Intellectual reforms in Muslim Umma (Dimensions & Solutions as per contemporary perspective) is a title, which is widely spread. Thought is a general term. Its involvement is existing in each department of human education. Every item of the world requires thoughts. Thinking is common and knowledge is different than thinking. Knowledge and thoughts are essential for each other. But when thinking converts from the ordinary to its specific philosophical meaning, then improvement starts from the thinking. Thought is also used in the meaning of thinking exploration, passion, and crazy and adore, similarly, religious & secular. Intellectual system plays a key role in the rise and the fall of societies and nations. Islamic thinking is a separate code of nature living system from secular thinking system. The thesis has an idea of the Islamic thinking which provides results from a combination of thoughts and actions together. So it has a separate code of nature in humanities.
The thesis lemmatized in two ways. Mostly focused on religious traditions. Council reforms situation could be recovered. However, non-Islamic and secular thoughts also briefly considered into account & written, so obvious traits of Islamic thoughts can be highlighted.
Due to this reformation of Muslim thinking, Muslim thinking and physical rehabilitation can be made possible to achieve its real goal.
First of all meanings of thinking and optimization specific and struggle made with the help of words & sentences to emphasize the thinking.
Muslim Ummah should understand the status of Islamic thinking and about the thinking condition of Muslim nation. In this way Muslims can get the religious, political, economic and cultural rise again.
The concept of thinking reforms presented in Muslim nation is less than other reforms. These are the four religious, educational, political, and cultural dimensions which are developed during reparable work in demise rule and people forget the thinking of demise rule.
Muslim Nation divided into three parts of the world. Reformation of Muslim thinking is not possible without each part's confusion's through into practical measures and thinking revivals proposed, being remained in the same region. These three sections of Muslim world are different in terms of population, means and in terms of wealth.
عصر حاضر میں اسلامی ریاست کی تشکیل: تحقیقی جائزہ مسلم مفکرین کے افکار کی روشنی میں
The institution of the state is core need of the human society for its solidarity, safety and peace. Islam, being a comprehensive philosophy of life, provides human being with guidance for every sphere of life and for all institutions of society. Islam not only has given basic principles to run a state, but also has practically manifested the same principles in the form of a model Islamic Welfare State, established by the last of the Holy Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad SAW, in the middle ages.
The Muslim communities of twenty first century wish to have a modern Islamic state. But the question rises, how to create an Islamic state, in modern times? Same is the topic of the following research. The study discovers the philosophy, distinctive features and basic principles to establish the desired Islamic state, in the light of thoughts presented by Islamist Political scientists.
The first chapter is based on introductory study of the institute of state and nature of Islamic state. It discloses the basics of politics in Islam. There is also descriptive study of the basic principle of Islam regarding establishment and governance of state. Second chapter explains Islamic form of government, its structure and distinctive features. In the third chapter, judiciary, education, economy and foreign affairs in Islamic state are explained. Fourth chapter focuses Islamic culture and, social system and civilization in an Islamic state. The last chapter discovers underlying concepts of basic human rights in Islamic state. At the end this chapter analyzes the concept and objectives of Jihad in Islam and international affairs of Islamic state with reference to modern globalized world. The dissertation concludes with the essence and results of research.
Hopefully, the confirmatory research will stand out as an important study about a modern Islamic state and will open an arena of further research on the topic.
اصول فقھ میں مسالک فقپیھ کے مشترکات: تقابلی جائز ھ ادلھ اجتہاد کے تناظر میں
The purpose of this study is to investigate how different Islamic schools of thought interpret and derive basic principles in Islamic jurisprudence. It is believed that the Muslims set the principles of Islamic jurisprudence soon after the demise of the Prophet (s.a.w.w) of Islam. This branch of knowledge is actually a superb fusion of reasoning and imitation. It is the study of the arguments through which Islamic Sharia is interpreted and Islamic legislation is achieved. Most often, the debates involve doctrinal arguments, and all the existing Islamic schools of thought agree on the basic principles through which certain laws are derived from those debates.
All the Islamic schools of thought agree that Qur’an is the final authority, and it is the Qur’an that provides the initial argument whenever some issue arises. Thus the Qur’an is the first and foremost source to provide an answer to any issue. However, the Hambli scholars ascribe authority to the Qura’an and the Sunnah, without making a clear distinction in order or rank between the two.
