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مذاہب اربعہ کی معاصر منتخب کتب تفسیر میں عقوبات سے متعلقہ مباحث (تجزیاتی و تقابلی مطالعہ) There is no society in the world where people do not commit crimes. If various crimes are committed, then punishment is fixed to curtail them. The purpose of punishment is to save the society from friction and moral degeneration, and to set it on the right path for reformation and development.The fuqaha have described three types of Islamic punishments: Hudood, Qisas, and Taazeerat. The punishment fixed by the Shariah, if related to the rights of Allah (Huqooq Allah), are known as Hudood according to the Hanfi point of view, and if related to the rights of people (Huqooq-ul- Ibaad) then called Qisas; On the contrary to Hanfi point of view, there is no difference between Hudood and Qisas keeping in view the Huqooq Allah & Huqooqul-Ibad according to three schools of thought (Mazahib-e-salasa). For them, According to the all schools of thought, if there is no punishment fixed for any crime rather determined by the ruler of state, then it is termed as Tazeer. According to the four schools of thought, there are differences of opinion regarding Islamic punishments and they prove their own contentions based on Quran and Sunnah. In all periods of Islamic history, The Mufassireen have been presented their own interpretations of Quranic verses regarding Aqoobaat. In contemporary period, Allama Muhammad Jamaluddin Qasimi (1914), Allama Abdul Rehman bin Nasir (1956), Allama Muhammad Amin Shanqiti (1974) and Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi (2016) are considered as the representatives of Four Schools of thought. The valuable opinions regarding the Aqoobaat have been presented in their Tafasirs; Mahasin-alAtaweel, Tafseer-al-ssadi, Tafseer Adwa-ul-Bayan and Tibian al-Qur'an. The present study projects the analytical and comparative thesis regarding Aqoobaat in the light of these four Tafaseer to comprehend the differences and similarities found in them. The study is highly significant as it will make the believers inclined towards the will of Allah and His Messenger and furthermore it will revolutionize the society by refining and reforming its followers. Key words: Qisas. Islamic jurists. Equality. Co-existence. Punishments.
مزدوركے حقوق وفرائض :فقہ اسلامی اورپاكستانی آئين وقانون كی روشنی ميں(تجزياتی وتقابلی مطالعہ) The rights and duties of laborers in the light of Islamic jurisprudence and Pakistani constitutional law (An Analytical & Comparative Study) Employees and the laborers are the most important part of civil society who play basic role in the developing of country by working hard through enthusiasm, perseverance and attentiveness to fulfill their basic requirements of daily life as well as to uplift any organization, company or a factory and to serve the country and the nation. Islam has given prominence to the labors .The Prophet ( )صلى الله عليه وسلمinstructed to pay his wages before the sweat dried.Your slaves are your brethren upon whom Allah has given you authority. So, if one has one's brethren under one's control, one should feed them with the like of what one eats and clothe them with the like of what one wears. You should not overburden them with what they cannot bear, and if you do so, help them (in their hard job)The position and status that Islam has given to the workers and laborers has not been given to any other ideology in the world. This research is an attempt in this context to find out what are the rights and duties of the workers in Islamic jurisprudence and the constitution of Pakistan. This research is also important in that there are 280 articles in the constitution of Pakistan; first 40 articles are related to the rights of the public and 4 articles out of these 40 articles are particularly related to the rights of laborers. Many labor policies have been made in different eras in the country to define the rights of the laborers. The labour policeis of 1955,1959, 1969, 1972, 2002,2010 are important. In this research work, the labour policies are discussed according to Islamic point of view and compared with the rights mentioned in Pakistani constitution. These labor policies will provide awareness and guidelines to administrative, legal advisor and legal proceedings for the promotion of social and economic justice for the welfare of labor and employees.This research consists of four chapters.The first chapter deals with the concept of labor and wages in Islam. In the second chapter, the rights and duties of the laborer in the light of in Islamic jurisprudence have explained. Chapter three is an attempt to compare these rights and duties with the Pakistani constitution and law. While the fourth chapter deals with the problems and solution of the workers. KeyWords: Labor,Pakistani Laws,Islamic jurisprudence
