پاکستانی اردو ناول میں پنجابی لفظیات کے استعمال کا مطالعہ :فنی اور ثقافتی تناظر میں(1947تا 2015)
Use of Punjabi Code in Urdu Novel: An Analytical Study in
Technical and Cultural Context (1947 to 2015)
Urdu novel, in its tradition of more than a century, have gone through various
stylistic changes. Use of language is one of these aspects which has two further
contexts: one is technical and other is cultural. Technical aspect may be
explained as use of language in accordance with the nature and environment of
locale and characters of the novel and mainly appears in the names of
characters, places, things and most importantly in dialogues. Cultural aspect
focuses on the cultural and linguistic background of the fiction writer and
mostly exhibited in narration of novel which has various conscious and sub-
conscious reasons. After conducting literature review and background study
including prominent novels, the study is focused on four main novelists of
Urdu including Ghulam us Saqlain Naqvi (Mera Gaon), Syed Shabbir Hussain
(Jhoke Sial), Mustansar Hussain Tarar (Raakh, Khas o Khashak Zamanay) and
Shoukat Siddiqui (Jangloos). The study is conducted using mix method of
research mainly including historical research. Comparison and stylistic analysis
in linguistic and cultural context is also used as part of research methodology.
Findings are presented in narration in concluding chapter as well as in
tabulated form as annexures. The study reveals interesting as well as
significant differences of use of Punjabi words and phrases by ‘Punjabi
Speaking’ writers and ‘Urdu Speaking’ writers in their Urdu novels. Some
recommendations for further study are also included at the end.
ادب اور سماجی نفسیات:خیبرپختونخواہ کے منتخب معاصر اردو افسانے میں خوف اور دہشت کی عکاسی
The title of my Research, Thesis for my M.Phil. Urdu is “Literature
and Social Psychology: Depiction of Fear and Terror in the
Contemporary selected Urdu Short Story of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”
Study of history tells us that man has been fighting with fear since the
beginning of time. Sometimes fear of darkness, sometimes fear of water,
sometimes fear of gods and sometimes fear of self. Terrorism has scared
people in the present age. This research paper examines the effects of fear
caused by terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Three Urdu fiction writers from
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been selected for this research, including Jameel
Kachu Khel, Yusuf Aziz Zahid and Hamza Hasan Sheikh. These three fiction
writers closely observed the changing social demography of this region and
described the problems of this region in their fictions. Analytical study of
these myths reveals that the people of this region are suffering from various
socio-psychological problems due to terrorism. Due to terrorism, the people
of this region are facing psychological problems like loneliness, depression,
fear, terror, despair and fear. Apart from this, the socio-political conditions of
this region also had a profound impact on the literature here. Terrorism and
war created new themes in the literature of this region. Which include topics
of murder, suicide bombing, target killing, kidnapping, violence and
isolation. In this research paper, a review of the literature of this region is also
The literature of this region has been examined in the context of
various social and political conditions and trends in them have been noted.
The major change in the literature of this region is the change in its themes.
Apart from this, the social and economic problems of this region have also
been reviewed in this research paper. Social problems include hate, theft,
ignorance, drugs, violence and homelessness, while economic problems such
as unemployment, homelessness, lack of food are imposed on this region. At
the end of this research paper, there is a summary review, in which the
researcher presents his findings by presenting all the arguments and evidence.
In the light of which aspects of further research on the problems of this region
have come out.
پاکستانی اردو ناول کے تناظر میں انسانی استحصال کا تنقیدی مطالعہ(2000تا 2018)
"Novel" is a literary genre that mirrors the sensibilities and idiosyncrasies
of the times it is written in. This unique form of literature arrived in the Indian
Sub- Continent in the nineteenth century when the region was fighting the War
of Independence (1857). The Urdu writers adopted this medium to depict the
unjust racialism and bigotry of the British rulers and the resultant suffering, both
mental and physical, of the people of the Sub- Continent. After the creation of
Pakistan, that suffering, unfortunately, could not be addressed properly and it
took the form of sycophancy, hypocrisy and self- aggrandizement. Therefore,
the old story of the exploitation of man remained the same.
The real task of a writer is to objectively analyze the social truths and to
make them palatable to the readers by using his imagination and writing
prowess. The true writers have always raised their voice against the conflicts,
the turmoil’s and the dehumanizing forces prevalent in their respective ages.
