قرآن اور بائبیل میں مذکور سزائیں اور ان پر اعتراضات: تجزیہ و تقابل
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, has created human beings with an innate disposition for peace. This is
why the elimination of all forms of crimes from any society is essential to establish a peaceful
society. Both the Quran and the Bible suggest various punishments to eradicate these crimes.
However, during modern times, some Western and Eastern philosophers, along with certain
scholars, hold theories that consider the penal systems of religions, particularly the Islamic system
of crime and punishment, as non-natural and hostile to humanity. They raise objections in various
ways against the punishments mentioned in the Quran and the Bible. This perspective arises from a
lack of understanding of the philosophy behind crime and punishment. The purpose of
implementing punishments is not merely to inflict pain upon individuals, but rather to evoke a sense
of aversion to criminal acts and to establish a stable and enduring society where the latent human
capacities for peace and justice can be realized effectively. This research aims to compile objections
against the punishments mentioned in the Quran and the Bible and, through a research-oriented
approach, provide answers to these objections in light of the Islamic teachings. Critics of Islamic
punishments argue that they are severe, barbaric, and contrary to basic human rights. On the other
hand, throughout history, all religions have considered the idea of punishment for crimes and have,
in different epochs, provided laws and regulations for the realization of punishment and its
implementation as per the divine scriptures revealed for human guidance. The Bible also contains
injunctions for severe punishments for crimes. Similarly, Islam has introduced a system of reward
and punishment to curb these crimes, with the intention of preventing injustice and establishing
peace within society. Hence, it is imperative to implement these punishments with complete justice
to foster a strong and peaceful society. In conclusion, the discussion regarding punishments and
criticisms mentioned in the Quran and the Bible provides insights into the deeper philosophical
understanding of crime and punishment. The purpose of these systems is to deter criminal behavior,
foster societal tranquility, and promote the ultimate goals of humanity.
معاشرتی امن کے لیے خلفاء راشدین کے اقدامات سے عصر حاضر میں استفادہ
The actions of the Caliphs, who were the leaders of the Islamic community after
the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), can provide important lessons for
promoting social peace in contemporary times. Some of the actions of the Caliphs
that could be relevant for promoting social peace include
1. Emphasis on justice: The Caliphs emphasized the importance of justice and fair
treatment for all members of society, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. This
emphasis on justice can provide a model for contemporary leaders to follow in
promoting social peace.
2. Tolerance and respect for diversity: The Caliphs were known for their tolerance
and respect for diversity, which helped to create a society in which people of
different religions and ethnicities could live together in peace. This emphasis on
tolerance and respect can be an important tool for promoting social peace in
contemporary times.
3. Promotion of education: The Caliphs were strong supporters of moral and
general training and education, which helped to create a society in which people
were able to think critically and engage in meaningful dialogue with one another.
This emphasis on education can be an important tool for promoting social peace
by fostering understanding and empathy among people.
4. Emphasis on consultation and consensus-building: The Caliphs were known for
their emphasis on consultation and consensus-building, which helped to create a
sense of community and shared responsibility among members of society. This
emphasis on consultation and consensus-building can be an important tool for
promoting social peace in contemporary times by fostering a sense of ownership
and shared responsibility for solving social problems.
In conclusion, the actions of the Caliphs can provide important lessons for
promoting social peace in contemporary times. By emphasizing justice, tolerance,
education, and consultation and consensus-building, contemporary leaders can
help to create a society in which people of different religions and ethnicities can
live together in peace and harmony.