آیات علم المخاصمہ کی روشنی میں باطل نظریات کا رد(منتخب اردو تفاسیر کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ) Rejecting False Ideology in the Light of Mukhasma Verses (In the Light of Selected Tafaseer Investigative Research ) At the time of advent of Islam, people with different thoughts and schools were living together. The revealed verses of Quran and Islamic teachings brought a great change in the prevailing thoughts and schools of different religions. The present research aims at exploring like topics based on different schools of thought and religious beliefs. Under the discussion related different principle of Al-Mukhasama. The researcher elaborates the ideologies and misguided differences by the four groups consisting of Jews, Christians polytheists and hypocrites in the light of principle on Quranic methodologies where exploring the misrepresented ideologies. The researcher analysis all these thoughts in the light of different selected commentaries of the Quran and the discussion purely revolve around these ideologies in context of its critical analysis. The basics of the principle of Al-Mukhasma, consists of society, love, truthfulness, justice, patience and good manners. Further the basics are different between right and wrong and sermons and advices. We also found a list of many Prophets (﷨) who has deals with the people of Mukalama. Where specifically, mentioned in the Quran that how they did Mukhasama with Jews, Christians, Polythasts and hypoarated. In Arab world there exists number of studies related knowledge of Jadl and Mukalama ad Adab al Khilaf. Although, in subcontinent, researchers have less focused and these issues. So, it is the need of current time, to carried our work on such related issues. In the light of Ayats of Mukalma and Mukhasma there is a dine need to conduct study on methodologies and principles related Mukalma and Mukhasma.
گدا گری کے اسباب، اثرات اور سدباب (سیرت طیبہ اور قانون پاکستان کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ) Begging: Causes Effects and Prevention (Analytical Study in the Light of Seerat -e- Tayyaba and Law Of Pakistan) Begging or panhandling is pervasive throughout Pakistan and is usually solicited by groups of men, women and children who undertake it as a profession. There is a strong religious as well as socio-political network which supports, protects, and facilitates the life of street beggars, and hence provides legitimacy to beggary as a profession. Islam, on the other hand, commands and encourages the mankind to make effort and earn one’s own living and forbids and disapproves begging and laziness. It sees professional begging as an act which impairs human honor and dignity, ruins personality and leads to the exploitation of philanthropic feelings among the benevolent in the society. It also emphasizes on devising a well-balanced society where everyone gets their due share. Those who are affluent are directed to take care of those in need through the religious obligation of Zakat – an important act of worship and selfpurification – while the government is supposed to establish an effective system for the distribution of Zakat to the needy without impairing human honor and dignity. However, in the face of weak governance, lack of policy implementation and poor governmental check and balance about working on the street, begging culture is thriving in Pakistan, especially in urban areas. Against this background, this in-depth study initially investigates the relationship between Islam and begging while examining the principles, procedures and modalities supported and authenticated by Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمon how to respectfully earn a living. The later part of the study is dedicated to analyzing the governmental policies vis-à-vis organized beggary, existing anti-beggary laws in Pakistan and their implementation. The research, after identifying the challenges, failings and inadequacies, draws out proposals for reframing the policies and restructuring the antibeggary laws for effective reduction of the national problem of beggary.
