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اسلامى رياست ميں غیر مسلموں كی فلاح و بہبود اور ان کے حقوق کا دائرہ کار: شرعی اور پاکستانی قوانین کے تناظر میں تجزیہ Islam is the religion of welfare of humanity. Respect for humanity, human dignity and equality is the basic manifesto of Islam. Islam has given superiority over all other creatures by making man the Ashraf al-Mukhaluqat. For the well-being of humanity, Islam has given all the human beings religious, moral, social and economic rights in every sphere of life, which are a reward from Allah Almighty. No person has the authority to suspend them The first right among the welfare and rights of the subjects is the establishment of peace and security in the eyes of Islam. It cannot be ignored in any way. Respect for a citizen has its place, but the Islamic state has its own system which is above everything, so it is important to highlight the limitations and restrictions of this system so that the peace of the society is not disturbed. What are the rights that a non-Muslim citizen does not have while living in an Islamic state? It is also important to know these rights so that a non-Muslim citizen who lives in any Islamic state is not guilty of those issues which are not acceptable and enforceable for the Islamic state and its law. Also, the limits of an Islamic state should also be known and the non-Muslim living in it should also understand what are the limits of the Islamic state for the rights I have acquired and for his welfare. And what are the rights that he does not get? So that in light of it he is not guilty of those violations for which he may deserve punishment. This topic is also important in the sense that in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, all non-Muslim citizens have all the basic rights granted by Islam, but what are the non-Sharia issues that are committed on the basis of these rights nowadays are causing unrest in the society? Therefore, there is an urgent need to bring out the limitations and limitations of these rights acquired by non-Muslim subjects. . Chapters: 1)Legislation on minorities in the Islamic State 2)Welfare of non-Muslims and Islamic teachings 3) Determining the rights and boundaries of non-Muslims in Sharia law 4) Review of the scope of the boundaries of non-Muslims in the context of the Constitution of Pakistan and the law Key words: welfare,Non-Muslims,Islamic state, Rights,Shariah,Pakistani Law
وبائی امراض سے متعلق مذہبی تعلیمات: سامى اديان كا تقابل Throughout human history out breaks of infectious disease have had deep and lasting effect on societies. Those events have powerfully shaped the economic, political, and social aspects of human Civilization, with their effects aften lasting for centuries. Epidemic outbreaks also effect on education institutions and places of worship. Deadly pandemics have happened throughout history. Pandemic such as Black death (a plague outbreak from the 14th century) the Spanish flue of 1918 HIv, Sars, Ebola, Zika and the outbreak in the twenty 21st century Covid-19 also cause of millions of deaths all over the world. In this very thieses the Religious teaching on infectious diseases are explained in the light of the Semitic religions, have been written, which is comprised of preface, four chapters, results, recommendation conclusion and contents. In chapter no 1 the literal meaning of the epidemic diseases, the causes of epidemic diseases background of infectious diseases and religious teaching have been explained. In chapter No.2 the types of infectious diseases, the symptoms, scope of epidemic and the physical social and economic effect of infections disease have been described. In chapter No.3 the explanation of epidemic in Judaism, the nature of the epidemic in Christianity and the results of the epidemic in the light of Bible have been described. In chapter No. 4 the teaching of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) on the treatment of epidemic in the affected areas, the principle of hygienic in the light of Quran and Sunnah and the spread of covid-19 symptoms, causer and precautions have been described. Key words:pandemic, precaution, semitic,religious study
تعلیم و تدریس میں جسمانی تادیب : اسلامى تعليمات اورملکی قوانین کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ Children are the great blessings of Allah Almighty and education is their basic right. Their education is as important as their very existence. It is inevitable for a society to have a group of academics and skilled intellectuals to guide the coming generation. Teaching has been a mission of Prophets and the way of pious people. It is an effective and critical tool for the building or destruction of any society. Corporal punishment is considered one of the elements of education. Although, punishment , if applied in imbalance, is an act that may affect the growth as well as the academic capability of any child. The need of the hour is to analyze the concept of punishment and its effects on education through the Islamic as well as modern perspectives so that we get to know about the actual concept of punishment in Islam and on the other hand how much it is compatible with the modern theoretical and applied disciplines. The research is done on the basis of the question; of whether religious or national laws determine the punishment of children. The approach of Islam on the punishment during teaching to reform the children and its inevitability in certain scenarios. However, the laws of Pakistan do not permit corporal punishment or strictness during the process of education or training. There are three chapters of this research thesis. The concept of punishment, nature, and limitations are determined in the first chapter. In the second chapter, the punishment of children is described and analyzed in religious as well as national laws. In the third chapter, the effects of the punishment of children on society are highlighted. Along with that, its solution and ways to stop these practices are described. In the light of these chapters, some recommendations and suggestions are presented at the end of this thesis.