The Sunnah is the second source for deriving doctrinal principles. All Islamic schools of thought agree that the Sunnah is an important and basic source for deriving the Sharia principles. The Sharia can be divided into two kinds: the first deals with the steady and gradual reporting which, according to every school of thought, adds to argumentative knowledge, and hence stands for authority in Islamic jurisprudence. The second kind involves personal reporting which depends on personal character for determining its truth-value. However, every school of thought takes it as authority once its truth-value is verified. For Hanfi school of thought, certain other conditions besides personal character are required in order to accept the personal reporting.
The third most important source for deriving principles in Islamic jurisprudence is the community consensus. Every school of thought accepts the authority of the general consensus. Although most of the schools of thought agree on the authority of absolute consensus, the Malkis also take community consensus as an authority, i.e., if the community in Madina arrive at a consensus on some issue, it would be accepted as the authority. On the other hand, according to the Ja’fri school of thought, every consensus has attained authority with a ma’soom’s opinion in its favor.
For the majority Ummah, reasoning is also regarded as authority for the derivation of the Sharia principles. According to Imam Ibne Hazam, logical reasoning is possible, but it is not recognized by the Sharia. On the other hand, the Ja’fri school of thought accepts the authority of both the mansoosul-illat reasoning and the awaliyat reasoning.
As for the authority of istashab, all the Muslim states accept and set it as a precedence to implement the state laws. The Hanfis believe that only an accepted right can be explored and verified through istashab, and not a new one. All these are the basic principles that serve as authority in the Islamic jurisprudence. Every Islamic school of thought employs them for the interpretation and implementation of the Sharia
The Role of Muslim Naval Force in the Modern Age
(In the Light of Islamic Teachings and History)
The Role of Muslim Naval Force in the contemporary era with reference to
Islamic Teachings and History has been critically and analytically evaluated in this
research work. The significance and value of Naval Force of Islamic countries has
come under discussion in scientific manners.
In the first chapter, an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of
Oceans in human life, in the light of the Holy Qur'an. As we are aware of the fact
that two third of this earth consists of water, the remaining is the land. Moreover,
this chapter elucidates pre-Islamic history of Naval Force in effective manners.
Second chapter deals with the concept of Jihad in Islam. Different forms
and manifestations of Jihad in Caliphate period have been discussed. The historical
perspective of Muslim Navy and its beginning has been explained.
In the third chapter, the golden period of Muslim Naval Force with special
reference to Umayyad and Abbasids period have been studied.
Fourth chapter discusses advancement of Muslim Navies under Fatimid and
the Ottoman empires. The contribution of Turks and the conquest of Cordova have
been critically evaluated. Different challenges during this period have also been
In the last chapter, challenges to the Muslim Navies in general and to the
Pakistan Navy in particular have been identified. The achievements of Pakistan
Navy has also been highlighted and appreciated. Last but not least,
recommendations and suggestions for the uplift and advancement of Muslim
Navies have been discussed.
The thesis has been divided into five chapters. Details are as under:
First chapter deals with the social structure of life. Since human beings are the basic pillars of social 1ife, so in this chapter the real worth of man has been discussed in detail. Validity of Darwin's Concept of Evolution has been discussed. The concept of the Quranic teaching on the subject has been also given comparatively.
Second chapter deals with civilization and culture. The procedure adopted by the Holy Prophet to convert the existing Arabic culture into Islamic one has been discussed in detail and it is also discussed that how Islamic values have been made part and parcel of uncivilized Arab culture.
Third chapter deals with the elements of society. The important elements of society in the light of Quranic message and the ways and means to reform society as per the Quran, has been explained in detail.
Fourth chapter consists of values. It is a very vast and all encompassing term which covers all social maters. Important social values recommended for society by the Quran have been discussed in this chapter.
Fifth and final chapter has been dedicated for discussion of challenges which Muslim society may suffer. The Quranic teachings are most natural and useful for reformation of human society. However, in practical modern life there are certain proЫems and hindrances which modern Muslim societies are confronted with. In this chapter such difficulties and challenges have been pointed out and some measures have been recommended to eliminate these proЫems.
دینی مدارس کے نظام تعلیم کی خوبیاں اور خامیاں ایک تحقیقی اور تنقیدی جائزہ
This thesis has been named "Critical and Research Analysis on the merits and demerits of the education system of Deeni Madaris.