عائلی مسائل سے متعلق تفہیم القرآن اور صراط الجنان کے مباحث کا تقابلی مطالعہ The reality of Islamic teachings is based on the Holy Qur'an, the Mufassreen played their role in making the Qur'anic mysteries applicable to the times and in understanding the reality of life. That's why I chose contemporary Tafaseer to understand the nuances of family law in the current context. Because family issues have been taken a different turn over time. The family is the basic unit of society. To maintain it, interpretations of Islam has given us comprehensive principles. The family system is in disarray today. There are clear injunctions in the Qur'an and Sunnah to deal with it. In this regard commentators have an important role to play in providing comprehensive solutions to family problems, among other issues. The researcher has described family issues in a comparative manner in the context of contemporary authentic “Tafheem ul Quran by Moulana Moudoodi” and Tafseer Sirat ul Jinan by Mufti Muhammad Qasim Attari”. So that, the depth of the issues can be reached and it is easy for the public to reach a conclusion by modern times required. This research work consists of four chapters and has been compared in the context of donum interpretations to facilities the readers. The first chapter contains a brief introductions to the commentaries and commentators. The second chapter deals with issues related to Nikah. The third chapter deals with related to Devorce (talaq). The fourth and last chapter deals with issues related to Khula. Comparisons have been made in all the chapters simultaneosly. A brief discussions and recommendations will be presented at the end. Keywords: Tafseer, Marriage,Devorce,Revert ,To compare
عصر حاضر میں تحریک نسواں کے پاکستانی خاندانی نظام پر اثرات (اسلامی تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ) My topic is as under: Impacts of Feminist Movement on Contemporary Pakistani Family system. Feminist movements globally have altered traditional patriarchal mentalities and helped women negotiate for their social and political space in a male - dominated world. In simple words what have feminist movements striven for, among other things. Equality, however beginning from a historically specific(western). Feminist theories have evolved to appreciate nuances brought about by culture and history across geographical contexts. Broadly speaking, despite the immense differences in different feminisms and critiques of western feminism for being ethnocentric and ignorant of realities of non-western women feminism has striven for agency, freedom and gender equality. Freedom and gender equality have broadly agreed upon definitions, but the word agency here means an individual's potential to act, but only under a given set of cultural, social, political and religious boundaries. Aurat(women) March within a semitheoratic Islamic republic Pakistan. In addition to this argument, this thesis also argues for the creation of more theoretical space to understand feminism in a religious and socially conservative society since its practices, demands and outlook might be different from the western approach, but its aspirations are equally revolutionary and transformative. Eventually, this movement's practices and ideas, are a source of rich theoretical insights. This research gathered data through online semi-structured qualitative interviews with the duration of 25-30 minutes each. The interviewees talked about their affiliations with the march and how they became a part of the march how it helped them to claim their basic rights to express them themselves in a male dominated space. Keywords: Feminism, Women Religion State, Islamic feminism, Liberal feminism, Aurat March.
اسلامی ریاست کی تشکیلِ نو(مولانا مودودی اور ڈاکڑ اسرار احمد کی آرا کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ) Syed Maududi was a journalist, Scholar, Politician, Educationist and author. Dr Israr was a scholar and author as well. Both worked for the establishment of the Islamic state in Pakistan. Syed Maududi was in favour of Islamic democracy. According to him, it is allowed in Islam for an eligible person to present himself in front of people for the designation of political leadership. Islamic legislation is to be done under the light of the Quran and Sunnah. This task can be achieved by only Muslims and nonMuslim cannot be accepted as the ruler of the Islamic State. Syed Maududi has mentioned other attributes of the ruler of the Islamic state. According to him, only those people can be taken into Islamic Parliament “Shoora” who are well aware of Islamic Sciences and they are clean in character. Islamic state is a welfare state which is responsible to provide a balanced life, social justice, establishing the system of Islamic worship, Islamic economical system and a system in which propagation of Islam can be performed. An Islamic state must be constituted under Islamic law. According to him the nationalism on the basis of creed, language and geography is not in the favour of human beings. It creates clashes between them. He prefers the concept of Ummah given by Islam. Its prime base is on equality. He has presented various examples from the teachings and life of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمwhich support the concept of Ummah. Dr. Israr Ahmed is in favour of the presidential system as, according to him, it is more close to the Islamic concept of Khalifa because both are independent in working in their domains. He is not in favour of traditional democracy. The presidential system is enforced in America. The selection of a president is done by an electoral system and every citizen has the authority to vote. In the same way in an Islamic state, all citizens should be allowed to vote. According to Dr. Israr Ahmed, the capital system of the economy is close to the Islamic economical system. It gives freedom to make countless asserts. Dr Israr Ahmed has presented his philosophy of the revolution in seven steps.
