The title of my thesis is "Exegetical writing of Tafseer Tabveeb-ul-Quran" (Styles and sources origins). Allah Almighty has blessed the human beings with the holy Quran for the guidance. The exegesis of the Holy Quran started in the Holy region of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and hence explanation is continued to our age. Most of the exegetical writing and explanation have been done in Arabic and Urdu. My thesis is also about an Urdu exegetical writing which is "Tafseer Tabveeb-ul-Quran" written by Mulana Waheed -zu-Zaman.
The Thesis has been divided in following chapters. The meaning and explanation of style and source origins (Asloob-o-Masder) have been elaborated in first chapter. In second chapter there is comparison of style and source origins of "Tabveeb-ul-Quran" with exegetical writing Tafseer Tabri and Ibn Kaseer. In third chapter, the view of Mulana Waheed -uz- Zaman have compared with exegetical writing of Tafseer Tafheem - ul- Quran and Tadabur-ul-Quran. In the fourth chapter positivism and negation of Tabveeb - ul- Quran elaborated by Molana Waheed - uz- Zaman has been discussed.
The word Azadi-e-Fiker Means freedom of thought also called freedom of conscience or ideas. Freedom of thought means an individual to hold or consider a fact, view point, or thought independent of other's view points. A man cannot alive without thinking.
Freedom of thought has a vital role in human life, which provides the basis for all liberties, including freedom of speech and freedom of expression, freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Due to the significance of the freedom of thought, the messengers took serious efforts to free the people. The subject has been dealt with in the following manners.
A complete definition of freedom of thought in the light of Muslims and non Muslim scholars. The historical significance of the freedom of thought and its merits. A comparison between Muslim scholars views according to the Quran and Sunnah, and non Muslims scholars views according to their religion. Freedom of thought has vital importance in practices. Muslim and non Muslim scholar agreed to its significance.
Freedom of thought provides the basis to achieve the reality in an accurate sense. It leads to creativity and productivity which is need of society for evolution. Freedom of thought leads to accurate decision in the matter of life to face expected problems. Freedom of thought is a unique property of human being that is accepted by Muslim and non Muslim scholars. On account of Quran and Sunnah, the importance of freedom of thought has obviously been cleared. Such type of research may provide base to bring peace and harmony between various segments of the society.
اسلام میں فلاحی ریاست کا تصور(دور نبوی اور خلافت راشدہ کے تناظر میں)
When we look at Islamic history, we can see clearly how Muslims ruler established the welfare states to bring prosperity, solidarity and unity in Muslim Ummah. Islam is a complete code of life, it believes in economic and social well-being of mankind. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) established the first welfare state and gave the first written constitution to the whole mankind, when the world was completely un-known to the concept of welfare. He (S.A.W) and his companions (Khulaf-Al-Rashideen) may God pleased with them, did their best to maintain economic and social justice in the society. They eliminated social evils immoralities and different kinds of groups of mankind in the society. Teaching of Quran and Hadith are based on the concepts of morality, love, compassion, mercy, modesty, self-sacrifice, tolerance and peace. Immorality, rebellion, cruelty, aggressiveness, terrorism, extremism, murder and bloodsheding are forbidden in Islam. These teachings are light and beacon to all mankind. It is the responsibility of Muslims to spread the teaching of Islam to the world and particularly Pakistani rulers to strive for establishing such a welfare system in the states. The researcher hopes, this research work may prove light and beacon for all the world and particularly for Muslim countries.
حضرت مجدد الف ثانی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے برصغیر کے تصوف پر اثرات
Indian Muslim Scholar from Punjab and Hanafi Jurist, prominent member of Naqshbandi Sufi order, the reviver of the second millennium, rejuvenated Islam and opposed heterodoxies, prevailing in the Moghal Empire during Akbar's reign. Friedman and Buehler have both written extensively about Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi's significant contributions to Sufi epistemology and practices.