"The thesis consists of four chapters, which are subdivided into 10 parts and 28 sub parts. The first part of chapter one consists of an introduction and importance of some famous "Deeni Madaris" .This chapter also contains persuasion of Religious education. Second part of this chapter includes nature, Procedure, Methodology and services of Deeni Madaris. Third part of the chapter is about evolution of Madaris and their income and expenditure. At the end of this chapter sources of knowledge of these Madaris have been discussed.
Part first of chapter two relates to various developments in curriculum at different times and its objects about Madaris and modern Deeni madaris. Part two of this chapter is based on comparative study of curriculum and its major differences. This part also consists of various departments of Deeni Madaris and their divisions. Part three of this chapter discusses about the examination department of these Madaris, duties and responsibilities of their teachers. This part also highlights the famous religious writers and their puЫications. Part first of chapter three contains the merits and demerits of adininistrative setup, faculties/ teaching staff in these Madaris. Second part of this chapter narrates merits and demerits of Education System and current requirements, reforms and recommendations.
Part first of chapter four consists of comparative study of Deeni Madaris and Modern Educational institutions in respect of curriculum, administrative matters, faculty and staff. Whi1e at the end analysis, conclusion, books and their sources and references are mentioned.
پاکستان میں غربت و افلاس کی کمی میں زکوٰة و عشر آرڈیننس 1980ء کا کردار
Almighty AIIah says: (They are) those who, If We estaЫish them In the Iand, estaЫish Regular prayer and give Regular Charity, enjoin The right and forbid worng: With God rests the end (And decision) of (all) affairs. (AI-Hajj-41) The HoIy Qur'an (Text, Translation and Commentary), А. Yusaf Ali.
In Accordance with the above command; tо Islamize the Economy of Pakistan, the first step was the enforcement of Zakat and Usher Ordinance (xviii of 1980) on 20th June 1980. In fact Pakistan is the first country in the contemporary Islamic world, which started a system of state collection and distribution of Zakat and Ushr.
The System of Zakat and Ushr has been in vogue in Pakistan for almost 28 years. In reference to the context, the research is focused on the impact of Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 on poverty eleviation and critically evaluate its implementation, in terms of Shariah rules, Administration and Financial management. However, inspite of weaknesses in the scheme itself and in its implementation, funds from Zakat and Ushr have provided a social cover to a Iarge number of destitute, Widows and needy реорІе.
The purpose of this study was to understand the fundamental concept of Tawhid (Islamic Monotheism) in the light of the Qur'an and what makes a person fall into shirk (it basically means associating partners to Allah in His essence, attributes and powers; as in its wider sense it covers anything which draws one away from His remembrance). The thesis asserts that Allah is above human's imagination and cannot be represented in human terms; therefore, it is advised that people pay attention to His attributes, including His Oneness. It is a part of faith for Muslims to believe in all the prophets. All of them brought the same message of oneness of Allah, but unfortunately was interpolated with time. Therefore, in creedal matters pertaining to question of God, His nature or attributes Muslims should not compromise with conception or perception of other religions, except in a very general rububiyyat manner. The thesis also puts to light the Islamic paradigm of knowledge, which is based upon a clear objective of human recognition of Allah as the ultimate reality and source of all knowledge. It also attempts to examine the reasons why Tawhid serves to be the gate-way to the straight path and brings under moral control, both personal and social life. This is essential to achieve success in the Hereafter, and simultaneously in this earthly life.
The methodology of this research is qualitative and inductive in its nature, as it's mostly literature based; furthermore, the motive is explanation rather than evaluation.
It was found that a person might be living heedless life, 'before' any form of guidance has reached him: the phase when a heart might be hard, but chances of its returning to Tawhid are present. But the rejection 'after' the arrival of message to a person can lead one to serious consequences of sealing of heart. Hence kufr remains an intentional choice, which inevitably corrupts one's pure primordial nature. Through guidance of revelation and by nourishing the power of distinguishing between truth and falsehood, one can diminish all the self-created doubts and reach to one's possible height of belief and practice.
Tableegh (propagation) means to convey the message of AIIah for enlightenment and guidance of peopte to the right path. Importance and significance of tableegh has been explained in the HoIy Quran in several verses particuiarly: 74:1-3 (O Muddaththir (the one enveloped - one of the nicknames of the Prophet Muhammad. реасе be upon him)! (1) Stand up and warn. (2) Proclaim the greatness of your Rabb (3)).