ارضِ شام، اس کا موجودہ بحران اور امت مسلمہ پر اس کے اثرات(اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ) Peace and security are the most important concerns in the stability of any society. However the issue is more highlighted, when it is sourted in the framework of the duties and responsibilities of Muslim Ummah. It is because Islamic teachings tell us about peace as a core ingredient for the establishment of the Muslim society. Unfortunately, the scale of peace in Syria is almost negligible as the war has affected its society to collapse in all sphares of Life. In this study, foreign interference in the Syrian cries with respect to the plan of establishment of the Jewish state with the name of Greater Israel is also discussed in a very thorough manner as it is one of the main cause and factor of the war initiated in the region of Middle East. Other related issues that are covered in the study are Political and economic crisis, refuges resettlement, the damage caused by the civil war and its impact on the Muslim Ummah. The study further focuses on the machenism to restore the law and order situation, highlighting the role of Muslim scholars and political leaders, the role of OIC in this regard. Similarly, for the sake of understanding, differentiation between terrorism and Jihad and the problem of Sectarianism are aslo discussed in this study. The research consists of five chapters, mainly inculcating the topics like introductions of Syria, it's ongoing current crises, it's causes, it's stimulators behind the crises and it's impact on Muslim Ummah as a whole. The above problem can be resolved in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah if true will is prevailing to settle it down once and for all.
عدالتی استثناء سے متعلق پاکستانی قوانین کا اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں جائزہ The issue of judicial immunity is legally one of the most debated issues in the world. In general, however, the debate revolves around citizenship and the interests of the nation-state. Religious exceptions are rarely discussed. Since Pakistan is an Islamic country and its constitution states that no law will be enacted against the law within the country, there was a great need to speak in detail on this issue keeping in view the religious point of view? Go especially when the laws of judicial immunity within Pakistan are of colonial pride, then it becomes necessary to discuss the subject in detail. It has been generally observed that judicial immunity is mostly discussed with reference to the rulers, what is the status of the immunity granted to presidents and governors. While the other important aspect of this is also related to the judiciary that the concessions and privileges given to the judges should be related to the judiciary or of an administrative nature, the opinion of Shariah is also important in them. Therefore, there was a need to examine these two aspects in the light of Islamic teachings. The main topics discussed in this article are not of a theoretical nature. On the contrary, in practical terms, the subject has been examined in detail in the light of the laws of Pakistan and there are also references to several cases in order to shed light on the developments on the subject and its implications. The findings of the article are not such that the notion of judicial immunity should be rejected outright. On the contrary, Islam's point of view is based on equality and the results have come out in this context. However, Islam's unequivocal view of the judicial immunity of the rulers is that it is based on inequality and cannot be upheld. However, the concept of judicial immunity for judges and judiciary is not at all unlawful. Pakistan's judicial immunity laws need to be reviewed as there are some issues which are against Islamic teachings and even more inequality in comparison with many western nation states. The article under review covers all aspects from the historical review of judicial immunity to Pakistani law and Shariah perspective. KeyWords: Judicial Exception, Islamic Teachings, Judicial Exception Laws in Pakistan, Comparative Review, Political and Social Implications.
