پاکستانی اردو افسانے میں عصری آگاہی : تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Urdu Short Story and Awareness of its Contemporary Scenario
Literature is closely associated with its contemporary political and social scenario. Writers conceive their ideas directly from the environment they live in. So literary works reflect the awareness of the writer towards current issues. Urdu short story has manifested the awareness of its writers about social and political problems of the this region and is a reliable source to understand the problems faced by the common man in the last few decades. The thesis discusses the Urdu short story in its contemporary social and political scenario. It is divided into six chapters.
First chapter discusses the relation of literature and its contemporary social and political issues in general and also with special reference to Urdu literature.
Second chapter discusses the first period of Urdu short story in the above mentioned perspective especially the post-partition situation of the country.
Third chapter analysis the Urdu short story written in 60s with special reference to the martial law and its impacts on the society.
In fourth chapter Urdu short story of 70s is discussed. This decade is of great shock for the nation because the fall of Dacca. Thorough discussion has been undertaken on the short story of this period and in thematic as well as stylistic perspective.
Fifth chapter discusses the short story of 80s in the above mention context. And the sixth chapter consists of conclusions and recommendations
Problems of women in Urdu short stories of Pakistan: An Analytical study
More than half of world’s population consists of women. The women is forced to live life according the social norms, attitudes moral ethical values, and laws of the land. In a male dominated society the status of women is not decided in a fair and just manner. The rights of women are exploited due to which many problems have emerge in the society Generally in Urdu literature and especially in Urdu short stories such issues are presented nicely. It was not possible for the writers of short stories to stay away from the realities of women’s life. Hence the writers of short stories tried to give a reflection of these problems of the women of the era. The research work done for present dissertation also focuses on such issues. In this study social economic and psychological problems of women have been probed. The circumstances which give rise to these problems have also been studied.
The manuscript has been divided in to six chapters. First chapter emphasis the problems of women in a historical perspective. Second Chapter cover the period of short stories written prior to the creation of Pakistan. The third Chapter problems faced by women in 1st period of Pakistan as presented in short stories by various writers have been analyzed. In the fourth, chapter too, the short stories of various writers who have tried to raise issues faced by women have been discussed. In the fifth chapter, modern period and its demands new problems of women of modern era along with a blend of old problems have been analyzed.
