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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
Factors Affecting the Use of Language Learning Strategies of University Students Learning Chinese Language in Pakistan |
A comparative study of the position of the object in the sentences of Modern Chinese, Urdu and English languages |
Social Realism and Critique: Comparison of short stories by Lu Xun and Ghulam Abbas | In recent years, with the increasing influence of China towards the international phenomenon and the gradual advancement in the international constructive strategies under the “Belt and Route” cooperation initiatives in Pakistan, increasing the wish of the masses to understand comparative literary and social realities of both nations. For the present study, the researcher (I) selected short stories of two contemporary writers; Lu Xun and Ghulam Abbas whose eras are same and their literary works almost started at the same time period. Moreover, they both struggled for social betterment and its uprising. As a bilingual learner, the author combines the exploratory experience of comparative literature. Lu Xun is considered as a founder and originator of modern Chinese literature. Through his writings, he strived to change the spiritual dimensions of his nation and enlightened a new innovative hope in the mind of people. At the same time (before partition), Pakistan remained under British colonial power, for which we see its glimpse in the Urdu literature. Many literary movements and writers played their roles for social betterment in different ways. Ghulam Abbas like his counterpart Lu Xun, is not a revolutionary writer. He just addressed the society and man in his short stories. He strives for the social betterment and discusses social issues in his writings smoothly and rhythmically. He made “double standard and hypocrisy of society” topic for his short stories. The selected short stories of both the writers revolve around society and social phenomenon. A specific social phenomenon is focused in each short story of both the writers. Under the prevalent regional bilateral cooperation made it more necessary to promote understanding of mutual comparative literature for further enhancement into the people to people contact of both nations. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter includes introduction, background of the research explaining the significance and importance of the research, research objectives, research ideas and the framework of the thesis. The second chapter includes brief introduction of the research work already done on the works of both the writers in descriptive style i.e review of the literature. The third chapter includes brief introduction of both the contemporary writers by giving a thematic connection of their writings, investigation and general literary analysis of selected short stories of the writers under the basic literary elements (setting, characterization, plot and structure, narrative point of view, conflict, climax, theme and the writing style of the authors) on which short stories of two writers are literary analyzed. The fourth chapter carried out thematic comparison in descriptive style under societal perspective that how the writers’ works influenced the society socially,politically, economically and morally. And does the story’s character still exist in this modern society, and, moreover does the society take the same influence from the short stories still or not? The fifth chapter includes summarizing the entire research study, put forward the innovative thoughts in the research and the future prospects for future researcher to research from innovative angles. And in the end references and bibliography is included in the research thesis. |
Problems faced by Chinese students in learning Urdu Script; Case study at Urdu department of International Islamic university Islamabad and National University of Modern Languages | Recently global diversity of culture is on the peak and cultural emergence between Pakistan and china due to CPEC Road and Belt Initiative also enhance the importance of language learner along with other factors. With the increasing strength of students to learn Urdu and Chinese languages in academia, researchers are trying to find out the basic problems of learning language script faced by the students. The background of this research is that researcher is a Chinese language teacher and she has had day to day interaction with Chinese students who are learning Urdu Language, they often have problems in learning Urdu script. The purpose of this research is to identify the problems faced by Chinese students in Urdu script and how to overcome this problem. Researcher selects five students each from International Islamic and National University of Modern Language as a case study group and also uses Interview & observation methods for data collection. Researcher also conducts a group interview with the Urdu department teachers of both universities for their valuable teaching inputs to overcome this problem of Urdu script. Key words: Chinese students; Case study; Urdu Script; National University of Modern Languages; International Islamic University Islamabad |