اسلام اور مسیحیت میں نجات دہندہ کا تصور(عصری تناظر میں تقابلی جائزہ) Among the divine religions, there is a belief that Islam and Christianity that a time will come when human beings will encounter the fitna (corruption) of Antichrist and that there will be a state of injustice and oppression in the world. At such a juncture, a savior will appear to salvage human beings from the fitna of the antichrist and that the religion of God will prevails. According to Islamic perspective, Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi are hidden by the will of God. In this study the conception of the savior has been analyzed with reference to Islam and Christian perspectives. To do so, this study has been divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 explained the meaning of najat (salvation) in the context of the Quran and the views of different religions. Here, it has been highlighted that najat refers to salvation and freedom, and that this word has three meanings in the Quran, namely freedom, release, and success. Chapter 2 has dealt with the Christian notion of the savior. Here, it is discussed in the light of Bible and opinions of Christian scholars and theologians. An introduction of Jesus Christ has also been given in this chapter in the light of the Quran and the Bible. While introducing the Islamic savior (Imam Mahdi), chapter 3 explains the concept of Mahdism in Sunni and Shia branches of Islam. It has been argues here that the belief in Mahdi is a common feature of the two Islamic schools of thought. This chapter has also analyzed the traditions and narrations in the context of Hadith. Chapter 4 presents a comparative analysis of Islamic and Christian conception of the savior, highlighting both commonalities and differences. This has shown that both Islam and Christianity believe in the prophet hood of Jesus with the difference that Muslims hold the view that Jesus Christ is hidden while Christians believe that he was crucified and in this way he has facilitated the salvation of the human race. To put it another way, both the religions believe in the coming of a savior, but with different opinions and understandings. Keywords: Fitna, najat, Mahdism
Impact of Prevailing Socio-Cultural Values and Practices in Pakistani Society an analytical study in Islamic Perspective It is generally observed that Pakistani youth is facing serious identity crises. The reasons are unrefined upbringing and environment which affected by allied cultures. As culture has great impact on society and thee cultural loss causes certain result of change in practices and values that reason vast change of society. When culture is change cultural values and practices are automatically change. Now a days Pakistan is facing the same problem. Pakistan has Islamic provisional background but now it change with the passage of time. This study is based on prevailing socio-cultural values of Pakistan and analyze them in the light of Islamic Instruction. As Islam is a way of life that guide humans to the right way, which pleases their spiritual as well as material necessities. It is the fundamental element in social change and development for an Islamic society as Islam has commanded us to adapt and modify the social structure of human society. As the research describe the social changes in Pakistani culture with analyzing Islamic perspective. The purpose is to comprehend how Islam is concerned about the social life as well as the morality and ethics of Muslims. Basically the aim to choose this topic is to classify the gaps of practices and norms of Pakistani socio- culture values which cause the modification of traditional to modernized culture. This can be problematic for not only the youth but also for Pakistani society as whole. Therefore there is need to investigate the reasons of this change of cultural practices and values of Pakistani society. To summarize the conclusion, benefit of the research, proposal and recommendations highlighted that our cultural values are gradually change by tag of modernization. After acquire the result of survey by selected respondents it was analyzed in Islamic perspective. It mainly concerned with teachings of Islam to have the greatest conducts and personal characteristics for finest cultural values. Therefore, this paper aimed to reform humanity and change them in accordance to the guideline of Holy Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (s.w.a), so that they can be succeed in both, this world and the Hereafter. Keywords: Culture, socio-cultural values and practices, prevailing cultural values, cultural impact, Islamic values.