عصر حاضر میں اخوت کی تاسیس و تشکیل اور اس کےاثرات (اُسوہ حسنہ کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ) Today, the Islamic Brotherhood is a universal bond of unity and solidarity that is free from all geographical, ethnic, linguistic, national and national boundaries and beyond distinctions. This is a spiritual relationship that transcends material realms and relationships. This was the passion by which the Nation of Islam stood firm against the leaden wall of disbelief and overcame disbelief and falsehood despite the limited resources. Today, this relationship is missing in the nation, that's why the unity of Muslims is fragmented and it is facing humiliation and disgrace in the world. The need to highlight the importance of fraternity and to give a viable program today has probably never been greater. This is the motive behind the choice of the title of this article. The Thesis is presented in five chapters on descriptive style. The concept of brotherhood and its scope, then the motives of brotherhood in the Golden Age and their practical examples are given. Later, after examining the obstacles to the formation of brotherhood in modern times, the motives for its establishment and formation are described. And later on, the establishment and formation of brotherhood in modern times and its requirements have been discussed in detail. It presents a strategy for the elimination of the changing ideological conditions of the new generation, the causes which are contrary to the brotherhood, in which the causes and motives which are contrary to the brotherhood are presented in the light of Sira-e-Taiba. Furthermore, it is recommended to implement factors that promote brotherhood at the local and national level, especially in modern society, factors that promote regional and national brotherhood, such as tolerance, benevolence, Cooperation as much as possible, mutual exchange of love and affection, goodwill and positive attitudes and cooperation in difficulties are described in the light of Nusoos and relics. Finally, the formation of brotherhood in modern society and its benefits and fruits, such as reformation of knowledge and action, shielding from sins, benevolence, mutual encouragement, remembrance of God and love, right and sincere counseling, worship and other good deeds, protection from evil tricks has been discussed. If the strategy and suggestions presented in this thesis are seriously considered and implemented in practice, the best results can be obtained.
استحکام ریاست میں مذہب کا کردار:مسلم مفکرین کی آ راء کا تقابلی جائزہ The man is social by nature.He always preferred to live in a group. For living in group he had to create such organizations which can handle all the matters of the society.Thus the concept of state was developed by humankind to live together by following agreed laws. Religion is also the part of humankind’s life. He followed religion in every time. Almighty Allah had given the commandments to humankind about the everything regarding social life from the day first. The divine commandments also consist of doctrines about state. Not only the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) but also previous Prophets were given commandments about the state matters. Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon Him) established the state for the Muslims on his arrival at Madinah. All the matters of state were being dealt according to the divine commandments.Thus Islamic state is nothing without the divine doctrines.Muslim thinkers of twentieth century authored lot of books on the establishment of Islamic state and its management. This research work would consist of comparative analysis of viewpoints of selected Muslim thinkers about the role of religion in the stability of Islamic state. The research work would consist of description of Islamic concept of state, government, and constitution of Islamic state.This reaserach work would consist of comparative analysis of selected Muslim thinkers viewpoints about the role of economy, justice and defence in the statbility of Islamic state.The comparative research methodology has been adopted in this research study. Nowadays,the new generation has doubts that the interference of religion in the affairs of the state makes the state unstable. There is an urgent need to remove this problem in the light of the opinions of modern scholars and thinkers. Does the state suffer from instability due to religion or not? And What kind of role does religion play in the construction, development and stabilization of the state among Muslim thinkers? And what are the opinions of selected Muslim thinkers regarding this role? With this reference, their comparative evaluation will be done. There is no doubt that religion plays an important role in the stability of the state, its peace, economic stability and social harmony
Maryam Jameelah and William Montgomery Watt: A Comparative Study of their Religious and Political Thoughts Maryam Jameelah who in her quest for eternal truth, perceives Islam as a comprehensive and satisfying description of reality. She extends her intellect mainly in defense of the Islamic theology, its revival, political system, and against the work of orientalists and she refutes the conflicting philosophies of atheism, materialism, and secularism. She expounds religious and political parameters of Islam that guide people towards the acquisition of a utopian society which devise its conduct under the Divine guidance. Watt was an Islamicist whose thought examines pre-Islamic conditions of Arab world, religions existing before Islam, origin of Islam, role of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمas a religious leader and as a statesman. He has discussed the political expedition of Islam from its evolutionary phase to its grandeur with its impact on the prevailing religious and political developments. In Islamic perspective politics is a part of religion and requires society in the context of religion to solve its problems. In religion, different views and new ideologies emerge with the passage of time that led towards serious problems. Same is the case with contemporary Muslim World as it is facing religious and political deterioration. The aim of this research is to comparatively evaluate the religious and political thoughts of Maryam Jameelah and William Montgomery Watt. The importance of outstanding works produced by Jameelah, and Watt necessitates their comparison for improved understanding of religion and politics in current situation. Method of historiography has been applied during comparative research, yet methods of historical and descriptive research have been employed too. The research has found that both scholars are agreed on the importance of religion and the submissiveness towards God, both accredited Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمas an influential religious and political leader. Addressing the intellectual and practical problems confronting today's religion, this study discusses the way forward for those who believe in the importance of religious faith along with its political implications. It also examines issues such as the limitations of human thought, and the role of views which form the context within which Islam is borne. The research further finds that Jameelah’s thought is a plea for the collective implementation of the traditional Islamic principles for the attainment of Muslim political hegemony and she also encouraged the role of Muslim revivalist movements. Examining the close relationship between religious beliefs and political doctrine in Islamic framework, this research offers an account of how Islamic political thought has been developed from the politico-religious structure established by Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلمand his immediate successors. Research recommends that religion is not separate from politics, and it is imperative to establish an Islamic rule according to the religious and political thought of Islam.
