Contemporary sense in the personal essays of Dr. Saleem Agha Qazalbash. I have done research work base on the Personal essays of Dr.Saleem Agha Qaszalbash. He is famous for personal essays in Urdu literature, His three personal books have been published. This thesis consists of five chapters of personal essays of Dr. Saleem Agha. This research includes the published essays of Saleem Agha. First Chapter consists of the basic discussions of contemporary sense and Urdu personal essay. Second Chapter shows the topic and style of personal essay
of Dr. Saleem Agha Qazalbash. Third Chapter contemporary sense in the light essays of the Saleem Agha Qazalbash according to his three books. Fourth chapter describes uniqueness of Saleem Agha Qazalbash. As compare to other writers fifth Chapter present the overall analysis of contemporary sense of his personal essay.
At last finding as well as recommendation have been suggested. An effort has been made to present the contemporary sense of Saleem Agha
Qazalbash personal essays.
فہمیدہ ریاض اور مایا اینجلو کی نظموں میں تانیثی شعور (تقابلی مطالعہ)
Comparative Study is a research methodology used to make comparison across different cultures or countries to explore the common factors or point of differentiation. In this piece of work I used this methodology to compare the writings of two famous poets, Fehmida Riaz and Maya Angelou, Particularly focusing the area of Feminism in their poems. Thesis consists of five chapters cover the feminism thoughts, background of feminism thoughts in Fehmida Riaz and Maya Angelou’s Poetry, Comparative analysis in the writings of both writers and Concluded with the recommendations. First chapter of the thesis discusses the theories of feminism, movements in Afro-American society, feminism thoughts and history in Pakistan and comparative analysis of both of the societies. Second and third chapters specifically focus on Fehmida Riaz and Maya Angelou, briefed the social, psychological and sexual elements in the poetry of both writers. Chapter four contains the similarities and differences in the poems of both writers. Last chapter is concluded with results and recommendations, and set a bench mark for the future researcher to work onward.
منشا یاد کے افسانوی اسلوب کا مطالعہ"(منتخب افسانوں کے حوالے سے)"
Manshayad is a renowned literary figure in the literary circles. He is a versatile writer. Manshayad is a reputable name of Urdu short stories his work represents modern time period. If we analyze his work, we can find him entangled in metaphors like his comrade but his specialty is that he never imposed metaphoric style, He has presented his work finely with righteous choice of words and phrases his technical way of presenting his short stories affectively are well fabricated leaving remarkable impact on the reader his short stories would help us understand
various essences and shades of modern writing. In my thesis, the first chapter is related to writing styles and elements of writing styles. In this chapter the literal meanings are discussed in the light of various literary critics. The concept and elements of various writing styles are tried
to be derived. Second chapter deals with rules and literary debates with his collection of short stories “Bund Muthee Mai Jugnu” the third chapter however caters is another masterpiece collection “Mass or Mitti” and fourth one is about “Waqt ka Samander” whereas fifth chapter deals with all his work under analysis.
اردو میں صوتیاتی اور فونیمیاتی تحقیق کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Topic of my research is ‛Critical anylases of phonetic and phonemic research in Urdu‚. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In
first chapter, definition and history of linguistics along with introduction of phonemics and phonetics has been discussed and also the contradiction and elaboration of terminologies in Urdu has been presented. The second chapter consists of research performed on segmental phonemes in Urdu. Third chapter consist of a discussion on supra segmental phonemes and other issues including auditory phonetics and linguistic variations. Fourth and last chapter presents a holistic overview of the findings of the research.
اردو ناول کی تنقید کے رجحانات: تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ
Western literature was the source from where Urdu novel & criticism took its roots. Rules of criticism on Urdu novel were derived
from criticism on Western novel too. It's also a fact that Urdu writers had started expressing their views about novel in form of essays & prefaces prior following Western critics .In this connection, Abbas Husseni's book proved to be the harbinger of criticism on Urdu novel.Thus evolution of customary practice of criticism in Urdu literature was the outcome of both the mentioned factors .As the time went by this customary practice branched out into varied trends. Amidst these trends social criticism turned out to be the most widely accepted trend. It focused n social aspects of novel driven by social & political factors of the society. Affected by this trend other elements of novel were associated too with the society. As the influential trend of criticism on novel was explanatory.Therefore, critics kept themselves occupied with the explanation of plot & characters.Due to this trend although volume of Urdu literature increased but to view criticism only from general & academic angle became the prevailing tendency. In 60's there emerged two approaches of studying novel.The modern approach dealt with analysis of technical aspects of novel .These critics were against confining novel to definitions of story, plot and characters .Thats why they welcomed new experiments done in this domain .The other approach was critically appreciating novel from psychological angle .This approach dealt with study of mind and exploration and explanation of conscious and unconscious motives at work in the novel. Despite being immensely interesting this trend couldn't gather great number of critics in its folds.
