Noorbakhshi Fiqh is a school of Islamic jurisprudence that emerged in the 14th century in Iran under the leadership of Shah Syed Mahmad Noorbakhsh. The school is known for its emphasis on Sufi practices and its unique interpretation of Islamic law.
One of the key features of Noorbakhshi Fiqh with regards to Ebadad or worship is its focus on the inward spiritual state of the worshipper. The school emphasizes the intention behind the action of worship and encourages the worshippers to perform their acts of worship with sincerity and devotion. The ijtihad of the mujtahid is based on the religion of the people, and sometimes this ijtihad goes against the religion of the people, then it is called tafarrud. Tafarrud is a scholarly term referring to a person of knowledge and virtue, and experts in their field, who, being fully aware and informed of all demands of knowledge and skill, establish an independent opinion based on scholarly evidence, separate from the majority of scholars.
The problems are definite Exceptions are not allowed in any case For example, Tawheed Khatm Nabubat and Existence Bari Ta'ala. Distinctions are allowed in sub-orders. My initial inclination towards jurisprudence, therefore I have chosen this title for my research work is related to the uniqueness in the worship of Noorbakhshi school of jurisprudence,so my research included uniqueness of prayer, fasting, zakat , Hajj, Etikaf and zikr. Overall, Noorbakhshi Fiqh's approach to Ebadad emphasizes the inward spiritual state of the worshipper, and encourages a deep connection with God through prayer, zikr, and charitable giving. The school's unique interpretation of Islamic law has made it a significant and influential school of in contemporary Islamic discourse.
Key words: Noorbakhshi, Islamic jurisprudence, Syed Mahmad Noorbakhsh, Sufi practices, Ebadad, Tafarudad, Noorbakhshi school of jurisprudence
تفسیر قرآن میں جاہلی شاعری سے استشھاد: فتح القدیر کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Qur’ān on Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in the most eloquent form of Arabic language. That’s why the knowledge of eloquent and rhetorical Arabic language is considered one of the main sources which help to understand the meaning of Allah’s words. Jahilī poetry because of its highest level of eloquence and rhetoric, is called Dīwān e Arab. Keeping in view of this fact, most of the Narrators (Muffasireen) right from the time of Sahaba (R.A) used to get help from the ancient Arabic poetry to clarify the meanings of Allah’s Book. In this regard, the method of Tarjumān Al- Qur’ān Ḥazrat ʿAbdullah Ibn ʿAbbās(R.A) is very vivid. Almost all the great Narrators (Muffasireen) followed his footstep in this field. The writer of Tafsīr Fatḥ Al-Qadīr, Imam Muhammad AL- shokānī also is not different from the others in this regard.
He used the Arabic poetry generally and Ancient Arabic poetry specifically to elaborate the meanings of the revealed book. This thesis will justify the fact that in first half of Quran imam shokānī very often got help from Ancient Arabic poetry while interpreting the Qur’anic text. Th subject matter is divided into four chapters and each chapter is further divided into sub-units.The first chapter is about the importance and requirement of invoking jahili poetry for interpreting the words of God. It also covers the introduction of Fathul qadeer and its writer. The second chapter covers the details of verses where jahili poetry has been invoked to elaborate the linguistic matters. The third chapter gives the details of places where syntactical issues have been elucidated through invoking jahili poetry. Last chapter deals with the rhetorical matters in this regard.
قرآنی آیات کی روشنی میں سیاسی راہنما کے اوصاف اور عصری تطبیقات
Quran is The Holy book from Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, guides in every stage of life. The Quran provide solutions to our socio-political problems in many Ayats besides Aqaid and Ibadat. Allah sent prophets for guidance towards the right path. The prophets guided their nations as a leader because human society needs a leader who guides them in dark situations where they cannot reach with their thoughts and abilities. Allah (S.W.A) mentioned in the Quran different stories for betterment of our lifestyle and for the success in this life and hereafter.
In Quran there are two chapters: Surah Yusuf and Surah Al-Kahf focusing on the different stages of leadership issues in political and organizational scenarios, here the Quran mentions attributes of Nobel leaders. These attributes can play a vital role in enhancing individuals' skills and abilities along with success in collective social challenges. This research will focus on extracting attributes of “Political Leadership” from Surah Yousuf and Al-Kahf.
Islamic Response to Radicalization: Issues and Challenges in Higher Education Institutes of Islamabad-Pakistan
From the past two decades, Pakistan has seen the worst terrorist attacks on schools, mosques, madāris (Islamic Religious institutions), and law enforcement agencies. The War on Terror has caused great damage, in terms of lost precious lives and millions of dollars’ worth of business. With the rise of militancy in the country, a specific discourse on Jihād has also prevailed, creating a huge chasm between the national narrative on terrorism and popular discourse in the country. The phenomenon of radicalization or extremism is not new in Pakistan, but a dangerous turn came when it seeped into the educated university-going youth of the country. Educated youth have committed numerous unfortunate incidents as planned acts of violence. The term ‘Radicalization’ ‘itself needs clarification as there is no agreed-upon definition.
The first chapter is related to introduction and significance of the study, research questions, hypothesis and research design. In the second chapter the phenomenon of radicalization has been compared with Islamic concepts of Ghūluw fi ad-Dīn, Hirabah and Al Wala wal Bara in understanding radicalization in Pakistan along with explaining the significant drivers of radicalization in society and academia that have been identified by the interviewees and previously held studies. The third chapter shed some light on formation of Muslim identity in Sub-Continent and particularly in Pakistan. Keeping in view the diverse educational systems in the country, the issues and challenges are discussed at the HEIs. The fourth and fifth chapters have explored the Islamic scholar's response to radicalization, especially in the academic circles of Islamabad, resulting in devising a de-radicalization strategy based on Islamic principles of moderation, justice, compassion, and tolerance.
The research adopts a qualitative paradigm with analytical approach to reach to the conclusion. This thesis has explored the challenges of growing radical views and intolerance in our youth. The research set out to test this claim by conducting semi-structured interviews with Islamic Studies instructors and Islamic scholars/experts to confirm whether there is any radicalization support within academic settings. Scholars
suggested that radicalism persists in the region if there is active or passive support for this in society.
The findings of this study indicate that Islam inherently denounces all forms of radicalization and instead fosters a culture of peaceful coexistence, ethical engagement in dispute, and meaningful dialogue with individuals of differing perspectives. This study proposes the implementation of technology-based refresher courses for instructors of Islamic Studies, uniform single curriculum for all and the promotion of peacebuilding initiatives.