اس مقا لے کو چھے ابواب ميں تقسيم کيا گيا ہے ۔ پہلے باب ميں قيام پاکستان سے قبل اردو تنقيدکا جا ئزہ ليا گيا ہے ۔ يہ تنقيد کا محض پس منظر ہے جس ميں اردو تنقيد کے ابتدا ئی آثار، عہدِ سرسيد کی تنقيد، تر قی پسند تحريک اور حلقہ اربابِ ذوق کا اجمالی جا ئزہ ليا گيا ہے ۔ دوسرا باب تنقيد اور تصورِ حيات کے عنوان سے لکھا گيا ہے ۔ اس ميں ادب ميں تصورِ قوميت کی اہميت اورپھر بعد ميں پا کستانی قوم کی تشکيل کن عناصر کے ذريعے ہو ئی ، اس کا جائزہ ليا گيا ہے۔تيسرے باب ميں پاکستانی تنقيد ميں قومی طرزِ احساس کی تحريکيں اور نظر يات زيرِ بحث آئےہيں ۔ ادب کے ساتھ سا تھ کلچر اور زبان کا جائزہ بھی ليا گيا اور سيا سی ماحول ميں وقوع پذيرہونے والی تبديليوں کے تنقيد پر جتنے اثرات مرتسم ہو ئے ہيں ، ان پر بحث کی گئی ہے۔ چو تھاباب پا کستانی تنقيد اور تا ريخی شعور کے ليے مخصوص ہے۔ اس باب ميں ايسے چند نقادوں کاتذکرہ ہے جنہوں نے پاکستانی تنقيد کی نظر يہ سا زی کر نے کی کو شش کی ۔ اس باب ميں جيلانی کا مران ، ڈاکٹر وزير آغا، فتح محمد ملک، ڈاکٹر سيد عبداللہ، ڈاکٹر وحيد قريشی، خليفہ عبدالحکيم، ڈاکٹر انور سديد اور ڈاکٹر جميل جالبی کے نظريات کو سمجھنے کی کو شش کی گئی ہے۔
پانچويں باب ميں جديد ادب ميں قومی طرزِ احساس کی کا ر فر مائی کو زيرِ بحث لا يا گيا ہے ۔ہمارے ادب ميں ساٹھ کی دہائی کی اہميت يہ ہے کہ اس دور ميں جديد ادب کی تحريک پيدا ہو ئی۔ نہ صرف مو ضوعات ميں تبديلی آئی بلکہ اسا ليب کو بھی نئے چلن دستياب ہو ئے ۔ يہ زمانہ مغربی نظريات سے اثر قبول کر نے کا زمانہ ہے ۔ لہٰذا اس دور ميں گذشتہ دور کی طرح روايتی فکر مو جود دکھا ئی نہيں ديتی ۔ جديد ادب کے زمانے ميں ايک نيا طرزِ احساس پيدا ہوا مگر اس طرزِ احساس ميں بھی قومی شعور کی جھلکياں مو جود ہيں ۔ جديد ادب ميں ايک بڑی تبديلی 1970 ءکے بعد آئی۔ پاکستان ميں يہ زمانہ سيا سی اعتبار سے بڑی بڑی تبديليوں کا زمانہ ہے ۔پاکستان دولخت ہوا ۔ جمہوری آزاديوں کی تحريک چلی اور 1977 ء ميں آئين توڑ کر مار شل لاءلگايا گيا ۔ ان واقعات نے دانشوروں کے ليے نئے فکری مسا ئل پيدا کيے۔ عدم تشخص اور عدم تحفظ اس زمانے کے دو بنيادی عناصر ہيں جنہوں نے تخليقی ادب ميں نئی نئی علا متوں ميں اظہارپا يا۔ يہی قومی طرزِ احساس کا ايک نيا رخ تھا۔ تنقيد ميں دو گر وہ ايسے پيدا ہو ئے جنہوں نےادبِ تہذيب اور زبان کی نئے سرے سے نظرياتی تشکيل کر نے کی کو شش کی۔ ايک گر وہ اس خطے کے اپنے قديم ثقافتی ورثے اور ادبی نظر يات کے ساتھ پاکستانی ادب کو جوڑتا تھا تو دوسراگر وہ پاکستانی ادب کی نظر ياتی بنيادوں کو دو قومی نظر يے کی روشنی ميں ديکھتا تھا۔اگر چہ دونوں کی نظر ياتی بنيا ديں مختلف تھيں ليکن دونوں کی فکر مندی ايک ہی طرح کی تھی۔چھٹے باب کو اپنے مو ضوع کے مجموعی جائزے کے ليے مخصوص کيا گيا ہے۔ اس باب ميں پاکستانی تنقيد ميں قومی طرزِ احساس کی مو جودگی کا مجموعی جائزہ ليا گيا ہے اور يہ بتانے کی کو شش کی گئی ہے کہ قيامِ پاکستان کے بعد سے قومی سطح پر جس طرح کی شکست و ريخت ہوئی ہے اس نے ہماری تنقيد کو بھی متاثر کيا ۔ اسی ليے ان پچاس بر سوں ميں جوادب پيدا ہوا اورجوتنقيد سامنے آئی، اس کا پاکستانی مزاج الگ سے شناخت ہو جاتا ہے ۔ اس کے باوجود کہ پاکستانی ادب کے مختلف نظرياتی گروہ پاکستانی ادب کی الگ الگ تعبير اور تشريح کر تے ہيں مگر ہر تنقيدی نظريے ميں پاکستانی قوم کے تشکيلی عناصر اور اس کی امنگوں کو ہی بنياد بناياجا تا ہے۔
A Stylistic Study of Nonfiction Prose in Pakistan.