The violation of human rights and the race to surpass others in wealth and
material possessions have culminated in many existential crises making them
the apt themes of the novel. A careful inspection reveals that the human
exploitation has always sparked the imagination of the Urdu novelists especially
the ones who wrote in early twenty- first century i.e. 2000-2018. The research
was conducted regarding their individual perspectives on social and financial
abuse leading to man's intellectual manipulation. The study was carried out on
how the advancement in science and progress caused unfathomable
exploitation and misery of man and how his enhanced mental facilities
destroyed his emotions. The Pakistani Urdu novel encompasses these themes
effectively. Hence, the topic of the study becomes vitally important.
The proposition is basically divided to five chapters for efficient
(In thesis, repetition of names of novels will be seen at various places to
explain three basic forms of exploitation.)
The primary chapter is related to the fundamental concepts and
discourses of abuse as well as the depiction of human misuse within the novel.
The momentary chapter portrays the social and political misuse. An endeavor
has been made to show the mental abuse of man in the setting of the
developing issues of cutting-edge times. Whereas fifth chapter comprises of all
the evaluations done in previous chapters.
منتخب پاکستانی اردو ناولوں میں ثقافتی بحران:تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ
Title:Cultural Crisis in selected Pakistani Urdu Novels: Research and
Critical Review
Covering the entire society,the novel draws the readerʼs attention
to the problems that the society is facing.The development and decline of
society has a direct or indirect effect on literature as well as the novelists
have mentioned the challenger in the society in a very good
way.Social,economic,psychological and spiritual aspects have been
reflected.In selected Pakistani urdu novels,the culture crisis has been
critically and researched and such aspects have been brought forward
from which the effects of modern civilization can be seen in our
culture.The importance of topic also increases from the fact that every
person has attachment to his predecessors and he is inclined towards
innovation by getting rid of their things.Dicussing the styles and themes
of different novels in the thesis.The cultural crisis has been presented.In
the first chapter,introducing the subject,the basic discussions have been
covered,in which the basic discussions and concepts of culture and crisis
have been discussed.
Chapter two describe the traces of modern civilization on Pakistani
society,how modern civilization has affected our values.western influence
on our culture is becoming more prominent due to which our values are
deteriorating.Its influence has been clarified by the study of our rural and
urban life.In the third chapter,the communication,industry,commercialism
and consumerism are described through the various characters in the
novels,reflecting the economic aspects of the cultural crisis in Pakistani
urdu novels.Chapter four discusses other aspects of cultural crisis in
Pakistani urdu novels including politics,education,migration and religion.
Chapter five contains overall assessment,conclusions and
recommendations.This chapter summarizes the first four chapters.An
attempt has been made to warp it up.After that,the conclusions have been
drawn,while at the end some recommendation have also been made.
اردو تراجم کے فروغ میں سہ ماہی مجلہ"ادبیات"کا کردار(پاکستانی زبانوں کے ادب کے تراجم کے حوالے سے)
The role Three Monthly journal “Adbiyaat” in the promotion of Urdu translation.
Translation is a source of binding not only of nations and languages but
also of civilization. It promotes innovative themes, styles and taste
practised by the other languages and cultures to the target language and
culture to enrich its resources and brings a new tide of thought. Pakistan
is a multilingual country where multiple languages are spoken. The
translation decades the internal development of the people's nature and
their spontaneous expressions in oracy and literacy and points out the
mental co-ordination amongst different languages. It creates an
atmosphere of understanding which in turns paves the way for
fraternity, unity and harmony across Pakistan.
The three monthly journal “Adbiyaat” was introduced in June 1985 in
Pakistan to promote Urdu and translation of diverse Pakistani languages.
It is the first journal of Pakistan which gives much importance to inter
languages translation in Pakistan. The basic objective of my research is
to focus the services rendered by three monthly journal of Academy of
Letters Adbiyaat in the promotion of translation among different
Pakistani languages and literature.
It is observed that the role of journals is very important but now attempt
made in the translation of different Pakistani Languages. In this research,
I try to study the prose and poetry of “Adbiyaat” of Pakistani Languages
and made conclusion. The objectives in this research are the information
about the translation of Pakistani Languages of “Adbiyaat”. My Whole
research base on the role of “Adbiyaat” in the promotion of different
Pakistani Languages and importance of this Translation. Translation has
a great impact on society. Translations of “Adbiyaat” create brother-
hood, fraternity and unity among the people of Pakistan. People become
closer to each other because of these translations. These translations
promote the literature of Urdu and the literature of other Pakistani
languages too.
