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(عصرحاضرمیں امن پاکستان کے مسائل اور ان کاتدارک(سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ | The spread of peace was the main task of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The prophet (PBUH) publicly conveyed this message “Aslam Taslam” meaning accept Islam and live in peace.If we study the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then it will be concluded that there are many aspects of seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and among them one of the main aspect of the life of Prophet was “preacher of peace and brotherhood” because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s manner brought peace and brotherhood among the people. If today human being attains this fact, differences between nations, issue of racism, languages and a lot other will end. This will not only benefit the Muslim world but it can also lead to establishing great relationship of religious unity all over the world. The topic of peace in Pakistan is very common these days but it is difficult to discriminate between a peace activist and vanguard operation. Proper implementation of preaching of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is very much needed to save the society from today’s insurrection. He (PBUH) secured basic rights of humanity in the society in which he lived, whether the inhabitants were Muslims or not. He explicitly said “He who torments non-Muslims, torments Me. Accordingly, he who torments Me torments Allah.” If we follow Holy Prophet’s teachings there will be a positive change in an individual’s life and resulting in positive impact on over all humanity. Muslims should respect others and try to maintain peace and should follow the straight path. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent as nothing but mercy to all the mankind. If the bringer of a religion is nothing but mercy and in His brought Truth there is no compulsion then the impression that Islam promotes violence seems illogical. Thus, Islam in its true essence is nothing but peace. Peace means wide range of satisfaction and self-determination in man's individual, social, religious, moral and international life. Islam, that establishes peace at a national and international level, establish a wide range of independent institutions and get the influence of society in institutions that could be possible only by political power. Establishing peace in Pakistan by teaching new generation through educational institutions, impacting the minds by teaching spreading the teachings of Holy Prophet through print and electronic media, by publishing books of thought, continuing the integrity through research institutes, protecting their religion through mosques and madrasa’s, Acquisition of financial through industrial institutions. |
(نوجوانوں کے نفسیاتی مسائل کا جائزہ(قرآن سنت کی روشنی میں اس کا حل | Youth is the backbone of society. The youth’s strength ensures the integrity of whole society. The development of nations is in the hands of educated youth. The role of youth will be very important with the time changes. That is why every nation and every movement emphasizes the improvement of the youth. With the passage of the time as the requirements and demands of society increases, the youth are going on in social, economic and political issues. These issues leads to the psychological problems. That’s why a large number of youth suffering of mental illness. Psychological issues sometimes stress on the human mind that nobody has survived self-determination. The misuse of social media has caused youth to become depressed. Vulgarity, pornography are being promoted through modern technology. In fact, young people suffer from psychological of the most important reason behind all the psychological problems are that young generation forget the preaching’s of Islam. In this research work the psychological problems of youth like depression, anxiety, frustration, sleep disorder, personality disorder, bipolar and mood disorder has been described as well as discussed the Islamic and societal reasons behind the psychological problems in the youth. Islam is a complete code of life and has solution of all the problems either it is related to societal. This research work Identify the effects of psychological problems on youth's life like use of drugs, committed suicide. There are also many games on social media that attract youth due to which many youths committed suicide. This research work highlights such aspects by which modern technology can be used in a positive manner as well the challenges faced with psychological problems, and solution in the light of Quran and Sunnah. |