This research paper has predominantly discussed stylistic trends of 'Non Fiction Prose' in Urdu Literature since the inception of Pakistan. Non-Finction is prose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells about real people, places, objects, or events. Autobiographies, biographies, essays, reports, letters, memos and newspaper articles are all types of nonfiction. For the purpose of research I choose autobiography, humorous writing, personal essays, travelogues, sketch writing and literary columns. I tried to explore who are trend setters in 'non fiction prose' and how their styles contributed sufficiently in innovation and novelty of the Urdu language and literature. This dissertation tried to answer three research questions: what innovative and novel styles in nonfiction prose are introduced in Urdu literature since the dawn of Pakistan? What are major reasons and background circumstances responsible for development of new styles and approaches of nonfiction prose? Who are prominent trend setters in different kinds of nonfiction prose and how their styles have affected Urdu language in modern times? For objectives research this dissertation in divided into eight (8) chapters.
In first chapter research topic has been dealt in detail. Non fictional prose, any literary work that is based mainly on facts, even though it may contain fictional elements. Defining nonfictional prose literature is an immensely challenging task. I explained 'what is the difference in fiction and non fiction prose'?, 'what are different elements of prose? what is style and major elements of style and what are the main elements? It has been found out that styles and elements of styles in nonfiction and fiction are the same, however their use depends upon the selection of genre. Nonfictional prose genres is very new to Pakistan and therefore this chapter sets the pace that how this new genre has flourished in new styles. This research is mainly limited to the study of the stylistic approach of the prominent writers after the birth of Pakistan, which has been discussed in later chapters.
In next (6) chapters I explored elements of nonfiction prose in field of autobiography, humorous writings, personal essays, travelogues, sketch writing and literary columns by selecting the original works of the prominent writers in their respective fields.
This is the first ever research to study the styles and approaches of the trendsetter writers of Urdu literature. It has been found out that the writers of the Non fiction prose not only produced master pieces of prose in Non fiction but also sets new styles of writing.
پاکستان میں اردو غزل کے مو ضوعات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ:1960تاحال
Thematic Study of the Urdu Ghazal of Pakistani Era: From 1960 onwards Ghazal has been the most popular and powerful genre of Urdu poetry. It has a rich tradition and valuable references of the history of the Indian sub-continent can be seen in its verses. Much has been written on the classical poetry and its critical appreciation with all important aspects has been the priority of most of our critics. However, the ghazal of twentieth century in general and the ghazal of Pakistani era in specific requires more importance. Some works are there on the Pakistani ghazal but most of those are with stylistic approach and thematic study of the Pakistani ghazal was still less preferred area. This work is an attempt to cover the same.
The work comprises of eight chapters.
In the first chapter basics of ghazal and the relationship between ghazal and its themes has been discussed with various angles.
In the second chapter tradition of Urdu ghazal has been discussed briefly with special reference to its themes and topics. It starts from beginning of ghazal in Urdu and covers all the periods till sixth decade of the twentieth century.
In the third chapter thematic study of the Urdu ghazal of seventh decade of the twentieth has been done. Political and socio-economic situation of the country has been discussed to understand the background of thematic changes.
In the fourth chapter ghazal of eighth decade, in the fifth chapter ghazal cif ninth decade and in the sixth chapter ghazal of last decade of the twentieth century has been discussed in the same manner.
In the seventh chapter changing themes of Urdu ghazal of first decade of twenty first century has been discussed with reference to contemporary political and social situation of the country.
The discussion has been concluded in the last chapter
ردو افسانے پر بیسویں صدی کی ادبی تحریکوں اور رجحانات کے اثرات
In this thesis those literary In this thesis those literary movements and trends have been examined that manifested themselves in the 20th century and had their impact on the Urdu Short Story. The scope of the thesis has been outlined, chapter-wise in the following manner:
The first chapter presents the political, social and literary scenario of early 20th century. It encompasses the social milieu as well as the background study of those years on the one hand and other the sphere of knowledge and ideologies, new genres and literary trends have been discussed.
