(Alhidya and Al Dhalala, Rhetorically and Morphologically in the Light of the Holy Quran”)
The Almight Allah has revealed the Holy Quran for the guidance of humanity to spread the light of Hidaya and to eradicate the darkness of ignorance. It is also a wonderful source of rhetoric and eloquence.
I have selected the following title for my PhD dissertation “Alhidya and Al Dhalala, Rhetorically and Morphologically in the Light of the Holy Quran”.
I have divided my topic into five chapters and to several sub chapters.
First Chapter: Meanings of Al-Hidaya and its synonyms; consists of synonyms, literal and terminological meanings of Al-Hidaya, its kinds and rules, and the characteristics of the guided people in the light of the Holy Quran.
Second Chapter: This chapter includes the concept of al-Dhalala, its synonyms, its literal and terminological meanings, types and regulations, and the symptoms of the astrayed in the light of the teachings of the Holy Quran.
Third Chapter: It includes thematic analysis of the verses mentioning the concepts of Al-Hadiya and Al-Dhalala.
Fourth Chapter: It consists of terminological analysis of the verses regarding Al-Hidayah and Al-Dalala and their derivative mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Fifth Chapter: In this chapter, I have discussed the rhetorical analysis of the verses regarding the topic.
Traveling has been very nature of human being and a source of earning since times immemorial. Traveling experiences and observations attract every body's attention in the form of stories. That is why, with the passage of time, travelogue became a genre of literature. Like other languages Arabic is also rich in travelogues.
For the Muslims, the land of Hijaz is their center for love and respect, because it is the place where the revelation came and the whole humanity took advantage of it. That is why visiting the holy places Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah has been the wish of every Muslim. As a result, Hijaz became the most frequently visited place in the world.
As Hijaz is also a center of knowledge and trade, that is why a great number of travelogues were written about Al-Hijaz particularly in Arabic language.
This is why I have selected the topic “Al-Hijaz in the Arabs’ Travel Literature”.
I have divided this thesis into Abstract, Preface, five chapters, Bibliography and list of contents.
First chapter talks about the importance of literature of travelers and it has five sub-chapters.
Second chapter is about Hijaz and it has three sub-chapters.
Third chapter is about Arab and non-Arab travelogue writers who wrote about Hijaz.
Fourth chapter discusses political, economic and religious overview of Hijaz in the light of travelogues.
Fifth chapter has three sub-chapters and talks about the styles of travelogues.
Orations & its Role in the Development of Arabic Pros
(In the light of Quranic Text)
It is a matter of fact that the Holy Quran is characterized by rhetoric and elequency. These (rhetoric and eloquaney) appear in the types of Arabic literature Specially Arabic prose. I shall try to focus on this influence of Quran in the Arabic orations & different periods of Arabic literature.
I have divided my topic into four chapters:
First chapter It will deal with oratory. And include four sub-chapters.
Second chapter It will consist of essential objects of research regarding Arabic
Prose. and include six sub-chapters.
Third chapter It will consist of Quran & its influence in Arabic Language &
literature and include four sub-chapters.
Fourth chapter Examples of Orations influenced by Quranic text. And include five sub-chapters.
It is a matter of fact that the Holy Quran is characterized by rhetoric and eloquence. This rhetoric and eloquaney appear in the Quranic invocations. So I have adopted the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of the Quranic invocations as a subject matter of my PhD thesis. I shall try to focus on these aspects keeping in view the one important aspect (Elm Ul Badee) of rhetoric.
I have divided my topic into six chapters:
First Chapter: Elm Ul Badee (علم البديع), it will further divide into three sub chapters.
Second Chapter: The Stylistic pictures (الصور البديعية) in Holy Quran. It will consist of three sub chapters.
Third Chapter: Assonance (السجع) in Holy Quran. It will consist of four chapters.
Fourth Chapter: Other Verbal Embellishments (المحسنات اللفظية) in Holy Quran.
It will consist of four sub chapters.
Fifth Chapter: Antithesis and Opposing (الطباق والمقابلة) in Holy Quran. This
chapter is further divided into five more sub chapters.
Sixth Chapter: Syntagmatic Embellishments (المحسنات المعنوية) in Holy Quran. This chapter is consisting of four sub chapters.