Tableegh (propagation) is a sacred act that performed by аІІ the prophets. They were assignec the task of conveying the message of the Almighty AIIah to human beings. This duty is now performed by the pious people of the world.
The importance of virtue over vice is the basic teaching by aIl the prophets from Hadhrat Adam (A.S) to the last messenger of AIIah the Hoiy Prophet (SAW) the teachings of alt prophets have one objective that is; to emphasise the importance of virtue over vice and to perform noble acts for solvation in this world and hereafter.
In the present age various methods Iike print and electronic media have been used to perform the act of tableegh. It wi11 be realised that media plays an important role in propagation of Islam. The electronic media is the most influential and effective to convey the message in the quickest way. Media can be used for the deliverance of the Aflah's eternal message to His реорІе and in this way and thus virtue can be spread even in remote places. It is essential that we should focus on positive use of media i.e. for guidanve of peopie morally and ethically. May AIIah help us to do so (Ameen).
صہیونی سرمایہ داری نظام کے عالمی اقتصادیات پر اثرات
A Critical Analysis, Consists four Chapter, subdivided into 11 Sub-Chapter.
The first chapter is "Historical Background of Zionism".
This chapter is divided into three sub-chapters, namely:
• Introduction of Zionism.
• Aims and Objectives of Zionism.
• Zionist Secret Organizations
The second chapter is "Analysis of Wor1d Economy. This chapter is divided into three sub-chapters, namely:
• Meaning and definition of Economics.
• Economic thought of Muslim and European Scholars.
• Analysis of Wor1d Economics System.
The third chapter is "Analysis of Zionist Capitalist System".
This chapter is divided into three sub-chapters, namely:
• Basic Structure of Zionist Capitalist System.
• Introduction of Zionist Banking System.
• Zionist Institution of Monetary and Trade
The four chapter is "Impacts of Zionist Capitalist System on World Economy.
This chapter is divided into two sub-chapters, namely:
• Impacts of Zionist Banking System on World Economy.
• Impacts of Zionist Trading Companies on Wor1d Economy.
In the end the summary of the contexts is presented as conclusion and annexed with a rich list of bibliography related to the topic.
The relation of soul and body is as oId as the creation of human Iife. The equilibrium between the two Iies in the delicate scale which is in the human hands. Throughout human history the balance has always been disrupted when body or the matter takes the influence in the scale of human power. The premise of my thesis is that the purification of the self of Islamic society is only possible when this balance between soul and matter is maintained. This has to be made into a system, a complete inspiring movement, the purpose of which is to purgation of the self, to create a balance between soul and matter. This can be done if the elements of insensitivity, pride, Iust, and extremism in society are eradicated through patience, gratitude, peace, Iove and brotherhood of Tasawwuf.
The reason behind the research Iies in the fact that Tasawwuf is not just a doctrine, but it is a practical approach towards Iife. It is also a proven reality that to make peace stable and permanent in the world, every doctrine needs to be symmetricaI to the current state of human Iife. I would begin my thesis with the meaning of Tasawwuf, which would Iead to the discussion of why it is needed today. This would generate then, the point that Tasawwuf is way or a method for rectification of the self of society. The impediments which usually blur the meaning of Tasawwuf wi11 also be the part of the discussion. And in the end the credibility of Tasawwuf, in terms of its Iikely effects will be presented.
تصوف میں شامل غیر اسلامی تصورات: برصغیر کے تناظر میں تحقیقی اور تنقیدی جائزہ
Un-Islamic Perceptions in Mysticism - A criticue in Sub-continents perspective
Since the creation of the universe and the human being, AIIah Almighty has been appointing His Prophets to teach human beings the way of Ieading a good Iife. Along with the spiritual guidance inspired by the Prophets, the mystic traditions in almost aIl religion have been considered an important method of self purification, throughout human history. Thus mysticism in the name of 5ufism has been a part of Islamic Philosophy as we11 as a matter of fact the Islamic 5ufism or Tasawwuf has been influenced by the other mystic traditions, especially in the indo-pak of sub-continent.