تفسیر الشعراوی اور بیان القرآن کے منا ہج واسالیب(تقابلی مطالعہ) Tafseer is one of the most important fields of Islamic studies and a source of Dawah and guidance. This research is aimed to describe and compare the style and methodology adopted by Sheikh Muhammad Mutawalli Ash-Sha'raawi and Dr Israr Ahmed in their respective Tafseer (Tafseer ush Sha’raawi and Bayan ul Quran). Both the scholars devoted their lives for the service of Islam and the Noble Quran and gave a new color to Quranic Dawah by using modern media. Sha’raawi narrated the first complete oral Tafseer in Arabic and Dr. Israr narrated the first complete oral Tafseer in Urdu language. The thesis consists of a preface, five chapters, conclusions, recommendations and bibliography. The first chapter contains the introduction of both exegetes and their Tafseer. The second and third chapter has the comparison of the methodology adopted by Sha’rawi and Dr Israr in Tafseer bir Riwaya and Tafseer bir Ray respectively. The fourth chapter contains a comparison about Uloom ul Quran whereas the fifth chapter has a comparison of the ideology presented by both. The influence of the intellectual background of both exegetes is evident in their Tafseer. In these two Tafsirs, on the one hand, a beautiful combination of Tafsir Bil Mathur and Tafsir Bal Ray can be seen, while on the other hand, scientific Tafsir and speech regarding various modern issues can be found. Similarly, in both commentaries Israeliat, sectarian debates and other unnecessary details have been avoided. It is as if both the exegetes targeted the practical application of the Holy Quran in the present age, for which they have adopted the style of invitation and reform andvii have guided towards the diagnosis, causes and comprehensive solutions of the problems of the Ummah. In Tafsir Ash-Sha’rawi, the literal interpretation is dominant, while in terms of other different topics, both the Tafsirs are diverse and complement each other. Sha’rawi emphasizes personal reform and advice while Dr. Israr is convinced of implementing religion through movement by creating an organized group of reformed people. The spirit of action could be renewed, and a constant lesson of life could be derived for next generations through the literary work of these two legendary scholars of the present era.
شرعی احکام کی تنفیذ میں اسلامی ریاست کے فرائض اور اختیارات : پاکستان کے تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالیہ Pakistan came into existence as an Islamic state on the basis of the two-nation theory and it was the result of the centuries-long struggle of Indian Muslims and their long-standing dream was to establish a free and independent state where Sharia laws were enforced. A country, in which Muslims would spent their lives according to the teachings of Islam. The Muslims had ruled the subcontinent for centuries, but since there were different nations living in this region, whose way of life, culture, beliefs and ideas, society, affairs, worship and rituals were different from the Muslims, therefore the Muslims established a separate state for themselves. They felt the need and as a result of their hard work, Pakistan was established by the grace of Almighty Allah. In this study, the implementation of the teachings of Islam in different aspects of life and the obstacles in its way and the responsibilities and powers of the state of Pakistan have been extensively discussed and its analytical study has been presented. On the basis of the study, suggestions have been made to eliminate the obstacles in the way of the implementation of the rules of Islam. It is concluded that the implementation of the rules of Islam in all aspects of life is the responsibility of the state, which has wider powers for the implementation. The Pakistani state, which has come into existence in the name of Islam, has the primary responsibility to use its wider powers to make practical efforts for the implementation of Sharia laws in the country so that Pakistan become a model of the state of Madinah and turn out to be an example for the rest of the world. Key words: Islamic State; Implementation of Sharia Laws; Responsibilities of Islamic State; Powers of Islamic State; Teachings of Islam; Two-Nation Theory.