Methods used in this research were Documentary method and Historical
method. Primary sources of materials were all the issues of Adbiyaat
particularly the issues which belonged to the literature of Pakistani
languages. Secondary sources of knowledge of this research were all the
journals and the books which belong to The Academy of Letters and
different research books too. Interviews of different personalities of
Adbiyaat and other famous writers were taken to know the quality of
this research. The basic knowledge in this research is gain from all the
issues of “Adbiyaat”. The sources of background knowledge in this
research are “The thesis Of Sadia Iftihar about The Acadmey Of Letters”
and all the poetry and prose of “Adbiyaat” about different Pakistani
Languages. In this era, the role of translation is very important. Different
journals are trying to promote Urdu language and literature. Some
journals are contributing in the translation of different Pakistani
languages. Three Monthly “Adbiyaat” done a great achievement in the
promotion of translation of different Pakistani Languages.
تجزیہ ادب کے جدید تناظرات:معاصر اردو ترقی پسند شاعری کا مابعد نوآبادیاتی مطالعہ
Modern perspectives of Literature Analysis: A Post-colonial study of
contemporary Urdu progressive poetry
With the advent of human existence, the concept of ruler and subjugated
emerged. From the time of the Cave to the present 21st century , the concept of
master and slave has not been eradicated, but with the passage of time , this concept
has matured. Post –colonialism is a form of critique that studies the cultural
relations between the colonialist and the colonized. Because the cultural relation
between the two are established under the colonial system. In the system , the
colonizers has a monopoly at every level. As a result , new cultural , intellectual and
literary styles are created in the colonies.
The purpose of the study is to bring to light the distinctions of contemporary
Urdu progressive poetry. It also include an analysis of post colonial trends in
contemporary Urdu progressive poetry.
To know in what form progressive poetry has adapted to the
contemporary landscape of Urdu poetry and whether it has maintained its traditions
or has withdrawn from it. How demographics left their mark on contemporary Urdu
This dissertation has been completed by using qualitative research
method. In which the basic ideas are introduced along with the early thinkers of the
post-colonial period. Literature for life as well as literature and globalization were
examined. The political and social effect of post-colonialism on contemporary
poetry as well as the artistic and stylistic features of contemporary poetry while
adopting descriptive method were also mentioned. In this regard Colonialism and
progressivism have been chosen as theoretical frame work.
As time went on, the priorities of the poets began to change and this
had an effect on their progressive thinking. Most contemporary poets are still
associated with progressive thought, while a few poets have given secondary status
to progressive thought.
Contemporary progressive poetry must also be addressed in the
context of modern 21st century intellectual discourse. So that not only the effect of
post-colonialism but also the effects of other intellectual discourses can be
Terrorism as a Theme in Pakistani Urdu Fiction
Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentional violence for
political or religious purposes. It is used in this regard primarily to refer
to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-
combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personals). The terms
"terrorist" and "terrorism" originated during the French Revolution of the
late 18th century. The increased use of suicide attacks from the 1980s
onwards was typified by the September 11 in New York City and
Washington, D.C in 2001. Terrorism is often construed as a well-thought-
out, extreme form of violence to perceived injustices. The after effects of
terrorism are usually reported without understanding the underlying
psychological and social determinants of the terrorist act. Since ‘9/11’
Pakistan has been at the epicentre of both terrorism and the war against it.
Pakistan has suffered particularly excessively from the social, economic
and human costs due to terrorism. It is portrayed as being on the front line
in the international war against terrorism and at the same time has been
wrongly labelled as a sponsor of international terrorism. Terrorism in
Pakistan is a multidimensional phenomenon and, among many
precipitating factors, the psychosocial factors play an important role.