حمیدہ شاہین کی شاعری میں سماجی شعور (تجزیاتی مطالعہ)
This research paper is An Analysis of Social Awareness in the Poetry of Hameeda Shaheen. Poetry is the lyrical writing that presents and explains idea or that tells about both imaginary and real people, places and events. I choose social consciousness in the poetry of Hameeda Shaheen and compared it with selective contemporary poetess. I tried to explore the new trends in poetry and it contributed in innovation of Urdu literature this dissertation tried to answer four research questions: what is social awareness? What are its elements? How is social awareness presented in the poetry of Hameeda Shaheen. What are the stylistic methods of the presentation of social awareness in the poetry of Hameeda Shaheen? What is the individuality social behavior in the poetry of Hameeda Shaheen of their detailed study and analysis? For
objectives research this dissertation is divided into five chapters. In first chapter research topic has been explained in detail. It has been
explained, what is the relation between poetry and society? I also explained social awareness in Urdu poetry and its background. In next two chapters Ihave discussed about social awareness in the poetry of Hameeda Shaheen. I have criticaly evaluated tradition customs, class division, status of women, exploitation, problems of social life, human behaviour, easternism and moral values. I have analysed stylistically language and expression, similes and metaphors, allusion and other literary techniques. In chapter four I have analyzed social consciousness of Hameeda Shaheen and important selected poetesses. This is the first research to study social awareness in the Hameeda Shaheen’s poetry. It has been found out that poetry of Hameeda Shaheen not only produced master piece of poetry but also set new styles of writing
The subject of my research paper is “The analytical study of Natiya elements in Urdu Haiku”. I have divided my paper into five chapters in the first chapter the tradition of Haiku is Urdu has been analysed briefly and besides there is a description of the translation of Japanese Haiku.
In the second chapter there is description of the tradition of Urdu Naat and an analysis of the subject matter of Urdu Naats”.
In the third chapter there is intellectual analysis of Urdu Natiya Haiku and further the history and character of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been analysed precisely.
The fourth chapter has been dedicated to the literary analysis of Urdu Naatiya Haiku. In Section the diction types and rhetoric analysis of Urdu Naatiya Haiku has been accomplished. In this section Urdu Naatiya Haiku has been analysed with reference to its rhetoric, type and diction.
The fifth and last chapter is dedicated to the overall analysis of the research paper in this section, the importance and the intellectual literary analysis of Urdu Naatiya Haiku has been summarized.
محمد اطہار الحق کی کالم نگاری کی فکری جہات کا تنقیدی مطالعہ (تلخ نوائی کے منتخب کالموں کے حوالے سے)
The title of my research, thesis for M. Phil Urdu is “A critical Study of ideological dimensions of Muhammad Izhar-Ul-Haq’s Column writing”. Only some selected Columns of “Talakh Nawai” have been taken in this research. This Book was published in 2016. The purpose of this research is to study of Muhammad Izhar-Ul-Haq’s Column writing and bring out thoughts and thinking of him about daily human and social life. The columns of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq have unique identity. The central theme of these columns helped us to understand the ideology of Columnist. This research has been divided into four chapters. The first Chapter has the title of “Muhammad Izhar ul Haq as an Urdu
Columnist”. In starting of this chapter a brief introduction of my research work is presented, after that a short discussion has been made
about “what is a Column?”, and “A brief history of columns”. Third portion of this chapter has also been described the personality of
Muhammad Izhar ul Haq, his contribution in Urdu literature and his achievements due to his untiring efforts. The second chapter is “A Critical Study of literary, political, historical and religious dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing” .This chapter is divided into four sections. In first section literary, in second section political, in third section historical and in last section religious dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing are described separately. The third chapter is “A Critical Study of social, cultural and economical dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing”. This chapter is also divided into four sections. In first section social and cultural trends, in second section educational, sports and welfare, in third section scientific and tourism aspects were discussed and in last section economical and social problems in Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing are described separately in detail. In the Fourth Chapter an overall analysis has been made. This chapter is based on a comprehensive study ,Conclusions and recommendations deduced as a result of the overview of the
discussion in the first three chapters, reaching a summarize and compiling a few suggestions at the end.