ملازمت پیشہ خواتین کے عائلی مسائل : اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں جائزہ In modern era we see that the need of women’s job is increasing day by day.Although Islam has introduced the responsibilities of men and women to run a smooth economic system and according to Islamic teachings financial activities are not concerned with women as they are weak and unable to do hard work.So,they are ordered to stay homes and do their indoor responsibilities.However in some situations Islam allows the women to go out and work to support their families but the family system is being destroyed because of their jobs.In Pakistan many social and financial factors demand the jobs of women.So,we see that many women are now working in different fields.When they come out for jobs they are not able to manage their indoor duties.Because of this they face many problems in daily lives. This study is designed to address that what problems are being faced by working women in their family life about their rights and duties.Besides of that this study will provide the solution of these problems according to Islamic teachings.That would be beneficial for working women,their families and the society as well. This thesis consists of four chapters.First chapter is about the meaning and importance of the earning and need of women’s job in present age.In the second chapter,problems of Pakistan’s working women in respect of their rights, are discussed.While the problems about their duties in family life are discussed in third chapter.Survey report, islamic teachings about women’s job and the proposed solution of the problems of working women are included in the last chapter. This study enables the researcher to find out the family problems of Pakistani working women.Furthermore,she come to know that many women are forced to continue their jobs in any condition.In such a miserable situation we only have Islamic teachings to overcome our problems.Women and their family members are recommended to follow these teachings so that they may lead better lives.
تزکیہ نفس کے اُصول اور سلاسلِ تصوف کا طریقِ تربیت(قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ) Allah Almighty sent Messengers and Prophets for human guidance, success and salvation. Prophet Muhammad ( )صلى الله عليه وسلمis the last link in this chain that was started on the earth by Adam (AS). In the Holy Qur’ān, Allah Almighty mentioned four duties of Prophetic life in four different places. The most significant of these duties of the Prophet Muhammad ( )صلى الله عليه وسلمis self-purification, while other duties are also for the accomplishing this fundamental responsibility. According to the Qur’ānic teachings, the real and lasting success of man depends on self-purification. This thesis intends to discuss relevant principles and methods for achieving this goal in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah. This research has been divided into four sections. The first part deals with the importance and usefulness of self-purification and the beginning and evolution of Sufism. The second part includes the training method of Sufism. The third part deals with the social services of the Sufis and their active role in the communal betterment. The fourth and final part describes the importance and usefulness of the monastic system and Sufi orders in modern times and its current and desired role in solving modern problems. Employing narrative and analytical research methods we discussed the manner and technique for training (tarbiyya) of the four spiritual disciplines (Qādriyya, Chishtia, Suhrawardiya and Naqshbandiyya) and their preaching and way of action (sulūk) including their social and economic services. This work incorporates the social, economic, and religious significance and usefulness of the monastic system in modern times. This dissertation concludes that Islamic spiritual Sufi orders and disciplines in terms of their origin and purposes function under a very comprehensive and effective system. It has played its role in solving individual and social problems. With the passage of time, the institutions of Sufism, like other branches of religion, have declined. There are shortcomings and weaknesses, for which the administrators of government institutions and monasteries have been suggested to understand and remove these defects from the monastic system in accordance with the methods and teachings of earlier Sufi practices. In view of Qur’ānic teachings, the monastic system can play its role to resolve the social issue, providing mental peace and love peace and love in a better way according to the requirements of modern times.