Most of the Naqshbandi sub-order today such as Mujaddadi, Khalidi, Tahiri, Haqqani sub-orders trace their spiritual lineage through Sarhandi. His major achievement is a collection of 536 letters, collectively known as Those were written to Moghal Rulers and contemporaries. His important book is and believers in interdependence of Sufi Path and Shariah. He advanced the notion .According to his doctrine, the experience of unity between God and Creation is purely subjective and occurs only in the mind of the Sufi, who has reached the state of.
He considered as superior to. He totally rejected the preaching of "Akbar" who claimed to be and tried to Mitigate the actual teaching of Islam. He was great scholar of logic, philosophy, theology, Tafseer, Hadith, jurisprudence, history and Seerat-un-Nabi. He made rapid progress in Soherwardi, Qadri and Chishti Turuq and was given permission to initiate and train followers at the age of seventeen. Eventually joined Naqshbandi order through Sheikh Muhammad Al-Baqi and became leading Master of this order. The researcher has endeavored to analytically trace out the contributions of Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sani and has presented scholastic assessment of his services.
Role of Muslim Women as Preacher in Contemporary World (A Historical and Analytical study)
Islam is a complete and universal religionits publication and promotion is the responsibility of Muslim ummah,and women are equally responsible for this cause.History has proof that Muslim women have played a vital role for the publication,promotion,protection and existence of Islam.In this era ,the need of Muslim women is being felt more than ever,beause concept of Moderation has put bad effects on Islamic way of living and its identity,so in this present time not only for Muslim men but for the women her role as Islamic preacher is very much necessary.
In this Dissertation I have discussed about the importance of Muslim female preachers by giving historical refrences and tried to elaborate that for the existence of the religion, women’s participation is always required.
This Dissertation is based on Abstract, preface, importance of topic, four chapters and thier further details, results and recommendations, biblography and list of contents. First chapter narrates about the nature and importance of preaching, it also discusses about the characteristics of a preacher and strategy of preaching in modern era.
Second chapter talks about the need of female muslim preachers and also their limits, terms and conditions while preaching teachings of Islam.
Third chapter provides historical recount of the efforts of women preachers.
In chapter four an analysis is given about the work of contemporary women preachers in historical background, their preaching methodology, its resources and all the hurdles which come across their mission are mentioned in it.
مہر کا شرعی تصور اور پاکستان میں اس کے مروجہ طریقے
Mahar or Dower is a sum of money or other property which the wife is entitled to receive from husband in consideration of the marriage. Dower is that financial gain which the wife is entitled to receive from her husband by viture of the marriage contract itself whether named or not in the contract of marriage, in which case proper Dower (Mahr Mithl) becomes due. The dower, therefore, is a right which comes into existence with the marriage contract held in abeyance till a certain event, i.e., dissolution of marriage by death or divorce, occurs.
Dower money is a debt payabale to a wife and she is within her legal right to even press for its payment. Dower is an important part of marriage ceremoney in Islamic tradation and in Muslim Society.
The thesis contain four chapters. First chapter is about historical aspects of Dower in different Muslim societies. Second chapter describe about the terms and termonology of dower. Third chapter is Mehar in light of Quran and sunnah. The components of Mahar in light of Quran and Sunnah. In this chapter also expalin the Mahar of Umahat-ul-Mominen and Binat-e-Rasool. (SW). Four and last chapter is about the Mahar system in Pakistan and Kinds of Mahar in different socieities of Pakistan. According to Islamic teaching Mahar is essential parts of marriage. So it can not be denied in any way according to Quran and Sunnah. One can not use the right of women without her permission but if she permit the husband can use it.
نبی کریم (P.B.U.H) کے خصالص و معجزات۔ الخصالص الکبری (امام سیوطی) کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ
The Holy Quran claims and the history records that, all of Holy Prophets were gifted with special attributes and miracles. In this regard, Allah's last messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was granted a unique and matchless status. Eminent scholars have written valuable books to celebrate and appreciate the prophetic characteristics of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Imam Sayyuti's work stands extra-ordinary among all.
The researcher has searched for Quranic Verses and authentic traditions, regarding attributes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) especially in the light of Imam Sayyuti's book Al-Khasais ul-kubra. This study will focus the research of Prophet's miracles and attributes and the out-come will be presented in Urdu language for the understanding and education of a native common man.