اسلام کا نظام بہبود محنت کشاں (حکومت پاکستان کی لیبرپالیسی سے تقابل) Practical examples of labour welfare system are embedded in Islamic history such as Prophetic Declaration of Human Rights, Laws and policies in Prophetic Era and different steps taken in the era of Rightly guided Caliphs to protect and guide both the employers and employees. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has its own labor law and policy. The major law regarding laborer in Pakistan is the Labor Policy of Pakistan 2010 that covers some rights and duties of Pakistani workers and employers. A comparative study of Pakistani labor policy with the welfare conventions and recommendations relates to the analysis of factors that have lead and still contain the ingredients for building a strong welfare system as it has been considered the core value of human life. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an ideal advocate of Labor rights not only of his times but for the future generations as well. Descriptive method has been used to explain the role models of hard work from the history of earlier Prophets of Allah (SWT). It also comprises of the practical steps taken for labour welfare by the authority of Quran and Sunnah. Detailed picture of strategies of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) for implementation of labor welfare and practical steps taken are discussed. Labor policy (2010) of Government of Pakistan has been compared with Islamic model of labour welfare which shows the similar and opposite aspects of Pakistan’s Labor policy with Islamic Teachings. At the end an action plan in the light of Quran and Sunnah for Government and Policy makers regarding labor welfare system has been presented. The Islamic foundations of the relationship between capitalist and labor are also explained at the end. Keywords: Labor Welfare in Islam, Rights and Responsibilities of Laborer, Labor Welfare in Prophetic Era, Labor Policy of Pakistan and Islamic, Utility of Islamic Labor welfare system in contemporary age.
مدنی دور میں اصلاحات نبوی اور عصرحاضر میں ان سے استفادہ (تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ) The title of this dissertation is “NABVI (PBUH) Reforms and Benefiting thereof in the Current Era in Madni period”. It is consisted on five chapters and each chapter bears an introductory part as well as a comprehensive conclusion at the end. First chapter elaborates religious terminology along with definitions and explanations. It engrosses different aspects ranging from reforms in believes, worships, preaching of right path, Jihad and its methodology and the religious strides made in the light of NABVI(PBUH) reforms. Moreover, religious concepts and norms of other religions which were in practice during the life time of Prophet (PBUH) have been explained and covered. Further, the methods employed by the Prophet (PBUH) for conveying the message of “Truth Call” together with qualities of the preacher have been documented. Various worship practices i.e. idol worshiping, naked revolving of Kaaba etc. have been termed illogical and immoral due to their antipathy. The believers have been proclaimed to shun extremity in worships and other religious doctrines. There is description of Jihad; to strive hard for the sake of religion. Jihad has been deemed as fundamental principle in Islam; it does not permit barbarism and vandalism but allows an organized struggle for the service of humanity. Second chapter sheds light on the educational reforms and restorations. It includes supremacy and importance of knowledge, educational policy of Prophet (PBUH), ethical and educational upbringings, and historical review of Muslim educational system in the light of NABVI (PBUH) Reforms, have been brought under discussion. Acquisition of Superiority of knowledge from Quran and Sunnah has been narrated briefly. After migrating to Madina, the strategy adopted by the Prophet (PBUH) to promote educational activities has been described. It emphasized upon not only attainment of education but also ethical upbringings. Both educational and ethical upbringings equally played deciding role in character building to made sure that educational process would continue without any interruption. Apart from the educational system in the period of Prophet(PBUH) and later i.e. Khulfa-e-Rashdin, Umvi and Abbasi’ reigns, have been reviewed in cognizance with history. Third chapter elaborates the social reforms mainly topics leading to humanity, religion based nationality, respect for humanity and family laws. Social ideologies are therein discussed in the light of NABVI (PBUH) Reforms. Islam has forbidden sectarianism and divisiveness among ethnic groups and directs living with tolerance and emancipation. In Islam, Romans, Persians and Negros are the representative of Islam and there is no place of division among them. Islam disapproves casteism, and capitalism as these are against the social fabric and could jeopardize the society. The Islamic society is based on the fundamentals of humanity. Human beings have due right, respect and honor as he is the best creation by Allah. The family is the basic strata of the society to run society smoothly and there is prevailing need of proper management of law and order.