The second chapter consists of the early trends of the Urdu Short Story. In this background two opposing trends of Prem Chand’s realism and Yaldrum’s romanticism have been analysed. Another trend of modernism ushered in by 'Angaarey' has also been discussed.
The third chapter is about the impact of progressive movement on the Urdu short story. A study of movement with its causes, motives, its realism and ideology has been studied. Some important short story writers have been discussed for individual analysis.
Modern trends in the times of progressive movement is the theme of fourth chapter. Some aspects of introversion with abstract, symbolic, psychological and social aspects have been taken up for evaluation and analytical study.
Halqa-e-Arbab-e-Zauq and its impact is the subject of fifth chapter. The characteristic attitudes of the 'Halqa' and the writers under its influence have been analyzed.
The sixth chapter focuses on the emergence of romanticism in Urdu short story after the partition .A special aspect are the riots during and after the partition, the tragic and the heroic incidents presented with a romantic attitude and style as well as the general romantic trends among different short story writers has also been studied.
The seventh chapter is about the Islamic and Pakistani movement in the Urdu short story. The intellectual background of the Islamic /Pakistani movement and its impact on Urdu short story has been discussed.
In the eighth chapter, all the new and modern movements, schools of thought and trends that have exercised an influenced Urdu short story have been discussed, Among these are: new poetry; new linguistic patterns; abstract and symbolic writing; psychology; existentialism; new social and cultural problems as agents of change; nonpolitical attitudes and Pakistan’s social and economic problems causing attitude of resistance. Analyses of a few selected short story writers has also been included here.
Scholarly and Literary works of Asim Butt: Analytical Study محمد عاصم بٹ کی علمی و ادبی خدمات
Muhammad Asia) Butt, the renowned Urdu writer, started his literary career during 1990. He developed his own peculiar style of his literary writings, which distinguishes his from his contemporaries, In addition, he introduced the modern western literary cults and trends through his works of translations into Urdu. He has issued many valuable volumes or the modem literature to promote the modern literature to promote the modern literature. In his literary works, he deals with the present-day subjects of his times.
I tried to make an analytical study of literary works of Muhammad Asim Butt in my research dissertation for M.Phil. I tried to critically appreciate his novels, short works of translations.
My dissertation comprises of his chapters.
Chapter one: It deals with the person and the biography of the writer. In this chapter, his family background, family life, and the start of his career as a writer have been discussed.
Chapter two: It deals with his short stories, In this chapter, an overview of history of short story has been presented in a brief manner. Then, a thematic and stylistic study of the short stories of the writer is rendered.
Chapter three: This chapter deals with the novels of the writer. In this chapter, a brief overview of the history of the novel is presented, then, the two novels of the writer has been studied with respect to their themes, characters, and style.
Chapter four: in this chapter after discussing the technicalities of the science of translation, the writer's works of translation have been studies.
Chapter five: in this chapter the editorial works of the writer have been discussed.
The last chapter comprises of an overview, findings and recommendations.
Urdu Short story undergone many thematic and stylistic Changes through its evolution decade by decade in the 2Oth century. In the first three or four decades narrative style of short story writing was much popular style because it was much suitable for the topics associated with realism, In Pakistan era after independence narrative style of writing gradually changed and influence of modern movements in other arts and literature and techniques associated with these movements increased on Urdu short story.
In 60s a movement in Urdu Nazm emerged generally called Nai Nazm (the new poem). The movement was initiated basically for poetic genres especially free verse. The movement was of the opinion that the old phrases and set grammatical structures are not sufficient to convey the complexity of the mind of modem man. So these structures should be broken and new and fresh patterns should be introduced. This changed the new poetry with regard to its content as well as its style. These changes in Nai Nazm influence other genres literature especially the modern short story. This thesis critically analysis these changes.