مالی معاملات میں امام زفرکے تفردات: تجزیاتی مطا لعہ
Transactions are part of social life. Sale and purchase are important
activities of human life. Islam gives guidance for sale and purchase
transactions and the life jurists and Ulma have addressed the varieties of
such transactions as the world has become increasingly complex place)
)جریدفۺ رففخۺافرۺمعاملاتۺمعاشرتیۺزندگیۺکاۺلازمیۺ رجۺہے۔ہرۺ رفدۺاذندگیۺکیۺضرفریاتۺکیۺتکمیلۺکےۺلیےۺایۺ
تماؾۺطریوںۺمیںۺجہاںۺجہاںۺجہاںۺجدتۺآئۺفہاںۺاسۺنےۺکچھۺجد دیۺافرۺ ۺ نیےمساہلۺکوۺبھیۺجنمۺدیا۔معاملاتۺافرۺ
درمیاؿۺیاہمیۺمعاملاتۺکیۺاہمیتۺکےۺپیشۺنظرضوررۺادسسۺنےۺ رجیدفۺفرفخۺکیۺاسامؾۺسےۺتعلق ۺاحکاماتۺکیۺ
فضاحتیںۺبیاؿۺکیۺہیں۔ۺ ایۺکہۺیہۺمعاملاتۺبغیرۺکسیۺتنازعہۺکےۺلوگوںۺکےۺدرمیاؿۺطےۺ اییں
Non Sharia Compliant Financial Transactions in Pakistan and Its Socio-Economic Impact on the Society.
The main objectives of the study is to examine the socio economic effectiveness of nonShariah complaint financial transaction prevailing in the country, Pakistan. These NonShari’ah financial transaction include Riba, Gharar and Maysir, which are involved in
different financial and economic activities with complexity. This study has been an attempt
to identify the prohibited elements in the current circumstances and it explored the
aftermaths of these practices in the society. The study is qualitative in nature. A
comprehensive survey has been conducted to collect the first hand data from the relevant
unit of analysis (individuals) and findings of the research are derived on the basis of their
responses. The probability sampling design has been used whereas simple random
sampling technique is used to obtain the empirical results of the research. The responses
of the respondents have been gathered with the help of likert scale. The study setting was
The result show that upsurge in debt servicing deplete the resources to be spent on the
development projects for the society. Also inability to pay ribawi payments forces local
industries shutdown. The bailout plan based on Riba leave the adverse impact on the
society. It is because of the fact that this type of transaction is incurred where the economy
as debt based. Therefore Rescheduling and Rearranging of the debt can have an impact on
the economy, particularly in business and trade. Production, logistical, and supply chain
delays can result from rapid schedule changes. This may lead to higher expenses, lost
revenue, and possibly harmful impacts on the economy as a whole. It also creates
International dependency which restrict to design conducive policies.
Traces of Gharar is found in many transactions like crypto currency, benami, prize
bonds, Patwari system, Unilateral and by lateral contracts, documentation of legal paper
etc. Also Failure to fulfill Contractual obligations in a business/service contracts causing
financial losses creating Al Gharar Al fahish: Undervalue Registration, Pending cases, in
the courts, ease of Doing Business, Fraud, Misleading information are also causes of
Gharar found in the financial transactions. Hence, Gharar is a major problem of our
society that is disturbing the socio-economic activities.
Obsession in the gambling create mental disorders and other psychological diseases.
Individuals who participate in gambling activities may experience additional.
Hence, Government should establish an Islamic Central Board which may be
designated the responsibilities to ensure compliance of the Islamic financial products and
services launched by the financial institutions. Further legislation is required to put further
checks over the financial system of the country to ensure that it is Ribā, Gharar and Maysir
All the alternatives like Islamic Banking against Conventional Banking, Takaful
against insurance, Sukuk bonds at the treasury side and other alternatives must implement
in letter and spirit and replace completely its counterpart so that the Sharīʿah Compliance
is observed.
The Educational institutions need to educate and develop the conceptualization
regarding the Non-Shariah compliant elements as Riba, Gharar and Maysir by offering
courses that are properly designed for the cause
حکمت کا قرآنی تصور :قدیم و جدید تفسیری اطلاقات کا تجزیاتی مطا لعہ
The term al-Ḥikmah is used twenty times in Holy Qurʼān, in different
meanings and contexts. Its linguistic and connotative concepts invite
scholars and intellectuals to grasp the real meaning and interpretation
of the term. The rationale, philosophy, reason and purpose for
repeatedly using this term al-Ḥikmah are central to know. Mufassirīn
have mentioned different meanings and interpretation of term alḤikmah according to their knowledge and understandings. Allah has
demonstrated his wisdom everywhere now it’s up to the intellectuals
to conduct research, find results and conclude from it. The trait of alḥikma contains many features and attributes that are not exclusive for
prophets. Understanding of al-Qurʼān is not possible without wisdom
and al-Ḥikmah. This research work presents opinions of Mufassirīn
regarding the linguistic and connotative meanings of term al-Ḥikmah
and also discusses the findings and conclusions.