عصر حاضر میں غربت و افلاس کا خاتمہ اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں | The economy of a country is self-evident of its conditions. If the economy is tenacious and consolidated. The people will be prosperous. If the economy is debilitated, the society will be called an underdeveloped one because poverty and pauperism escalate anarchy and selfishness. The thesis under discussion presents an international analysis of poverty and furnishes Islamic measurements for its eradication. Besides this it also explains economic, moral and social effects on human lives that how poverty is extremely dangerous and injurious for social and economic lives of people. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself sought refuge from poverty and taught his people as well how to seek refuge from poverty. He said, “O God! Thy seek your refuge from poverty and infidelity.” This thesis presents analytical and narrative way of research. One of the most important reasons of poverty out of many is the wastage of resources. Instead of wasting if the resources are bequeathed to the needy then it will also help to eradicate poverty. The thesis presents not only an international scenario of poverty but also configures its effects on society. At the end it presents solutions for the eradication of poverty in the light of the teachings of Islam. If the eradication of poverty is inevitable from a society in a real sense than there is only one solution, “The Islamic Economic System should be implemented over there.” |
حرمات خوردونوش اور ان کے انسا نی زند گی پر اثرات | Prohibited Edibles and Their Effects on Human’s Life Islam has fixed some rules for disguising between the permitted and the prohibited. The religion comprises of guidance for Halal and Haram, may it be beliefs, issues, relations or foods. Their details have been stated. In these aspects the rules for the permitted and prohibited have been explained. In this article I explained these rules and limitations along with effects of prohibited edibles to aware the people about them. Here, in my research I have through my small endeavor and research has explained the prohibition of unlawful edibles and their negative impact on a human being. Physically, psychologically socially and economically, so that everyone would be aware of their consequences. The modern problems and instructions have also been explained with their use in medicinal aspects. Keeping in mind all these aspect, it is necessary for a human being to obtain from these things so that he can protect himself from such negative impact and adopt the path of balance. With the development in new time new problems have raised in this matter for which people need complete guidance. All the scholars are agree on the prohibition of unlawful edibles, but in the condition of anxiety in treatment from drug only the need should be fulfilled. In this article, the detailed explanation of the problems related to the sacred diet has been made. May Allah make this research a bounty of hereafter for me and for every person who has in devoted himself for this research anyway and enable everyone to seed guidance from it. My this small struggle along with some suggestions have been given which will give further strengthen and awareness to a Muslim and will clear the society psychologically and economically effects on human’s life more. I pray to Allah (SWT) to accept this humble effort of mine and make it Sadqa Jariyah for the readers. Aammen |
حرمات خوردونوش اور ان کے انسا نی زند گی پر اثرات | Prohibited Edibles and Their Effects on Human’s Life Islam has fixed some rules for disguising between the permitted and the prohibited. The religion comprises of guidance for Halal and Haram, may it be beliefs, issues, relations or foods. Their details have been stated. In these aspects the rules for the permitted and prohibited have been explained. In this article I explained these rules and limitations along with effects of prohibited edibles to aware the people about them. Here, in my research I have through my small endeavor and research has explained the prohibition of unlawful edibles and their negative impact on a human being. Physically, psychologically socially and economically, so that everyone would be aware of their consequences. The modern problems and instructions have also been explained with their use in medicinal aspects. Keeping in mind all these aspect, it is necessary for a human being to obtain from these things so that he can protect himself from such negative impact and adopt the path of balance. With the development in new time new problems have raised in this matter for which people need complete guidance. All the scholars are agree on the prohibition of unlawful edibles, but in the condition of anxiety in treatment from drug only the need should be fulfilled. In this article, the detailed explanation of the problems related to the sacred diet has been made. May Allah make this research a bounty of hereafter for me and for every person who has in devoted himself for this research anyway and enable everyone to seed guidance from it. My this small struggle along with some suggestions have been given which will give further strengthen and awareness to a Muslim and will clear the society psychologically and economically effects on human’s life more. I pray to Allah (SWT) to accept this humble effort of mine and make it Sadqa Jariyah for the readers. Aammen |