محمد اطہار الحق کی کالم نگاری کی فکری جہات کا تنقیدی مطالعہ (تلخ نوائی کے منتخب کالموں کے حوالے سے)
The title of my research, thesis for M. Phil Urdu is “A critical Study of ideological dimensions of Muhammad Izhar-Ul-Haq’s Column writing”. Only some selected Columns of “Talakh Nawai” have been taken in this research. This Book was published in 2016. The purpose of this research is to study of Muhammad Izhar-Ul-Haq’s Column writing and bring out thoughts and thinking of him about daily human and social life. The columns of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq have unique identity. The central theme of these columns helped us to understand the ideology of Columnist. This research has been divided into four chapters. The first Chapter has the title of “Muhammad Izhar ul Haq as an Urdu
Columnist”. In starting of this chapter a brief introduction of my research work is presented, after that a short discussion has been made
about “what is a Column?”, and “A brief history of columns”. Third portion of this chapter has also been described the personality of
Muhammad Izhar ul Haq, his contribution in Urdu literature and his achievements due to his untiring efforts. The second chapter is “A Critical Study of literary, political, historical and religious dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing” .This chapter is divided into four sections. In first section literary, in second section political, in third section historical and in last section religious dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing are described separately. The third chapter is “A Critical Study of social, cultural and economical dimensions of Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing”. This chapter is also divided into four sections. In first section social and cultural trends, in second section educational, sports and welfare, in third section scientific and tourism aspects were discussed and in last section economical and social problems in Muhammad Izhar ul Haq’s Column writing are described separately in detail. In the Fourth Chapter an overall analysis has been made. This chapter is based on a comprehensive study ,Conclusions and recommendations deduced as a result of the overview of the
discussion in the first three chapters, reaching a summarize and compiling a few suggestions at the end.
تھامس ہارڈی کے ناول "ریٹرن آف نیٹوز" کا اردو ترجمہ مع تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ
Translation is simultaneously a theory and a practice, the translator besides dealing with the difficulties inherent in the translation of Prose, must think of the artistic features of the text, its exquisiteness and approach as well as its marks (lexical, grammatical and phonological). He should not forget that the stylistic marks of one language can be immensely different from another. As far as the whole text is concerned,
it is simply impossible to transfer all the messages of original text to the target text. But translator can try to find aquiline in translation and show the cautious nature of their assertions accordingly. In this way he can request the readers to join and select which translation venders the thoughts, notions and words of the original text correctly. Meaning of the translation is supposed to be same in both languages besides this, safety of worthiness of content ought to be assured collectively. Translation brings cultures together and in each translation there will be a deformation between cultures. So translation is not only a part of community of readers but it also comes in contact with other community by negotiating with it. And I have tried to make such a humble effort to translate the master piece of Hardy and given it a readable form for the Urdu readers. Translation is a way to bridge the gap of cultural differences between languages and two nations and civilization. It brings new themes, new styles and new taste to the language and enriches it with feeling. Its importance has been increased in the contemporary situation of knowledge exploration and dialogue between opposite civilization. Hardy has been one of my favorite novelists in English literature due to his realistic theme and grand style. It was my cure wish to translate it into Urdu. My manuscript on this topic of translation comprises following chapters. In the first chapter, translation, its types, techniques and general problems of translation has been discussed along with this, a brief introduction of novelist is given. 2nd chapter comprises translation of the text that consist of sic books. Further unfamiliar words and terms are explained on foot notes. In the third chapter, critical analysis of the novel is done subjective thematic and
stylistically analysis of the respective novel has been done in this chapter. The whole discussion has been concluded in the fourth chapter and finding results are presented and recommendations have been made in the light of this research.
سجاد ظہیر کا ناول "لندن کی ایک رات" کا نو آبادیاتی اور مابعد نو آبادیاتی مطالعہ
When the conception of colonialism idea started or intiated, there did is not found any prestigious opinion that to whom people included in it but in this vision or ideology one of the most prominent persanality is Mr Adward saeed seems clearly. In colonialism victor and defeater have a combination even that victor have everlasting impacts on it. This conception and symptoms investigated in post colonialism. In the regime of colonialist and after post colonial effect have changed in very large scale.the colomialists implement heir civilization, culture,social and political
policies to arrange thier occupation which have comfortable and ease in this reigon and a suitable envirment available for post colonialist but sometime there laid after post colonial teneor.these impacts included in life and after all segments of society post colonial effect have been presisely mentioned and its colonial priod have been studied in my thesis''The night of london colonial and post colonial study''.The above
mentioned topic consist on five chapters. In 1st chapter the start of colonial and post colonial period and its policies aspecially after in1857 have been discussed. In this chapter shows that how colonialist used tatictss to brain washing by astonished way and currently shows its impacts on occupied area. 2nd chapter novlet comprises on the intensive reading in which social and economic topics and colonial and post colonial topics comprised in this chapter colonial and post colonial idea its relation and effcets are discussed .The psychologial study of the charaters heve been mentioned. In 3rd chapter colonial and post colonial impacts and brain storming are as following had they did selflessnes and effect and rules of occupied nation. Chapter 4th on the night of london there are many methods and criterias here colonil and post colonial analysis mentioned the literature of colonial and post colonial period its methods and anylasis exprience discussed. In 5th chapter comprised on the genral anlysis in which many outcomes and advantages have been presented.