The thesis consists of five chapters and starting from the start of 20th century, when the Urdu short story was introduced in Urdu literature and influenced by contemporary literary movements, it presents a thorough study of Urdu short story before partition. In the next chapters emerging of the movement of Nai Nazm, its silent features are discussed. In the next chapters influence of this movement on modern literature is analyzed. In the final chapter works of selected short story writers are critically discussed in the context of influence of Nai Nazm movement.
اردو غزل پر بیسویں صدی کی ادبی تحریکوں اور رجحانات کے اثرات
(Influence of 20th Century Literary Movements on Urdu Ghazal)
Urdu Literature, particularly Urdu Poetry, can boast of having narratives not known in other world literatures. One of them being Ghazal, a unique form of versification that is specific to Urdu and Persian poetry alone. The focus of the thesis is the study of Modern, that is, 20th century Urdu Ghazal. There are two main reasons for this choice, or delimitation of the study. First, though it is true that lot of literature is found on Urdu poetry, but unfortunately, most of it is in the form of essays and articles and very few authenticated researched document is available on this genre. Second, lot has been written on Classical Ghazal but Modern Ghazal has not yet been ventured enough by critics and researchers. An effort has been made in the present study to view Modern Ghazal in the light of 20th Century literary movements, and its influence on Urdu Ghazal.
There are in all eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction of the tradition of Ghazal and its evolution in 18th & 19th century. The second chapter presents an analysis of the literary ambience, the political atmosphere and the intellectual environment at the advent of the 20th century, and it is in this backdrop that Romantic Ghazal is studied. The third chapter is a study of the distinct features of Iqbal's Ghazal and its influence on Urdu Ghazal. The fourth chapter focuses mainly on the Progressive Movement and its influence on Urdu Ghazal. The fifth and sixth chapters are about different Urdu literary circles and movements, like Halqa-i-Arbab-i-Zauq, Pakistani Adab, Islami Adab, Arzi Saqafti Tehreek, and their contribution in promoting Urdu literature in general and Urdu Ghazal in particular. The seventh chapter is on modern trends and thoughts, their detailed analysis and their impact on Urdu Ghazal. The eighth chapter is a conclusion of the research followed by recommendations for further study.
I have divided the research 'comparison analysis JOSH and JALIB'S revolutionary poetry into five chapters, in fist chapter autobiography of JOSH and JALIB has been narrated in following order financial background, societal and migration of 1947.
Apart from this, beside debate on revolutionary literature has also been discussed in this way it has been brought into consideration whether revolution and revolutionary literature is a necessity are compulsion.
In second chapter revolutionary poetry of JOSH has been analyzed in detailed. Revolutionary poetry of JOSH has been investigated retreated to numerous dimensions in order to understand, so that it can be estimated that 'now JOSH has colored his major subject like revolutionary through, style and technique.
This is why, revolutionary poetry of JOSH has been analyzed with respect to three directions:
1. Revolutionary poetry of JOSH at subjective level.
2. Revolutionary poetry of JOSH at cognitive level.
3. Revolutionary poetry of JOSH at stylistics level.
In third chapter the same methodology of research has been used in order to understand JALIB'S revolutionary poetry in which his poetry has also been analysis, investigated and understood according to aforementioned strategies.
In fourth chapter comparison analysis of JOSH and JALIB'S revolutionary poetry has been presented at three levels as subject, cognitive and stylistics level. After this analysis the researcher comes to now that josh is greater poet then JALIB, when it comes to revolutionary literature. Actually, JALIB is more concerned with political poetry as compare to revolutionary. The reason of it has been described as JOSH'S era was more intricate as compare to JALIB'S. Another reason is difference of brought up of both poets. Furthermore JOSH was much ahead in field of knowledge.
In fifth chapter comparison analysis of JOSH and JALIB'S poetry has been presented and it is hold that at which levels and due to which reasons JOSH is greater than JALIB..