سلامی اور ہندو معاشرہ: موازنہ اور تنقیدی جائزہ | In the present Research, I seek to compare the social system of Islam with that of Hinduism. The study starts with the introduction of human society. In the first two chapters religion and its role in the construction of Human Society is discussed. The social system of Islam is discussed in 3rd chapter. The 4th chapter is specified for Hinduism, its beliefs, sacred books, teachings and social system. Beliefs, rituals, customs, manners and ceremonies of Islamic and Hindu Society are analyzed and compared in the 5th chapter. The last chapter concludes the whole work with suggestions. The leading principles of Islam, its basic values and the essential elements constitute the hard core of Islamic Society. While Hinduism is not the essential element of Hindu Society. There is clear influence of Greek, Roman, Aryan, etc., on Hinduism. The researcher has also tried to analyze the influence of Islam on Hinduism and its social system. Another significant aspect of the thesis is to analyze customs, manners, and ceremonies of both the societies. In Islamic society the beliefs system, rituals and social system are so interrelated that it cannot be treated in isolation. In Hinduism, there is no harmony among the beliefs, rituals, customs, manners and ceremonies. The present research looks into exploring the customs and manners which basically belong to Hindu Society but are also in practice in the Muslim Society of the Subcontinent. Various factors and reasons in this regard are also analyzed. |
شیخ احمد سرہندی اور شاہ ولی اللہ بحثیت مجدد تقابلی جائزہ | My Ph.D dissertation is a "Comparative Analysis of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi and Shah Waliullah as revivalists". Though much has been written on this topic yet the comparative analysis of both these personalities has never been done before inclusive way with special order. The objective of writing this thesis was to expose the services of the families of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi and Shah Waliullah for the cause of Islam. I have categorized my thesis into six chapters. The first chapter includes revivalism and its history. The second chapter is entitled as The Torch-Bearers of the movement of the revival of the Region. This chapter covers the life span of Sheik Ahmed Sarhandi and biography of Shah Waliullah. The third chapter presents the back-ground of the reformative achievements. The forth chapter covers the reformative and the revivalistic achievements. This chapter has further been distributed in three sections. This chapter vividly describes those revivalistic endeavors which made them Revivalists. The fifth chapter is about the spread and perfection of the revivalistic task. The first section comprises the revivalistic endeavors of the successors of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi whereas, the achievements of the successors of Shah Waliullah have been discussed in the second section. The sixth chapter presents in the comparative analysis of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi and Shah Waliullah as revivalists. In the beginning of the chapter, the meaning of comparative analysis, its beginning, significance and the rules and the regulations have been discussed. After that, the comparative analysis has been presented under different headings. In the last portion of the chapter, the allegations put against these personalities and their impacts have been described and it has been demonstrated who actually are revivalists and how their thought - provoking teachings can be helpful in today's age of turmoil. At the end of thesis, the out come of the research, suggestions, punctuation and references have been mentioned. |
وقف: اسلام اور مروجہ قوانین کے آئینے میں (ایک تقابلی جائزہ) | Waqf is an Arabic word, literally means detention, endowment and is "stop" that is, Stop from being treated as an ordinary property. It denotes tying up of the substance of a property in the ownership of the Wakif for some religious and pious purpose. After dedication the waqf property vests in God. Such dedication must be unconditional. Irrevocable, perpetual, uncontingent, inalienable and the right of ownership of the dedicator is extinguished. Waqf property also ceases to be heritable. The person making the waqf may be of any sex, of any age and may be made inter vivos or testamentary. In case of waqf inter-vivos, the entire estate may be settled for a waqf but when a testamentary waqf is created, the dedication up to the one-third of the estate of the founder. But if the waqf is made for a mosque, the waqf created for the entire property shall be void if the heir do not consent and if they consent, then it will be wholly valid. Islam gives its flowers, a complete law of waqf in which definition, history, subject of waqf essentials of waqf and other details such as possession acceptance, perpetuality and creation of waqf, waqf of mushaa, waqf AI-nnafs, waqf AI-Auolad, waqf on heir, Muslim and non-Muslims and concept of Mutawalli are introduced. These all terms of Islamic law of waqf are to be discussed in this thesis with reference to the following State made laws of waqf. 1. Mussalman waqf validating Act, 1913 2. Mussalman waqf validating Act, 1930 3. West Pakistan waqf Properties ordinance, 1959 4. West Pakistan waqf Properties (Administration) Rules, 1960 5. Mussalman waqf Act, 1923 6. Azad Jammu & Kashmir waqf properties ordinance, 1961 7. West Pakistan waqf properties ordinance 1961 8. West Pakistan waqf properties ordinance 1971 9. Auqaf (Federal Control) Act, 1976 10. Punjab Waqf properties ordinance 1979 11. Sindh Waqf properties ordinance 1979 12. N.W.F.P Waqf properties ordinance 1979 13. Baluchistan Waqf properties ordinance 1979 In this thesis important terms of Islamic waqf law and Government waqf laws are to be comparised. |