قرآن حکیم اور سائنسی اکتشافات: دعوت دین کے حوالے سے عصری معنویت کا مطالعہ As for as the development have been started by the scientific sciences is concerned, paths for the religious preaching have been smooth by it. There are apparently doubts and misconceptions in the principles of religion and beliefs, even though many scientific facts have been described in the holy Quran , due to which before researching this topic, these questions arise that the usefulness of scientific interpretation for religious preaching in the present era ,its different forms and its effects on religious preaching, the reason for mutual disagreement between the believers and non-convinced scholars of Quranic interpretation, the aspects of relationship between Quranic facts and modern scientific research, and the problems and difficulties in the acceptance of scientific interpretation ,to solve there above questions ,informations ,related to the theory of human evolution, Quranic facts and knowledge, modern scientific discoveries, opinions and sayings of Muslim thinkers related to the cosmological verses from Quran have been collected and all this research stuff has been included in five chapters and its sub-chapters:- in the first chapter, the scientific trends of the holy Quran , the principles of scientific interpretation and the opinions and sayings of scholars and researchers related to scientific interpretation have been described in the second chapter ,a contemporary perspective on the Quranic facts related to cosmology, evolutionary stages of human life, medicine and botany has presented . In the third chapter ,the indispositions of the commentators and the doubts arising from it, the deviation from the admitted principle and their effects has been described . In the fourth chapter, the objectives of the Quranic scientific discoveries and its effects on the religious preaching have been described. While in the fifth chapter , the need and importance of scientific sciences , methods, barriers to scientific interpretation and the responsibilities of commentators have been described in the publication of religious preaching. The researches and the details have been mentioned in these chapters and sub-chapters gave out the following results: Although the holy Quran is not a book of science, but the scientific facts described by the Quran can become the basic of scientific studies and throughVII them the paths of preaching can be paved. Explaining the verses related to science or denying the relationsship between the both is a condemnable situation. While describing contemporary science from the holy Quran is correct. The modern minds have been influenced by the scientific facts of the holy Quran and has accepted the truth of Islam and many people have also accepted Islam , such as Dr Jabruldasi goiznagar. Lack of expertise in the Quran and scientific sciences, judging the Holy Quran on a sciences, judging the holy Quran on a scientific method and experimental criteria , and being extremely influenced by scientific sciences, conservatism deviation from ancestors methodology and self created concepts are the reasons that refer to scientific interpretation caused a disagreement. Making use of the sciences described ,in the holy Quran , reforming contemporary scientific ideas and providing the foundations for farther scientific discoveries are the aspects of Quranic facts and modern scientific research .If the commentator does not have a deep knowledge of the principles of interpretation, ancestors methodology ,Islamic sciences , scientific sciences, the languages of scientific and modern sciences. Contemporary scientific facts and he also ignores the guiding principles of scientific interpretation, then these are the difficulties in scientific interpretation.
سماجی آداب سے متعلق احادیث قدسیہ اور ان کی عصری معنویت Ahadees-e-Qudsiyah are those Ahadith which are narrated by Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمand attributed to Allah (SWT). These are unique ahadees due to their attribution towards Allah (SWT) narrated words from The Holy Prophet .صلى الله عليه وسلمQuran-e-Hakeem is more superior than hadees-e-Qudsi because words of Quran is also from Allah SWT. The gradation of Ahadeese-Qudsiyah is higher from the Traditions narrated by Companions (Sahabah) of the Prophet or by their Followers (Taba’een). Although Ahadees-e-Qudsiyah have a higher rank but it can neither be written in Quran nor recited in Salat. It has unique placing in ahadees. It has spiritual, electrifying and charming effects on the hearts of reader and listener. It increases the level of Iman (Faith) of the reader. Maximum number of Ahadees-e-Qudsiyah collected is 1268 by Khalil-ur-Rahman Burhan Puri in his book named “Ahadees-e-Qudsiya”. There are various topics which have been mentioned in Ahadees-e-Qudsiyah like morality, patience, fulfilment of promise, love and brotherhood, including prohibition of oppression, cruelty and disrespect to others. Social etiquette is one of the most aspect of their content, but somehow got least interest of researchers. The following research focusses the authenticity of Ahadith Qudsiah on one side, and the social aspect of these texts on the other, with reference to the contemporary society