The term of Tadbīr-i manzil is related to al-Ḥikmah and Strategy.This
term is also a type of strategy in which issues are discussed which are
related to a limited group i.e. the members of the household. They
include husband, wife, children and subordinates. The Mufassirīn
have described the interpretive applications of wisdom in these areas,
that is, how should their entire reformation be done according to the
Holy Quran.
There is also a term of Siyāsat-i madanī to al-Ḥikmah. This is also
a type of strategy. It discusses issues related to the wider scope of the
community and the public interest of being a city or citizens. It
specifically includes the rights and responsibilities of the ruler and the
people under him.
Both these debates have been discussed in this article. In these
discussions, these exegetical applications are described by the
commentators and the strategies employed by those within these
categories are described and analyzed.
قرآنِ حکیم کی حوامیم سورتوں میں مشترک معنوی وبلاغی پہلوؤں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Hawamim refers to those surahs that begin with "Ham". According to some scholars, letters are a secret hidden in veils, no one knows about it, nor is it necessary to try to achieve it, only believing in it is obligatory, while according to some scholars, letters are Allah and There are secrets among his beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the commentators and scholars of the verses do not have access to their true meanings and meanings with the help of the sciences and arts, but the share of these meanings and meanings is given to Al-Raskhoon fi-il-ilm as much as Allah the Almighty grants them. There is no prohibition in it. Therefore, their knowledge on properties is revealed according to their condition. Another common feature of the Hawamim Surahs is that in them, the Muslim Ummah has been instructed at intervals in a clear manner or hint that they should not fall into division and should not allow their unity to be broken in any way. Invitation to religion has been given by adopting a style such as avoiding demonstrations and arguments, soft and sweet speech, clear and bright arguments and mention of punishments and punishments. In Hawamim surahs, the description of beliefs, adaptation to the events of the previous nations and the attributes of humility are also described.
The basis of the Hawamim Surahs is the call to Tawheed, Prophethood and the Hereafter. However, Allah Ta'ala has invited people to believe in these fundamental beliefs and demands not on the basis of prejudice or coercion, but on the basis of deliberation and reflection. Is Allah Ta'ala has also used a style of addressing the disbelievers in Surah Hawamim that examples of previous nations have been described to warn them so that they can learn from them and believe. The arguments for the invitation of Hawamim Surahs do not consist of mere isolated words and vague gestures, but consist of a detailed statement of Muslim facts and are organized in a very systematic manner. One of the rhetorical aspects of Hawamim surahs is to end the speech on the same thing with which the speech began, so that the usefulness and importance of this article is imprinted on the hearts and the listener cannot forget it. In the middle, some more things and discussions come from a special occasion and event, which are highlighted as much as necessary, then the whole conversation is wrapped up by referring to the original purpose.
فہم قرآ ن سے متعلق نصابا ت: وفاقی دارالحکومت کے منتخب تعلیمی اداروں کے تنا ظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Theunderstanding of Quran has a great Importance in our life to spend according to Almighty teachings. This study is aimed to identify and explain the syllabi of some institions at Capital level. Since no theory can be inclusive in nature, therefore, there is a dire need to construct a discourse theoretical and pratical which highlights the importance institutions and teaching of Holy Quran.
Moreover, implementation of Quranic teaching at grass root level in our schooling system in accordance with SNC (Signal National Curriculum) and syllabi of some of the universities are also highlighted in this research.
Primarily, it will solve two problems. Firslty, it will be helpful in creating new trends contours in understanding the Holy Quran coupled with its dissemination at cellular level.