انسانی حقوق: اسلامی اور مغربی قوانین کے تناظر میں (حصہ اول) (حصہ دوم) | This thesis has been divided into six chapters. The first chapter deals with the literal and technical meaning of right (haqq), the concept of basic human rights and different kinds of rights (huquq). The second chapter throws light on the history of human rights, its start and evolution, in pre-Islamic time, during Islamic reign and their current state of affairs in the West, at the end of the chapter some theories concerning human rights have also been elaborated. The third chapter gives the details of individual and collective human rights in the light of the Quran and Sunna. Besides, the historical documents of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) have also been quoted. The chapter closes with the steps taken by the four rightly guided caliphs for the promotion of human rights. The fourth chapter is dedicated to women's rights both in Islam and the Western world; children's rights with their different types have also been mentioned. The fifth chapter is devoted to the following historic Western charters: Magna carta 1215, The Bill of Rights 1689, The Declaration of Independence of America 1776, The Bill of Rights 1791, Declaration of the Rights of man and of the citizen 1789 (France), Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. The sixth chapter focuses on the critical analysis of human rights in the Islamic and Western Laws, with a focus of the rights on women, Children, minorities and slaves; a comparative study of their charters has also been conducted. In the conclusion, benefits of this research, proposals and recommendations have been highlighted |
پاکستان میں اسلامی علوم اور عربی زبان کی ترویج و اشاعت اور قومی زندگی پر اس کی تاریخی، سیاسی، مذہبی اور معاشرتی اثرات | This dissertation is an analysis of the promotion and publication of Islamic Education and Arabic Language and its historical, political, religious and social effects in Pakistan It consists of five chapters. The first chapter gives a background of Islamic education in Pakistan by discussing one by one the introduction and popularity of Islamic education in the Sub-Continent. It also discusses the contribution of the Mughal Empire followed by the part played by women in popularizing and publishing the Islam education and art. This discussion goes down to the creation of Pakistan. Chapter second takes up syllabus, teaching, writings and Arabic language. Chapter three is significant in the sense that it explains in detail the dissertation title. Chapter four is a comparative analysis of religious and contemporary (modern) educational systems. This discussion reaches its conclusion with a note on the effects of educational system on national life. The last chapter is comparative study of the proposals about fields of specialization in religious and contemporary (modern) educational systems. This dissertation is likely be a significant contribution in bridging up the communication gap between two main streams of education in Pakistan - religious and modern. The research project would open up new avenues in further research about making religious education part and parcel of contemporary modern education. |
پہلی صدی ہجری میں خواتین کی دینی خدمات | The thesis is spread over six chapters wherein the religious services of women in the First Century Hijri have been discussed. It commences from the educational services of the women and then some light has been thrown over the religious services and then social inter-action has been narrated. Their struggle i.e jehad against infidels and virtues of excellent behaviour are also included in the essay. Besides, their religious endeavours have also been discussed in detail in the obeyance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Lastly the result of discussions, suggestions and re-commendations have been presented. |
سلسلہ چشتیہ میں بابا فرید الدین مسعود گنچ شکر کا مقام | In the under discussion thesis an effort has been mad to establish the position of Baba Farid Ganj-E-Shakkar (RA) in the Chishti Silsilah. He by his teaching and strong character greatly inspired thousands of people who ultimately embraced Islam. Later on the same Muslim majority became one of the reasons for the creation of Pakistan. Fortunately, out of the five great personalities of Chishti Silsilah, Baba Farid (RA) is buried in Pakistan at Pakpatan. He is still a great source of inspiration for millions of the Muslims even today. Not only the Muslims but also the non-muslims greatly admire and respect him. The Sikhs consider him their Guru. The under discussion thesis is based on three parts according to its topic. The first two parts one of the prime importance as they will help to establish the position of great saint of the subcontinent. The first part includes two chapters and four sub-chapters. In this part the introduction of the Chishti Silsilah, the arrival of Chisti saints in the subcontinent, and the brief analysis on their life history. In the second part the life history of Baba Farid has been discussed in detail. An effort has been made to bring out the actual facts by analyzing the controversial aspects in the light of the authentic information. The third part is directly related to the topic of the thesis. It has seven chapter, in which it has been tried to establish the position of Baba Farid (RA) in the Chishti Silsilah. The research is based on the facts gathered from the life history of Baba Farid (RA). In the end a summary of the whole discussion and its conclusion has been given. |