Analytic, Syntactic and Rhetorical Study of Surah Yousuf
It is a matter of fact that the Holy Quran is characterized by rhetoric, eloquence and different subjects. This rhetoric and eloquence appears in the Surah Yousuf also. So I selected the analytical, syntactic and rhetorical study for my PhD thesis. I will try to focus on these aspects keeping in view the three kinds of the rhetoric:
(1) ( Ilm-ul-Bayan) ((علم البيان
(2) ( Ilm-ul-Maa’ni) ((علم المعان
(3) ( Ilm-ul-Badea’) ((علم البديع
(4) (Syntactic study of Surah Yousuf)
The thesis consists of 6 Chapters, details are given below.
First Chapter: It talks about introduction of Surah Yousuf and it has four sub-chapters.
Second Chapter: It deals with the syntactic analysis of Surah Yousuf.having three sub-chapters
Third Chapter: It discusses (Ilm-ul-Bayan) in the Surah Yousuf. It consists of four sub-chapters.
Fourth Chapter: It throws light on (Ilm-ul-Maa’ni) in the Surah Yousuf. consisting of four sub-chapters.
Fifth Chapter: It is about (Ilm-ul-Badea’) in the Surah Yousuf. It has three sub-chapters.
Sixth Chapter: It describes in detail stylistic study of Surah Yousuf and having five sub-chapters.
لإعجاز البلاغي و العلمي و النكت البلاغية و العلمية في سورة يس
Rhetorical and Scientific Miraculousness of Sura Yaseen with Special Focus on its Salient Rhetorical & Scientific Features (A Critical Interdisciplinary Study of the Quranic Sura Yaseen's Inimitability).
The Quran claims to be the world of God and as such to be inimitable by mortals. The Holy Prophet regards the Sura Yaseen as the heart of the entire Quran in point of its being a happy synthesis of rhetorical, scientific and phonetic excellence of outstanding nature.
This manifold quality of Sura Yaseen has been the subject of the present research in the light of the past and contemporary linguistic and semantic studies, especially those related to modern scientific discoveries in the fields of astronomy, biology, geography, photosynthesis, chemical transformation, buoyancy and archeo-historic probe – all this preceded by linguistic and semantic analysis of the Arabic term: Ijaz (inimitability) with survey of the views of the past and present scholars on the subject. Thereafter a detailed study has been undertaken to bring to the focus the phenomenon of Quranic Ijaz in its different and various aspects such as rhetorical and linguistic, legislative, and expressive (as distinct from poetic expression), metaphysical, narrative, psycho-affective, photosynthetic, geographical, and numerical by way of providing a background necessary for appreciation of the literary, artistic and scientific characteristics of Sura Yaseen with special focus on the fact that Sura Yaseen enshrines the higher trio of divine epistemology, anthropology and reasoning , given which Sura Yaseen exemplifies a highest imaginable level of excellence coupled with unsurpassed brevity.
Prophetic Supplications are one of the richest sources of Arabic literature. These supplications are not only dua’s of the Holly prophet Muhammad S.A.W but also exhibit literary remarkable taste. A student and a scholar of eloquence and rhetoric can feel that taste. The thesis with the given title is divided into three main chapters in such a way that each chapter is having many sub chapters in the following way:
Chapter 1: Supplications of the Prophet and Their Importance
This chapter mainly discusses the basis of the supplication of prophet namely Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet. It defines Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet, its kinds, its status in the Islamic Sharia. It also sheds light on the attention of the Muslims writers paid to the Hadith literature throughout the history.
Chapter 2: Rhetoric of the Prophet S.A.W
This chapter discusses the unchallengeable supremacy of the Holly Prophet with regard to his rhetoric. It also discusses the causes that led to make the Prophet an unmatchable speaker. In addition, it has explained the beautiful and distinctive features of the prophetic rhetoric.
Chapter 3: Art of Rhetoric in the Supplications of the Prophet
This chapter deals with the minute details of the Prophetic rhetoric. Similes, metaphors, selections of words and phrases, suitability of situation, connectivity, and harmony of words, rhymes of the ending, simplicity and meaningfulness are all those rhetoric features of the supplications of Prophet discussed in this chapter.
At the end there are the results on about 18 pages which summarize the thesis and show the beauty of the Prophet language in supplications.
Comparison between Al-Dur-Al-Masoon and Blaghat-Al-Quran
As a matter of fact many a Muslim scholars had been compiling their Tafaseers
on Morphological and Syntactical grounds. Just because complete understanding of Qura’nic verses impossible without the help of these two.
So the researcher chose two books, one from old period and other from present time to compare their styles in dealing with Morphological and Syntactical Citations.