Islam is a complete code of life. It gives great importance to service to humankind to such an extant that no religions stressed on it. Allah almighty sent massengers to convey messages to his slaves (the humanity). Among those messages is the teachings of human rights. All the prophets explained them to their follower’s best way and through their deeds paid great heed to them. After his prophets their followers abiding by their teachings imported more regarding human rights.
There are so many aspects for service to humanity. The most important aspect is monotheism .Every prophet started his teachings with the teaching of monotheism. Today the people who are in making their efforts in sundering all aspacts of service to humanity they are in fact trying their best to convey the message of Allah. Almighty and the people who are doing their atmost to sender one of aspects of services to humanity for worly objective they are in fact trying to gat away from the mercy of Allah almighty and those who lag behind in doing this work they in fact are not following the teachings of the prophet.
God has continuously descended prophets (P.B.U.H) for the guidance of people. This process of divine guidanceperfected in Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who is the seal of the apostles.The life of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is a perfect model for people. Therefore, various muhaditheen have preserved the sayings of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) by writing them down, so that people can live their lives according to Sunnah. Sihah sitta are the most authentic compilations of Ahadith. Jamia Tirmizi is one of the most important books among sihah sitta.
In order to creatively contribute to existing scholarly work, the present writer has undertaken research on Imam Tirmizi and JamiaTirmizi.The first chapter of this work discusses the life of Imam Tirmizi, his teachers, his significance as a muhadith, and his various works. The second chapter introduces JameahTirmizi. It also discusses the reasons behind the compilation of Jamia Tirmizi, its attributes, and its significance among sihah sitta,.The next chapter examines the methodology of Jamia Tirmizi, the terminologies, and the conditions that Imam considered necessary for the acceptance of a hadith. The fourth chapter evaluates important expositions of Jamia Tirmizi by various scholars
Current Revolutionary Movements in Arab Countries, Their Causes and Effects on Islamic World
The study aims to highlight the grounds, causes and effects of the current revolutionary movements in Arab countries and their role around the world. Numerous Islamic countries are being familiarized thoroughly with their forms of governments, laws and customs. Similarly great rulers are also unveiled in this research with the help of qualitative research. It was stately investigated how the Islamic movements in Arab countries played their role in proliferation of terrorism, political gains and personal developments. Differentiation between terrorism and Jihad is also significantly done in this study to make the people understand between the two.
Every nation has their own religious marital and family laws, in which they give respect and importance more than their own lives, likewise in Pakistan the family laws are thoroughly based on according to the Holy Quran and Shariat Mohammadi. In Pakistani law the ways that are described to reform and optimize the family problem are according to Quran and permitted in Sharia or mentioned in Shariat. Howbeit in Pakistani family law ordinance 1961 there are some section and articles that's are against sharia, which have been studied in thesis. Each section of Islamic family law is important for society. That is accepted by all societies. Quran and Sunnah also declared other than this aspect ethical and religious need and emphasize of its implication and declared as "Anbia ki sunnat" (Way of Prophets).
Islam motivated us to do nikkah to keep us away from the unethically evil thing and give us a chance to build a strong relation in happy marital life.