Sufism needs to be studied critically in this regard, І have chosen the same area of study for my research. The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter 01. In this chapter the researcher wi11 try to understand the Iiteral and figurative meanings of Tasawwuf, its historical background, kinds and Ieve1. Chapter 02. In this chapter the Mysticism in different religions of the sub-continent will be studied with brief introduction to 5aints and their schools of thoughts. Chapter 03. This chapter will deaI with the un-Islamic beliefs, which have influenced Tasawwuf. Chapter 04. This chapter wi11 discuss the un-Islamic practices and customs considered to the part of 5ufism, in the modern history. At the end an analytical study will highlight Islamic traditions of Tasawwuf in the Iight of Quran and sunnah.
اہل سنت اور اہل تشیع کی آرا کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ
One of the most important rules of Islamic jurisprudents, which have vital significance in Islamic jurisprudence, is Istishab. ". It has been used as a solution of various social, personal and economic proЫems after the time of Holy prophet (s.a.w) and his pious Caliphs. It is practiced and counted up as a rule of Sharia after the HoIy Quran and Sunnah as a solution for most of the probems.
"Istishab" means presumption of continuity or the continuance of companionship. Technically it refers to the presumption of constant of an earlier rule or continuance absence. In this sense it is used for the maintenance of a status with respect to the ru1e. The previous rule is accepted, unless a new rule is found that goes against. It is an easy orientation one may refer to "lstishab" as the "accompanying rule. But the fact is that, Istishab is neither a source of law nor it is a source for estaЫishing new rules, but it is mereIy a set of presumptions. Istishab is practiced and used as a rule till the time a new rule is estaЫished which is derived from the HoIy Quran and Sunnah as a Hukm.
"Shakk" is an important part of human Iife and Istishab has solution for this problem of "Shakk" therefore Istishab is used as one of the sources of sharia after HoIy Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas and personal activity of human life. Moreover, І tried to discuss Istishab in the light of the Ah1-e-sunnat аr1d Ah1-e-tashayyo researchers of Usol-e-Fiqah which is the need of this time for the unity of Muslim Ummah. So 1 suggest to alI researchers specially the researchers of Islamic studies to comprise the aII Muslims ideas with broad mind, so our struggles may become a source to bring Muslim Ummah closer to each other and give a message of unity, реасе and harmony.
The thesis deals with its main four chapters and their sub-chapters: Frist Chapter is containing complete definition of lstishab in the light of scholars of both sects and compression between the views of them. Second Chapter contains the Arguments of scholars from both sects on the Hujiayat- e-lstishab (acceptance) in the light of HoIy Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, and AqI and contrast between them. Third chapter is containing arguments of the Munkeren-e-Istishab (one who rejects Istishab) from the scholars of both sects and contrast the views from both of them on the acceptance and rejection of Istishab. Last chapter is focusing on an overall view of Istishab from the HoIy Quran, Sunnah and Aql, some important topics of Istishab and the views of scholars on it. At the end the thesis leads to its consequence that lstishab is an accepted rule of Islamic jurisprudence in all Islamic sects in the Iight of НоІу Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Aqal, but the lstishab is neither designated as a permanent rule nor designated a source for estaЫishing new rules. Hopefully, this kind of research can provide a base to bring peace and harmony among the various segments of the society.
حب الہی کا قرآنی تصور اور انسانی معاشرے پر اس کے اثرات کا جائزہ
Hub-e-Illahi is defined as prioritizing "Allah The Almighty" upon one's own life, soul and materialistic possessions, it requires complete obedience to His commands under any given circumstances. Moreover, one should bear in mind the careful intentions toward fulfillment of the remits provided by Allah Almighty and should not show any carelessness towards accomplishment of these remits. There is no one other than Him in seven skies who deserves to be loved as much as Allah. Every assertion of the "Iman" is untruthful without considering Him the Primary Precedence and loving Him unconditionally and unquestioningly.
The basic principal of Hub-e-Illahi is the true obedience of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) and following of his way completely. Without being a True Follower of Rasool Allah (S.A.W), the claim for Hub-e Illahi is nothing more than falsehood and deception. Moreover, compliance to Love and Obedience of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) is not applied and limited to "Ibadaah," but it covers every aspect of human life. It is an evergreen sentiment that is confined within one's heart and serves as the most exquisite asset of the true worshiper's life until his last breath. No matter how many luxuries and wealth is offered by this modernized world, one cannot accomplish the sentiment of complete peace of mind, but only if there is self-possessed true love for Allah.
The concept of unconditional love and spirit to achieve that higher state is the right solution of our social, cultural and economic hazards. In short, a gracious and peaceful social life is restrained within the collective appliance of Hub-e-Illahi.