I have divided my topic into Abstract, Preface, five chapters, Bibliography and list of contents.
First chapter will talk about Morphological and Syntactical Citations in Tafaseer Ul Quran and it has three sub-chapters.
Second chapter will introduce Halabi, Shaikhly and their books and it has three sub-chapters.
Third chapter will consist of Morphological and Syntactical Citations in Al-Dur-Al-Masoon and it has three sub-chapters.
Fourth chapter will consist of Morphological and Syntactical Citations in Balaghat-Al-Quran and it has three sub-chapters.
Fifth chapter will deal with comparison between Al-Dur-Al-Masoon and Balaghat-Al-Quran and it has three sub-chapters.
The thesis is comparative in nature. It studies Verb in the two languages; English and Arabic. It is divided into three main chapters in such a way that each chapter comprises of two sub chapters (sections) in the following way.
Chapter 1. Verb in Arabic Language
It is divided into two sub chapters:
1) Morphological Study of Verb
This section of the thesis discuses structure of verb from different perspectives that include root of a verb, formats of verb, pronouns of verbs and morphological tense of verb etc.
2) Syntactical Study of Verb
This section discusses role of verb in sentence. It discusses tenses, transitive and intransitive verbs, model verbs, Iarab of Verb etc.
Chapter 2. Verb in English Language
It is also divided into two chapters in the same way.
a) Morphological Study of Verb
b) Syntactical Study of Verb
Chapter 3. Comparative Study of Verb in English and Arabic
It is also divided into two chapters:
a) Morphological Comparative Study of Verb
b) Syntactical Comparative Study of Verb
Conclusions and Suggestions
أثر الثقافة العربية في شعر السيد نصير الدين الكولروي (دراسة فنية )
Topic of M. Phil Dissertation
Impact of Arabic Culture on Syed Naseer Ul Din Naseer’s Poetry
As a matter of fact, many a Muslim Poets in Subcontinent had been impressed with Arabic Language and Literature as well as religious in their poetry on using Arabic words, sentences and themes of Qura’n and Hadith without hesitation.
I have divided my topic into Abstract, Preface, two chapters, Bibliography and list of contents.
First chapter will introduce Syed Naseer Ul Din Naseer and his books and it has three sub-chapters.
Second chapter will talk about impact of Arabic Culture on the poetry of Syed Naser Ul Din Naseer and it has also two sub-chapters.
اقتراض الكلمات المشتركة بين اللغة الأردية والفارسية في العربية
Man in this world cannot observe isolation, rather he or she needs to live in a society, where he or she is inevitably has to communicate with other beings in order to convey his feelings, emotions, views, knowledge, experiences and thoughts, as well as to understand others views and feelings.
For this purpose he or she uses different sources of communication such as verbal and non-verbal communication. But, the popular and easy way of communication is verbal communication and language is the best way in verbal communication.
Sometimes needs make individual compelled to create the words to express the meanings, then gradually this society that linguistically particular puts words to express the meaning of a particular, and then commonly use this word and spread by the community language all, and gained successive generations.
Sometimes individuals borrow words from the other languages. Others are subject to the effects of environment and cultural differences as well as different sounds that make up the word borrowing, or to form away from the formats language borrowing, and usually cause the floor disturbance in the view of linguists, whether it be at the origin of its presence, borrowed or in their significance for violating the rules or assets results by control their use and determine the content and explain the reasons they are received.
Borrowing and the phenomenon of natural language known among the peoples since ancient times, which is one of the means of wealth growth linguistic, It is not almost devoid of the languages of that by the impact and vulnerability among speakers takes language affected verbally or structures or sounds of another language, any language with a historical dimension, and with culture, literature and civilization, cannot continue for long periods of time without
having the extended external from other languages and the exchange of influence.
Urdu is a language of sub-continent and almost hundreds of thousands of people in world understand Urdu language But Urdu language borrowed a lot of Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit words. This research study has aimed to identify the ways of browning Arabic words in Urdu language, and to know phases of browning and using Arabic words in Urdu language and to
investigate the effects of Arabic language on Urdu language and to describe the Arabic words that are commonly used in Urdu language.
This thesis has become divided into two main chapters. Each the first main chapter consists of three sub-chapters while the second main chapter is divided by three sub-chapters.
The recommendation proposals results of the researchera has been mentioned at the end of this thesis with attached list of biography.