طاہرہ اقبال کے ناول "نیلی بار" کا فکری و فنی جائزہ
Tahira Iqbal is included among prominent writers of contemporary era. She initially attained fame due to her Short Stories. Afterwards she started writing Novels and Columns and today she is famous as a well-established Novelist. Although till date her only Novel “Neeli bar” has been published but this novel brought her to the highest level of reputation. “Neeli bar” is a sizeable novel which discusses and indicates different political, socio-economic, religious and cultural problems of the society. It seems that the writer focused on a specific area Neeli bar’s civilization, culture, politics and society but in fact the novel displays the Pakistani civilization and culture.
The thesis has been divided into five chapters.
In first chapter the basic thoughts of the art of novel has been discussed. It follows an analysis of the tradition of Pakistani Urdu Novel. Finally a life sketch and literary aspects of Tahira Iqbal have been presented.
Second chapter included the reflective study of “Neeli bar”. An analysis in which keeping in the mind Tahira Iqbal’s thoughts’ four features, has been carried out. It is tried to define that how Tahira Iqbal has presented political, social, religious and cultural elements in the novel.
Third chapter of the thesis contains the analyses of novel “Neeli bar”. The presentation, characters, stylistic, atmosphere and scenes have been discussed.
In fourth chapters Tahira Iqbal’s era has been fixed. Her contemporary novelists are also studied other than this. At the end the position of Tahira Iqbal in Urdu Novel tradition has been determined.
Fifth chapter of the thesis contained the overview, findings and recommendations. The four chapters have been comprehensively reviewed here. Then the findings have been edited and at the end some recommendations have been presented.
The topic of my M.Phil Urdu article is reviewing the Novelette of the Ghulam-usSaqlain Naqvi. The three Novelette of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi are discussed to argue the subjest. These three novelette were published in the same collection. This article is divided into five chapters.
Chapter one is based on the short introduction of the biography and Novelette of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi, the short introduction of Novelette and narrative tradition has also been reviewed in reference to Urdu Literature as inspired by English literature.
Chapter two contains subjective review of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi Novelette in which subject review of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi`s three Novelette “Chandpur ki Naina”, “Shamira” , “Sher Zaman” has been discussed , in which the topic found in the Ghulam Al-Naqvi Novelette, Spiritual theme, theme of the rural life and struggle regarding the issue of Kashmir are discussed. His third Novelette is written on Kashmir subject. In Chapter three, a fictional review of the Novelette of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi has been presented in which his three Novelette have been cast out on fictional basis.The role of characters in the Novelette Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi reviewed. The kind of characters portrayed in his Novelette are discussed. The statement has been described. The art of his writings has been reviewed. Apart from this, the scenario and beauty of their scenes were reviewed. In Chapter four, determination of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi is included, in which determination of era of Ghulam-us-Saqlain Naqvi as well as his contemporary writers are discussed and also the work regarding Novelette of Ghulam-usSaqlain Naqvi is discussed. Chapter five contains overall review, in which collective analysis of these all chapters is discussed. Besides conclution and recommendations are also presented .
Poetry is the description of feelings and emotions. Zaib-un-Nissa Zaibi is on of the prominent poetesses in Pakistan, In this research thesis I horology discussed the topics and subjects of Zaibi’s poetry. I tried to discover the background of zaibunnisa’s ghazals poetry that how social changes effect zaibi’s ghazal. I also discussed about the value of her art in the current scendrio. This thesis is divided in five major parts.
In 1st chapter the introduction of Zaibi is presented the second part of this chapter is biased on the general introduction of Ghazals poetry in Pakistan. I discussed romantic topics of her ghazal in 1st part of the 2nd chapter. In the second part of the second chapter I discussed two emotion of lone and ishq in her ghazals. 3rd chapter of this thesis is about the social topics of her ghazals. This chapter is divided in four substituent parts. First part of this chapter is about the general social discussion of the age of Zaibi on the behalf of her ghazals. In the second of the 3rd chapter. I discussed the problem of gluttnery and poverty third part of the 3rd chapter the I discussed terrorism sectarianism in the ghazal of Zaibi the last and the 4th part this chapter, based upon the discussion about the status of woman in our society. Political topics are discussed in the 4th chapter this chapter is divided in three parts. In 1st part of this chapter political scenario of Zaibi is described 2nd part of this chapter is about the criticism of elete and ruler class of Pakistan. Third part is about the double standard of politics and democracy in our
country. I want to show the current political situation of Pakistan in her view Fifth chapter is about art of poetry of Zaibi in current age, the result shows that how zaibi’s thoughts and art make her unique from other poets.