Thesis is compiled in a series of chapters by keeping the modernistic principles of report/thesis writing on the 'Effects of Un-Islamic mores on established family law on the society in the view of Islamic law. Chapter 1 describes the definition of society in the view of Islamic laws. Chapter 2 consist of importance, need and source of the Islamic family laws. Chapter 3 describe and determine the purpose of Islamic family laws also explained the importance of religious sectarianism by keeping the family laws in Sunni and Shia. Chapter 4 contains the discussion on the inclusion of un-Islamic mores and theirs effect on the family laws with the obviation and betterment
A Researched and Implemented Analysis of the Meaning of Command (AMR) and Forbiddance (NAHI) (According to the opinions of ulame e usool)
The thesis is in the field of Islamic law and within Islamic law it is specialized in the field of Usool e Fiqh. The detailed study is based on the concept of Amr and Nahi and their meaning and application under the rulings of Usool e Fiqh. Mostly Ahkam of Shariah in Islam hava been given in the form of those things which are under the category of commands (Amr) and forbiddance (Nahi). That is why it is necessary to research that which is a command and forbiddance. In this thesis firstly, the literal meanings of commands and forbiddance has been researched. Through this research it has been proved that the literal meaning of commands (Amr) are related to "Nisbat e Irsalya or Ba'asiya which has means the nature of the relationship between commander and commanded is to act in one direction. It has also been proved that forbiddance (Nahi) is related to "Nisbat e Zajariya or Imsakya" which means the nature of the relationship between the forbidder and the forbade is to refrain from acting in one direction. Also certain phrases have been used to describe the meaning of command (Amr) and forbiddance (Nahi) which have also been researched and explained as to their relationship to providing the meaning of Amr and Nahi.
After establishing the connection of Amr and Nisbat e Irsalya, the concept has been further researched on how to prove the meaning of Amr for Wujoob, Istihbab, and Ibaha which are also part of Ahkam e Shariah. Similarly for Nahi it has also been researched how to prove its meaning for Hurmat and Karaha which are also part of ahkam e shariah.
We have also discussed in the final chapter some of the different but still logical meanings of and applications of Amr and Nahi in different circumstances which are different to the literal meaning and the rules of interpretation as given above but still within the meaning of Ahkam e Shariah.
احترام انسانیت شرعی و قانونی تناظر میں: تقابلی جائزہ
This is a proven fact that the human being is marked as the most prestigious creature among all other creatures. Humans are social beings naturally. They are dynamic in their infinite skills. They constantly evolve horizontally and vertically through exploring and realizing the realities prevailing in the physical universe and the universe of spiritual realms. This evolution expands horizontally with the social interactions among the individuals and vertically with realizing spiritual truths and realities. Through both horizontal and vertical evolution, the human being have found solution for his countless problems and issues. He has explored new opportunities and ways for his individual and social crises and issues. But with all of these developments, the dignity of humanity is at question practically. All religions especially Islam and man-made laws emphasizes on the dignity of humanity. So there is an immense need to study, analyze and explore the divine teachings of Islam and other man-made laws to safeguard the dignity of humanity. This thesis "Respect of Humanity in Sharia and Legal Perspective (A Comparative Study) is written to study comparatively and analytically the provisions given in the Islamic Sharia, the constitution of Pakistan and in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The thesis has four chapters. The first chapter discusses the fundamental and linguistic terms including the meanings of Sharia, Law, Respect of humanity etc. The second chapter analyzes the provisions given in the teaching of Islam regarding the respect of humanity. The third chapter illuminates on the articles of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Regarding the dignity and respect of humanity. The chapter four presents a comparative analysis of Islamic Sharia and man-made laws.
At the end the study concludes that although the teachings and documents illuminate the dignity and respect of humanity but there is desperately need for practical insurance therefor the study and recommended many practical steps to maximize the security and insurance of the respect of humanity socially, nationally and internationally
پاکستان میں پر تشد د واقعات کا تاریخی و تنقیدی جائزہ
“Historical and critical review of violent incidents in Pakistan”
Violence has always been a Gordon knot since the beginning of time. World
health organization defined violence as the integral use of physical force or
power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a
group or community which either results in or has a high likelihood of
resulting in injury, death, physiological harm, mal development or
deprivation’s need to work on this topic was to elucidate all the types and
aspects of violence for public realization. The objective of conducting this
research was to collect all the historical data related to violent activities
happened all around Pakistan and putting all together at one place. So that
people may realize its consequences. Research thesis is divided into four
In the first chapter, literal and technical definition of violence its types,
its origin and evolution, and its prohibition in the light of Quran and Sunnah
are explained.
In the second chapter, violent incidents are described historically from 2000 to 2016.
In the third chapter, all the factors leading to violent activities, cause and
motives are described.
In The fourth chapter effects and consequences of violent incidentsalong
with suggestionsand recommendations have been explained.