Furthermore, a process of reverse engineering can be started by rectifying the previous mistakes made by the institutions. Beside practical study and research of the institutions, this study also highlights the importanc of dissemination the basic message of Holy Quran at grass root level.
This study also proposes the possible and feasible steps for understanding of Quran at school colleges and university level. During this research 03 x type of syllabi are being discussed wrt their importance and enhancement of teaching of Quran in students at school level.
Thus, this study covers the importance of the research topic, work done in past on similar topics, current contribution of institutions and steps reqired in further.
Atonement refers to the act of making amends for a wrong or harmful action, often
through some form of reparation or apology. It can also refer to the process of seeking
forgiveness or making up for one's mistakes or shortcomings, particularly in a
religious or spiritual context.
The concept of expiation exists in all religions, through which a person can make
amends for sins and mistakes. Islam is a complete code of life and a religion of nature,
which also imposes various responsibilities on its followers for the reformation and
training. If a sin is committed along with other actions, it is obligatory on a person
who is obliged to make expiation to compensate for it. So that he can be free from his
Islamic law has also played a fundamental role in the training of human beings by
making Kaffara mandatory. That training consists of both physical and spiritual
training. Through atonement, the human body is removed from the proximity of sin.
The soul is saved from being contaminated by sin, due to which man is attracted to
good things and saves himself from evil things. And for this reason, they themselves
and other people are protected from its evil. By which peace and order is established
in the society. It is through Kaffarah that other people realize that their rights should
be fulfilled. There is a fear of violation of rights and a sense of responsibility for
paying rights. Atonement is also a means of removing sins and raising the ranks. It is
also important because there are many benefits associated with it. Those benefits are
economic as well as social.
In this research I have discussed some ways according to the current time and
situation to fulfill kaffara.I also mentioned some new types of kaffara and it’s
Apart from this, Kaffarah has many moral and spiritual benefits. The means to correct
our social behavior and morals are very important and Kaffarah has all these benefits.
The role of expiation in the correctness of morals is such that expiation is necessary
for bad and wrong deeds.
Economically, Kaffarah has the effect that Kaffarah is given to the poor and needy,
which is a cooperation and help with him as well as his financial support.
عقائد سے متعلق قرآنی آیات کی اشاری تعبیرات: تفسیر ابن عربی کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Islamic belief system is established upon five basic pillars: i) Tawheed/ Oneness
of Allah Almighty, ii) Risalah/Prophethood as source of Islamic law and finality
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) iii) Divinely revealed books, including
the Holy Qur’an as the Last Divine Book) iv) Angels/ Malaikah lead by Jibraeel,
v) The Last Day of Judgment & The Life Hereafter.
The Holy Qur’an, being the primary source of Islamic Shariah and ideology has
been interpreted throughout history by virtue of intertextuality (Tafseer Qur’an bil
Qur’an) and in the light of practice or Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This
interpretation or Tafseer has been named as Tafseer Maasur.
On the other hand, an intuitive interpretation (Tafseer Ishaari) of the Holy Book
has been in vogue parallel to the traditionalist approach. Tafseer Ishari, as a
method owned by some of the Sufi scholars of Qur’an, remains mainly influenced
by subjectivity & intuitive thinking of the mystic exegetist. Though this method of
Tafseer is acclaimed to be the source of getting inner meanings of word of God.
One of the most prominent examples, in this regard is Tafseer Ibn e Arabi;
interpretation by twelfth century Sufi poet, mystic & philosopher Muhammad ibn
'Alī ibn Muhammad ibn `Arabī (1165-1240).