Services Rendered by Yousaf Hassan in Literature: یو سف حسن کی علمی و ادبی خد مات
There are certain people on whom there is no research work at high level. Their writings are scattered in the form of different articles in magazines. But it is the dire need of the hour that their work must come in front page on behalf of deep research in different disciplines.
It consist of five chapters.
First chapter gives a detailed life history, education and his literary work.
In second chapter his poetry has been analyzed both on literary and critical level. He has adopted the technique of "Ghazal" and "Nazam" to elaborate his thought. In third chapter his motive and cause has been discussed. His school of thought is progressive movement. All his literary, critical work, article writing and research work high light the same school of thought.
Fourth chapter is also related to the third one in which h has described ideas and philosophy of progressive movement. His publications has also come into view in Punjabi and Gojri languages along with Urdu Language.
Fifth chapter is the sum up of all his literary and critical work. A tribute has also been presented by his contemporaries concerning his research work as well as his creativities.
فروغ فرخ زاد اور کشور ناہید کا نسائی تصور (تقابلی مطالعہ)
This research thesis is titled “Farogh Farokhzad and Kishwer Naheed’s Ideology of Feminism”: Comparative Analysis. The purpose of this research is to analyze the present feminine ideology in Farogh, Farukhzad and Kishwer Naheed’s poetry to elucidate the perception of feminism, under which most of their literary compilation is present.
This thesis first and foremost focuses on the inferences and methods of comparison. Since the foundation of this thesis is the ideology of feminism that is why feminism’s inferences, traditions and its global influence have also been debated.
Furthermore, to clarify Farogh Farukhzad’s and Kishwer Naheed’s Ideology of Feminism, some standards have been set; in terms of sociopolitical, psychological and sexual; the various ways of expressions, have also been observed.
For this thesis poetic work of both the poets have been selected; out of which eight books by Kishwer Naheed and five books by Farogh Farukhzad have been chosen. To define various different perceptions, their backgrounds have been thoroughly explained. The selection and presentation of the topics have been defined on the basis of their similarities and differences. Two women with two completely different backgrounds having in-depth knowledge and comprehension of feminism and the ways and the extent to which and how they’ve explained their understanding of feminism on what standards. In short, the overview of their feminist values and the similarities and differences among them have been thoroughly discussed.
Banu Qudsia is a renowned literary figure in the literary circles. She is a versatile
writer. Her dramas, novels, and short stories have been topics of research from different
aspects of theirs. Research work is done on her biography and personality too. However,
she, for the very first time, presented herself as a biographer. She wrote a biography, Rah e
Rawan, a biographical account of her late husband, the renowned writer, Ashfaq Ahmad,
and got herself acclaimed as a biographer too. The dissertation at hand is a research work
to determine the position of Banu Qudsia as a biographer by critically and technically
appreciating her book, Rah e Rawan.
The dissertation is divided into four chapters: Chapter one is an introduction to the
art of biography and its tradition; chapter two analyzes the book, Rah e Rawan, critically;
chapter three analyzes the book on technical grounds; and fourth, the last chapter is all
about overview of the book and results derived by the researcher of this dissertation.
جونؔ ایلیا کے انشا ئیوں کا موضوعاتی مطالعہ (فرنود کے خصوصی حوالے سے)
“Poem in Urdu” wanders here and there in the environmental outskirts in search of its topics and having found its jewel, a poet with sensitive mind, with his poetic attitude and aptitude, and choice of words, finds such topics with whose embellished use provides his reader and critic with ample material. Our society has been facing terrorism for decades. In such an environment, poetic figminations and angles find new horizons. Urdu – particularly poem in Urdu evolved in atmosphere of tyranny, terror, frightfulness, the poets, at topic level and with choice of words have excelled this in a decorated manner and have tried to abolish the atmosphere of horror and terror and have brought ease and comfort to the society. To revive this comfort and peace, the poets of poem in Urdu have used various narratives, different steps and angles of this narrative is the prime purpose of this research.