شاہ ولی اللھ کی فقہی، معاشرتی اور تصوفانہ افکار: تحقیقی جائزہ | This research project encompasses the entire aspects of Shah Waliullah's thoughts in the domain of Islamic Jurisprudence (FIQHA), Social and Mysticism in a very logical and analytical approach, highlighting their utility in developing of a progressive and harmonious society. The research work has been developed systematically and chronologically in five chapters. Chapter-I discusses the complete biography of Shah Waliullah's with his academic and linguistic career and his pioneering role in renaissances of Islam in the sub continent. In Chapter-II the focus is made on contemporary position and status of Politics, socio-economic and Mysticism of the era of Shah Waliullah of 18th century as a revolutionary changed of period. It was a time of adversaries and general decline of national level. Chapter-III elaborates with detail of the Islamic Jurisprudence (FIQHA) and prominent sources of Islam i.e. QURAN, SUNNAH, IJMA, QIAS and other authentic sources of Sharia. The legal and constitutional uses of these sources have also been highlighted for the well being of the progressive society. Chapter-IV is purely related with the philosophical and developmental stages of the field of socials evaluation in the vision of Shah Waliullah. It has also been concluded that how to provide smooth and social justice to members of various community and nations. Moreover the complete political management system have also been diagnosed. In Chapter-V focus has been made on two different theories of existence i.e. VVAHDAT-UL-VVUJOOD (unity of existence of IBN-ARABI) and (WAHADAT-UL-SHUJOOD (unity of manifestation) which was put forward by Ahmad-Sirhindi. In the back drop of these two doctrines Shah Waliullah's specific theory in this regard introduced. In this chapter irregularities and adversaries in the society have also been discussed and the remedial measures for their satisfaction have been suggested in the field of Sufisim. Moreover, the significance and influences of inner human spiritual power has been explored and considered extremely helpful on satisfying the members of the Muslim society. So, the present comprehensive research reflects the past Islamic cultural heritage as well as the vision for the future. As an eminent scholar Shah Waliullah's thought study resulted in his distinguishness bridging so many gaps and help in solving much of the persisting confusion in relevant disciplines viz Islamic Fiqha, Socials and Mysticsm |
قوموں کے عروج و زوال کے اسباب قرآن مجید کے تناظر میں | This is a research-based effort, an attempt to illuminate heart with the light of Qur'anic knowledge and to enable human mind to have a clearer vision of the matter in this divine light. Worthwhile research already exists on this topic but I ventured to write with the faith that those who have quest for knowledge can get satisfactory answer for all the questions emerging in their minds. The writer explored the word "Nation" and explained the meanings of "rise and fall" after that the ummahs of all the prophets termed as nations with ages when human society got organized have been discussed. The nations whose rise and fall have been discussed in Holy Quran either in detail or briefly become main stay of this thesis. It begins with the rise and fall of Hazrat Idrees's (A.S) nation as his period is regarded as the beginning of organized human society. This nation started its march in the sagacious leadership of Hazrat Idrees (A.S). this nation never suffered degradation as it remained obedient to the prophet and his commandments: Besides Holy Qur'an, Hadith has also been consulted as saying of the Holy Prophet an explanatory to Holy Qur'an. In this way all the prophets down to Hazrat Ismail (A.S) have been discussed. From Hazrat Ishaq's (A.S) prophethood, leadership and kingship were vested in his posterity. Their separate accounts make the work bulky. So after Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) all the nations have been combined under the name of Israelites to study the causes of their rise and fall. Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) has been blended as father of Israelites. All the prophets till Hazrat Isa (A.S) belong to Israelites so they have been combined for the sake of discussion. After that the most remarkable nation belongs to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). So the causes of rise and fall of Mulsim nation have been combined. If we study carefully, the mention of rise and fall of others is only as a warning to the ummah of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) so that they may continue their upward journey. In the last chapter, comparative study of causes of rise and fall between western thinkers and those given by Holy Qur'an is given: this comparative study includes three thinkers: - The book of Dr. Micheal The rise and fall of nations; how Christians interpret History. - Edward Gibbon's book Decline and fall of Roman Empire. - A Study of History by Toynbee. The crux of these three books is compared with the Qur'anic perspective of this topic. A lot of stuff is available on this topic. |