The following research focuses on the analytical study of the Ishaari method of
Qur’anic interpretation, keeping in view the textual study of Tafseer ibn e Arabi,
especially regarding only the verses of Qur’an that explain basic beliefs/ primary
dogmas of Islam. The study comprises three chapters; the first discovering basic
principles of Qur’anic Tafseer and the remaining critically analyzing Ibn e Arabi’s
interpretations of the verses relating to basic beliefs in Qur’an
اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں صحافت و ابلاغ کے اصول و ضوابط اور پاکستان میں ان کا انطباق
Current century has witnessed technological advancements at its peak
especially in the field of telecommunication. By virtue of this advancement,
now an individual is well informed, bettter connected thus transforming this
world into a global village. Alongside numorous benefits, few undesired
miseries in the shape of disinformation, propaganda, chaos and anarchy have
also emerged in the society. Journalism and mass media being prime
custodian of truth and fairness also act as a bridge between public and
concerned authorities. However, fast growing media is also observed to be
damaging religious, social and cultural values of our society.
The aim of this research is to study principles and code of conduct of
mass media in the light of Islamic teachings and its implementation in
Pakistan. This study also discusses government and private media institutes,
alongwith associated key personnel review of the PEMRA ordinance and
identifying the wholesome problem areas. This research concludes with a
brief account of analysis along with recommendations in the light of Islamic
سماجی مسائل سے متعلقہ اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل کی سفارشات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
According to the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the Council of Islamic
Ideology is a permanent constitutional body. Its duties are not only to
advise the Parliament whether or not any of the laws is repugnant to Islam
in the light of Quran and Sunnah, but it is also its duty to recommend
measures to be promulgated as legislations to promote Islamic way of life
in the country. The importance of the subject can be gauged from the fact
that the Council of Islamic ideology is a body of collective ijtihad at the
national level and it is the constitutional responsibility of Parliament to
legislate in the light of its views and recommendations. The
recommendations of the council are the result of the collective ijtihad and
deliberation of the members and experts. The Council of Islamic Ideology
has made recommendations regarding Muslim family laws, Hudood
ordinance etc., in different periods that are scattered in the various annual
reports of the organization. There was a dire need to collect important
recommendations of the Council of Islamic ideology and to compile
chapters with research themes along with thematic layout. It was an
extensive data so it was decided to work on the recommendations related
to social issues, in this case, this research took an overview of the
challenging problems of the Pakistani society and then after an overview
of the Pakistani society’s issues, recommendations regarding Family laws,
and the recommendations regarding to crimes and punishments matters
were decided to be analyzed, as problems related to family and crimes are
some of the burning issues and have a prime importance. This is an
analytical study and data has been collected through primary and secondary
sources. The purpose of this study was to find out whether or to what extent
CII’s recommendations address and safeguard the issues related to family
system and how the consensus of Council’s members meets Nasus-eSharia. This study also aims to analyze the CII’s recommendations
regarding amendments in Pakistan penal laws and their role in crime
Islam and Protection of Religious Heritage: A Case Study of Buddhist Relics in Pakistan
This research explores the protection of Buddhist heritage in Pakistan within the framework of Islamic principles, emphasizing its significance and addressing the challenges it encounters. Pakistan, characterized by its diverse religious history, including Buddhism, boasts a cultural heritage of immense historical and social value. However, this heritage faces various threats, such as rapid urbanization, illegal excavations, and inadequate preservation measures. The study encompasses: Illuminating Islamic principles pertinent to the preservation of non-Islamic religious heritage. Scrutinizing the challenges and issues that confront Buddhist heritage in Pakistan. Investigating the potential social and economic benefits attainable through the preservation of this heritage. To achieve these aims, a descriptive research approach is employed, drawing primarily from the Quran, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), and records of his agreements with non-Muslim communities. In addition to these primary sources, interviews with government officials, archaeological researchers, religious scholars, Buddhist practitioners, and local communities near Buddhist sites provide invaluable insights. Case studies, including the Takht Bahi site, are used to collect data on the challenges facing Buddhist heritage. Secondary data from books, articles, survey reports, and digital sources complement the research. Furthermore, meetings with subject matter experts contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The study adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style with NUML's formatting guidelines for compilation. By examining the interplay between Islamic principles and the preservation of non-Islamic heritage, this research endeavors to offer recommendations and solutions to safeguard and leverage the historical and cultural richness of Pakistan's Buddhist heritage.