Syed Basharat Hussain
Arabic Department
NUML, Islamabad
اتجاه الزهد في الشعر الأندلسي (في القرنين السادس والسابع الهجري )
“The Austerity in Undulas Poetry in 7th and 8th Century”
Islam is a religion which believe in proportion and steadfastness. It prevents its believers from disproportion. In translation and interpretation, the word Austerity (ﺪھﺰﻟا) has been used as religious term. In Hadith books (ﺔﺘﺳ حﺎﺤﺻ), it is given as a term to prevent one’s self from inclinations towards any thing and to avoid from the secular love. Its literal meaning is to refrain from disobeying God avoiding sins and to purge your heart from all the impurities of the world, it has been discussed in Quran once. It has been implied as ignoring.
As they sold Yousuf at a very low price. Pious (ﺪھاز) is an ancient terminology, initially hermits were considered to be pious.
As austerity (ﺪھﺰﻟا) denotes disinterest in the world and care for hereafter, so this genre entered Undalas (ﺲﻟﺪﻧأ) with all its Islamic soul. I tattained a prominent position in the thinking pattern and creations of the authors and poets of that era.
I shall discuss in my research Austerity (ﺪ����ھﺰ����ﻟا) in Undulas poetry during the 7th & 8th century of Hijra, its destination in Pre-Islamic period, Islamic period as well as in Umayyad and Abbasside period. The important poets of that era and distinctions of their poetry.
Syed Zia ul Hussain
Ph.D. Scholar
Department of Arabic
NUML, Islamabad.
Topic of M. Phil Dissertation
“Religious intertextuality throughout Shaykh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani's poetry”
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani was a great scholar who presented his
services in the middle ages; mostly he had dealt the Shafi related subjects. He is also one of the well known sunni figure in the field of Hadith, as he is awarded the title of Shaykh al Islam. He has written many books on different subjects but hadith and Shafi jurisprudence is very prominent amongst those subjects. The very remarkable and prominent job he has done and presented as a gift is Fath al-Bari - the commentary of the Sahih of Bukhari.
The research will tackle religious intertextuality in Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani’s Diwan. The research work will be based on the variety of religious intertextuality illustrated by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani. As a religious scholar he draws most of his ideas and connotations from the religious texts, especially from Quran and Hadith. This is the reason the presentation affects more and fancy of the readers of poetic texts.
So I have divided my topic into abstract, introduction, three chapters, Bibliography and list of contents. The Introduction narrates the poet’s biography and also gives brief light on his educational efforts.
First chapter contains into two sub chapters.
Sub-chapter 1: Ibn Hajar as a poet.
Sub-chapter 2: concept of intertextuality in lexical and contextual terms, religious intertextuality, the origin of intertextuality.
Second chapter sheds light on the importance of intersexuality in Arabic literature. Further the said chapter consists into three sub-chapters which are:
Sub-chapter 1: The importance of intertextuality
throughout Quranic verses usage.
Sub-chapter 2: The importance of intertextuality throughout Ahadees-Nabvi usage.
Sub-chapter 3: The importance of intertextuality as paving the way for innovation.
Third chapter also has two sub chapters.
Sub-chapter 1: the sources of religious intertextuality in the poetry of Ibn Hajar like Quran and Hadith
Sub-chapter 2: intertextuality levels in the Diwan of Shaykh al Islam.
Brotherhood letters in Ummayed era My Thesis is a descriptive study of the brotherhood messages in the Umayyad era.
It deals with the brotherhood messages which are written among the writers in the Umayyad era. These messages may be to congratulate others, and may be for condolences or other occasions. The importance of these messages is that they reveals the political and social conditions of that times and it also reveals us the intellectual and linguistic friction between Arabic literature and the literature of other languages.
The purpose of my study is to shed light on the messages in the Umayyad era and to know the factors affecting it and its most important types and to know its characteristics.
I will explain the words, meanings and methods used in these messages. Some of the rhetorical terms are applied to these messages, such as quotations, recitation, exaggeration, quoting, or poetry.
I have divided the thesis into two chapters.
Chapter 04: it is divided into 02 sub chapters.
Sub- chapter 04: types of message
Sub-chapter 02: Family messages
Sub- chapter 02: Tribal message
Chapter 02: it is divided into 02 sub chapters.
Sub-chapter 04: Words meaning, analysis of these letters with many rhetoric terms.
Sub- chapter 02: Application of different Rhetoric terms
Sub- chapter 02: citation from poetry and prose