Pakistan's social landscape has for the most part been plagued with
illiteracy, disease, insecurity and injustice. Since the 9/11 incident,
Pakistan has been intricately linked with the many facets of the ‘war on
terrorism.’ Some argue that Pakistan is a breeding ground for terrorist
outfits, but it is certain that all of this havoc has resulted in the significant
loss of innocent lives as well as loss of economic revenue. These fragile
conditions provide a fertile ground for terrorism to grow. The unmanned
army drone strikes killed and maimed thousands of innocent civilians in
poor and difficult to access regions of Pakistan. This infuriated people,
leading them to take up arms against the perceived aggressors. This
triggering of the relatives of the deceased to engage in such activity is the
culture of revenge in Pakistan, which unfortunately can last for
generations. Self-sacrifice and martyrdom has been explicitly used in
almost all religions and is aggressively exploited by terrorist outfits who
groom suicide bombers using the ideology of Islamist martyrdom. Such
tragic incidents had a profound effect not only on world literature but also
on Urdu literature. Urdu fiction writers have made terrorism the subject
of their fiction. Many fiction writers created excellent literature,
especially on the 9/11 tragedy. This thesis discusses terrorism as a topic
Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentional violence for
political or religious purposes. It is used in this regard primarily to refer
to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-
combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personals). The terms
"terrorist" and "terrorism" originated during the French Revolution of the
late 18th century. The increased use of suicide attacks from the 1980s
onwards was typified by the September 11 in New York City and
Washington, D.C in 2001. Terrorism is often construed as a well-thought-
out, extreme form of violence to perceived injustices. The after effects of
terrorism are usually reported without understanding the underlying
psychological and social determinants of the terrorist act. Since ‘9/11’
Pakistan has been at the epicentre of both terrorism and the war against it.
Pakistan has suffered particularly excessively from the social, economic
and human costs due to terrorism. It is portrayed as being on the front line
in the international war against terrorism and at the same time has been
wrongly labelled as a sponsor of international terrorism. Terrorism in
Pakistan is a multidimensional phenomenon and, among many
precipitating factors, the psychosocial factors play an important role.
Pakistan's social landscape has for the most part been plagued with
illiteracy, disease, insecurity and injustice. Since the 9/11 incident,
Pakistan has been intricately linked with the many facets of the ‘war on
terrorism.’ Some argue that Pakistan is a breeding ground for terrorist
outfits, but it is certain that all of this havoc has resulted in the significant
loss of innocent lives as well as loss of economic revenue. These fragile
conditions provide a fertile ground for terrorism to grow. The unmanned
army drone strikes killed and maimed thousands of innocent civilians in
poor and difficult to access regions of Pakistan. This infuriated people,
leading them to take up arms against the perceived aggressors. This
triggering of the relatives of the deceased to engage in such activity is the
culture of revenge in Pakistan, which unfortunately can last for
generations. Self-sacrifice and martyrdom has been explicitly used in
almost all religions and is aggressively exploited by terrorist outfits who
groom suicide bombers using the ideology of Islamist martyrdom. Such
tragic incidents had a profound effect not only on world literature but also
on Urdu literature. Urdu fiction writers have made terrorism the subject
of their fiction. Many fiction writers created excellent literature,
especially on the 9/11 tragedy. This thesis discusses terrorism as a topic
in Pakistani fiction.
اردوادب اور مابعد نوآبادیات:منتخب اردو مترجمہ ناولوں کا مابعد نوآبادیاتی تناظر میں تحقیقی جائزہ
Title: “A Research Review on Selected Urdu Translated Novels in a
Postcolonial Context”
Many countries of the world were under the influence of colonialism.
These include the subcontinent, Arab Countries, Africa, Egypt, etc.
Postcolonialism is the study of the situation after the end of colonization from
any region. While the colonists subject the colony to economic and economic
exploitation, they also cause psychological exploitation of the culture and
people of the region, and this effect lasts for a long time. In post-colonialism,
these effects are studied both externally and internally. Homi K Bhabha has a
unique position and identity in English literature and criticism with regard to
post-colonial concepts. His identity and uniqueness in literature and criticism
are the post-colonial concepts he developed, which he explained in his work
The Location of Culture, published in 1994. He has added a new chapter to
literature and criticism by coining new terms such as Mimicry, Hybridity,
Cultural Difference, and Ambivalence.
In this research, three selected Urdu Translated novels "Twilight in
Delhi", "Gora", and "Jhoota Sach" have been studied in the light of Homi K
Bhabha ‘s concepts. Ahmed Ali’s novel portrays the old culture of Delhi at the
time of Muslim rule. It has symbolic elements which can be studied in the
light of Postcolonial studies. Nove “Gora” highlights the issues of identity of a
colonial man. Same way the novel “Jhoota Sach” presents the events of
divisions in the light of colonialism.