ظن کی شرعی حیثیت اور استنباط احکام (اصولیین کی آرا میں تحقیقی و تقابلی جائزہ) The Legal Value of Assumption and Deduction of Laws (A Research and Comparative Analysis of Jurists’ Views) The science of Jurisprudence has fundamental worth in religious studies. The rules and regulations of this discipline are classified in two important parts i.e. surety (Yaqeen) and assumption (Zunn). As the rules regarding surety are explicit and patent so they don’t have need for further discussion and argument. Albeit, the rules resulting in assumption have deep connection with the actions and deeds of human beings as more than fifty percent of human deeds are interconnected with assumptions. So it is very crucial to discuss in detail the Sharia status of assumption. In this regard the thesis can be sum up in the following points:  The solution of many problems related to human life comes through "assumption".  Assumption plays an important role in managing individual, collective, social and economic issues.  The arguments on the authenticity or invalidity of definite and indefinite assumptions have been divided in the light of Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, Qeyas and rational arguments respectively. The ancient and contemporary scholars have done a lot of work on the principle of jurisprudence; due to which these principles are proven to solve many individual, collective, social and economic modern issues. Whenever there is any problem in human life, it should be resolved with a sharp viewpoint of Sharia. For this reason, Muslim scholars and jurists approach towards Four Arguments (Adillah Arbah). Thanks to Allah Almighty, there is a solution to every problem in the teachings of Islam; just there is need of research and search. Key words: Zunn, Yaqeen, Jurist, Qiyas , Istihsan and Ijma etc.
عبادات میں رخصت و تخفیف کے پہلو: فقہی جائزہ Title: Aspects of Convenience and Concession in Worship (Jurisprudential Review) The objective of the present research is to show that the Islamic law or shariah is elastic and tolerant .It cares for people’s condition easy and hard .Since in my view time is full of hardships and newly ideas, experienced issues that the need to know about religious concessions, convenience its types and how to use them in presently. According to Islam, all the rules of halal and ḥaram are clear and apposite to the nature because the maker of these rules knows each and every thing of soul needs. Therefore acting upon the teaching of Islam is so easy and in practical point of view for human being. It is not work of everyone but it is accountability of scholars and jurists to clear their rules and their limits which is prescribed in Islam. This dissertation is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1st: The meaning and importance of convenience and concession and the objectives of Shariah. Chapter 2nd: Reasons and conditions for relaxation and reduction in purification and prayers, chapter 3rd: Reasons and conditions for reduction and reduction in fasting and zakat, chapter 4th: Reasons and forms of convenience and concession in Hajj and Wisdom. The research study is based on the concept of religious concession and what is its needs in presently, the objective of shariah also define the it’s importance in the life of human being.
ضلع چترال کے منتخب دینی مدارس بنات کی تعلیمی اور فلاحی خدمات کا جائزہ District Chitral is the largest district of KPK .This district is full of natural resources like; water ,herbs ,minerals and it is enriched with high quality timber .Government has conceived all such type of resources and work has been initiated In this regard .As the habitants of this district have their own history, way of living ,cultural and ritual values ,its services in the sector of girls education is also appreciable .Because of this step the people of the place have become aware of religious principles and teaching .And the institutions in this regard are working day and night . In this very thesis the educational and welfare services of the selected religious institutions of district Chitral have been written, which is comprised of preface,six chapters,results, recommendation ,conclusion and contents . In Chapter no 1 all the argument is based on ,What is the crux of the history of chitral.The condition of education and politics has been discussed in detail.similarly its management and administration in different sectors have also been analyzed. Chapter no 2 is specified for the introduction of Jamia Taleem Ul Quran for female,Lower chitral,The educational and welfare services of Jamia have been discussed in detail,analysis of the services of its graduates . In chapter no 3,along with the detailed introduction of the administrator and the institution Jamia Taleem Ul Islam for female ,Lower chitral.At the end of this chapter,the welfare and educational services of the institution is mentioned Chapter no 4 deals with Jamia Faiz Ul Uloom, muxgol, Upper chitral .In this chapter the educational and welfare services of Jamia have been discussed in detail . In chapter no 5 Jamia Anwar-e-Madina Buni,Upper chitral has been studied.The graduates after graduating from this institution render their services in teaching to make themselves financially independent . In chapter no 6 the effects of the educational and welfare services of these institutions on society has been discussed in detail.Likewise ,the issues faced by these female institutions regarding administration ,training issues and academic issues have been mentioned in detailed .