Re-designing the curriculum and instructional material of Chinese history for Pakistani students NUML |
The Investigation and Solution Strategies on Difficulties in Learning Chinese Characters for Pakistani Students at Elementary Level "巴基斯坦初级汉语水平学生汉字学习难点调查及解决策略" | This thesis aims to investigate the challenges faced by Pakistani students at the elementary level when learning Chinese characters and propose effective strategies to overcome these difficulties. The study seeks to contribute to the field of language education by identifying specific obstacles that hinder the learning process and providing practical solutions for teachers and students. Through a comprehensive literature review, existing studies and theories related to language learning difficulties, with a focus on Chinese characters, were examined. The research methodology involved surveys and interviews to collect data from Pakistani elementary students learning Chinese characters. The findings of the investigation reveal several key difficulties encountered by Pakistani students when learning Chinese characters, including differences in linguistic structures, unfamiliarity with Chinese cultural contexts, complex stroke order and a lack of appropriate learning materials. Additionally, students struggle with memorizing and retaining a large number of characters due to their unique nature. Based on the research findings a set of solution strategies is proposed. These strategies include the development of tailored instructional materials, the incorporation of mnemonic techniques the implementation of interactive learning methods and the utilization of technology-based resources. Furthermore, cultural immersion and collaboration with native Chinese speakers are emphasized to enhance students' language acquisition and understanding. The outcomes of this research are expected to benefit educators, curriculum developers and policy makers involved in Chinese language education in Pakistan. The proposed strategies aim to facilitate effective teaching and learning of Chinese characters, leading to improved language proficiency and intercultural competence among Pakistani students. This thesis provides an in-depth investigation into the difficulties faced by Pakistani students at the elementary level when learning Chinese characters. It offers valuable insights into the specific challenges and proposes practical solution strategies to enhance the learning process. The research contributes to the advancement of language education and promotes cultural exchange between Pakistan and China. |
Analysis and Solutions of Difficulties faced by Pakistani Students in the Reading Part of New HSK-5 ”《巴基斯坦学生在新HSK-5 阅读部分的难点分析及学习策略》 | The HSK-5 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Level 5) test is a widely recognized and standardized examination for Chinese language proficiency, and it serves as an important benchmark for non-native speakers aiming to study, work, or live in China. This thesis aims to investigate the specific challenges faced by Pakistani students in the reading section of the HSK-5 test and proposes effective learning strategies and solutions to enhance their performance. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative analysis of test scores and qualitative interviews with Pakistani students who have attempted the HSK-5 test. The findings reveal that Pakistani students encounter difficulties in various areas, including vocabulary comprehension, understanding complex sentence structures, and cultural context comprehension. To address these difficulties, this study presents a range of strategies and solutions. These include the development of tailored language materials that cater to the specific needs of Pakistani learners, leveraging technology for interactive learning, promoting intensive reading practice, and incorporating cultural immersion experiences. Additionally, the thesis explores the role of language educators in guiding students effectively and highlights the importance of collaborative learning environments. The results of this research have implications not only for Pakistani students but also for educators, test developers, and policymakers interested in enhancing the effectiveness of Chinese language learning. The thesis contributes to the broader discourse on language acquisition and provides practical recommendations for overcoming challenges faced by Pakistani students in the HSK-5 reading section, ultimately improving their proficiency in the Chinese language and fostering greater cultural exchange and understanding. Keywords: HSK-5, Pakistani students, reading challenges, Learning strategies, Cross-cultural adaptation HSK5(汉语水平考试五级)考试是一个广泛认可和标准化的汉语水平考试,对于希望在中国学习、工作或生活的非母语人士来说,它是一个重要的基准。本论文旨在研究巴基斯坦学生在HSK-5考试阅读部分面临的具体挑战,并提出有效的学习策略和解决方案,以提高他们的表现。 该研究采用了综合方法,结合了对考试成绩的定量分析和对已经尝试过HSK-5考试的巴基斯坦学生的定性访谈。研究结果显示,巴基斯坦学生在各个方面都遇到了困难,包括词汇理解、理解复杂句子结构和文化背景理解。 为了解决这些困难,本研究提出了一系列策略和解决方案。这些包括制定适合巴基斯坦学习者特定需求的定制语言教材,利用技术进行互动式学习,促进密集的阅读练习,融入文化融入体验。此外,本论文探讨了语言教育者在有效指导学生方面的角色,强调了协作学习环境的重要性。 这项研究的结果不仅对巴基斯坦学生有影响,还对有兴趣提高汉语学习效果的教育工作者、考试开发者和政策制定者有影响。本论文为更广泛的语言习得讨论做出了贡献,并提供了克服巴基斯坦学生在HSK-5阅读部分面临的挑战的实际建议,最终提高他们的汉语水平,促进更大的文化交流与理解。 关键词: HSK-5,巴基斯坦学生,阅读挑战,学习策略,跨文化适应 |