حکومت کی تبدیلی کا طریقہ کار: اسلامی سیاسیات اور تاریخ سے استنباط
Islam provides guidance in every field of life. In the basic sources of Islamic thought and Philosophy, the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet have given basic teachings in the fields of society, economy, and politics along with worship and beliefs. Principles and limits have been set in each field of social life in the primary sources. Likewise, the characteristics of a welfare state has been provided for better development of the society. The practical example of this comes from the life of Prophet at Madina and during the Caliphs' period. Historically, this is one of those golden periods in which the people were happy with their rulers and the Caliphs tried their best to adopt the way of Quran and Sunnah. As the State refers to the concept of a geographical part of the world where the protection and well-being of all citizens is protected. It is also result of a stable and successful state that the people living in a particular area get equal opportunities to express their abilities and live their lives in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
Establishing an Islamic state is core responsibility of Muslims so that they could practice their religion and get the objectives for their social life individually and collectively. For this purpose, there are currently 56 Islamic states. The majority of which have either family monarchy or various forms of dictatorship of an individual or a special group. Due to these oppressed authoritative mechanism the population of the Muslim Countries is unbale to achieve their social objectives and are is facing various economic, social and cultural problems. On other side a long lasting rule of a person or family with the lack of any mechanism for the transition of government in the Islamic teachings is becoming base of sedition and riots in the countries. Hence, it becomes more important to know the Islamic method of Government's transition in the light of Primary source of Islam, Islamic Politics, and the History of Caliphs.
This research will fulfil the scholarly need on Transition of Government in the Light of The Quran and Sunnah. As the review of literature revealed that Muslim scholars have given particular emphasized on establishing the Islamic state. Moreover, the jurists have counted the essential qualities in Islamic leadership. In this context, this research will dig-out the principles for the transition of government from the primary sources, History of Khilafat e Rashida, and the thought of Muslim scholars.
It is affirmed that Kufr and Ilhaad are the biggest sins in Islam, a monotheistic religion. The concept of Kufr, which equates to Infidelity or Negativism, is used in the Quran with the sense of being ungrateful towards Allah Almighty. Similarly, the concept of Ilhaad equates to the terms Apostasy or Atheism and is used in the Quran in the sense of comparing Allah to anything or denying any of Allah’s attributes or qualities. Islam has prohibited its followers from Kufr and Ilhaad. Furthermore, many types of Kufr and Ilhaad and their manifestations in various forms have been elaborated in the Quran, Hadees, and jurisprudence. Likewise, the causes of Kufr and Ilhaad are categorized in this dissertation. Notwithstanding, prevention from Kufr and Ilhaad has been formulated in the guidance of Quranic verses. This study is qualitative research based on past literature and conducted through a literature review. Kufr and Ilhaad are pandemics nowadays, and even Muslims are the victims of it due to their lack of analytical studies on the said topic. An analysis of the past literature substantiated by reliable references from different Islamic resources and different Tafasirs of the Quran-e-Majeed has been carried out to filter the true meaning of Kufr and Ilhaad and to highlight all the causes of Kufr and Ilhaad that exist in its various manifestations in today’s world. Conclusively, skepticism towards the attributes of Almighty Allah, rejecting Islamic beliefs such as resurrection, doomsday, etc., and interpreting Quranic verses as per pertinent wishes are the manifestations of Kufr and Ilhaad. Moreover, renouncing and denouncing the orders of Allah and tampering with the meanings of Quranic verses are various forms of Kufr and Ilhaad. Thus, various dimensions and remedies to tackle Kufr and Ilhaad are discussed in this study. The outcomes of the dissertation are making people aware of the various forms of Kufr and Ilhaad and saving them from their adverse impacts. This study recommends further analysis of the relevant terms of Kufr and Ilhaad and the causes of the said disease. All the manifestations of Kufr and Ilhaad should be framed so that people could be well aware of the sins. In a nutshell, this topic should be part of the curriculum of Islamic studies taught at all degree levels in the country.