in the region. Attaining peace and stability in Afghanistan is possible through political reconciliation, supporting mutual economic and security cooperation through regional connectivity of trade, route, rail link, investment, energy projects and common marketing within the region. Chinese adopted a strong economic policy of involving Afghanistan in BRI (TACT- Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and China Project) as well as formation of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) is a clear manifestation of the Chinese growing influence in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, China has also initiated plan of bringing Islamabad and Kabul on peace table and also connecting the two countries through the mega project of CPEC. It has also repercussion for smooth implementation of the ongoing process of peace and economic stability in the two countries |