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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
A GENDER BASED COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS | Organizational Citizenship Behavior includes such behaviors of an individual that are voluntary and goes beyond the job description of employees and also play an important role in effectiveness of an organization. The aim of the current study was to compare the OCB among male and female teachers of public universities of Islamabad. Researcher used the quantitative research approach in this study. The population of the study was consisted of 1366 teachers among them 768 were male teachers and 598 were female teachers. Stratified proportionate sampling was used to draw sample from two strata. The sample was consisted of 693 teachers of public university of Islamabad among them 430 were male teachers and 263 were female teachers. The return response rate of the current study was 302 among them 170 were male teachers and 132 were female teachers. An adapted questionnaire of Podsakoff and Mackenzie (1989) was used by the researcher as a tool to collect the data from participants. Moreover, for the current study, researcher used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean and independent t-test was calculated to analyze the data. The analysis of data demonstrates that teachers display more sportsmanship with 4.15 mean values among five dimension of OCB (Altruism 3.63, Courtesy 3.92, Conscientiousness 3.76, and Civic Virtue 3.95) at university level. Furthermore, results of independent t-test show that there is a significant difference in OCB of male and female teachers of public universities of Islamabad. Results of independent t-test also indicate that male teachers display more OCB at university level as compare to female teachers. Moreover, it is recommended that initiatives like organizing departmental discussion, seminars, conferences aimed at encourage the female teachers to display OCB may be held on campuses. Both administrators and teachers may be part of these programs. This may help to enhance the success of such programs by incorporating the lessons gained through these programs. |
RELATIONSHIP OF LEARNING STYLES AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | The current study aimed to identify the relationship of learning styles and academic achievement of science students at Secondary School Level. The theoretical framework was based on the VAK model (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) developed by (Flaming, 2001). The academic achievement was evaluated based on the send-up exam score (grade 9th December results). The Barsch Learning Style Inventory (1996) was adapted for the assessment of science students’ learning styles. The sample of the present study consisted of 317 science students of Govt. High Secondary schools in Rawalpindi among them 163 were male students and 154 were female students. The result of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship of Visual Learning Style and academic achievement of science students. The result also showed that there is a significant relationship of Auditory Learning Style and academic achievement of science students. However, there is no significant relationship of Kinesthetic Learning Style and academic achievement of science students. The results also concluded that there is a significant difference in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles based on gender. Male science students preferred Kinesthetic Learning Style, and female students preferred Visual and Auditory Learning Styles. It was further concluded that science students prefer Visual Learning Style at Secondary School Level. The academic achievement of female science students was found to be significantly better compared to male students. The researcher recommended that science teachers may incorporate these learning styles (Visual, Auditory) in their curriculum activities so the science students are able to succeed in their exams. |
DEMOGRAPHIC COMPARISON OF DEVIANT WORKPLACE BEHAVIOUR AMONG UNIVERSITY TEACHERS | This study scrutinized the deviant workplace behaviour of employees due to organizational and personal factors and compared it demographically. In demographic variation gender, age group, qualification, nature of job, designation, total years of teaching experience, total years of teaching experience in current organization and salary of the respondents were taken. University teachers’ responses were taken on deviant workplace behaviour as absenteeism and job turn over due to organizational and personal factors. Independent variables included (i) organizational factors consisted of compensation, working conditions, recognition and training whereas (ii) personal factors comprised of health issues, distance from workplace, family issues and conveyance. Dependent variable encompassed absenteeism and job turnover as deviant workplace behaviour. The study adopted exploratory sequential mixed method approach. The data was collected and analysed in two stages. Phase I was qualitative study analysis of semi-structured interview and phase II was quantitative study analysis of survey questionnaire. After that data was triangulated to get in-depth findings. Sample of the study for quantitative questionnaire was 330, randomly selected teachers from public universities. Whereas 15 participants were selected through convenience sample for semi-structured interview. Results of the study showed that employees show deviant workplace behaviour due to organizational factors and there is significant relationship among the variables demographically. As the teachers having total work experience from six to ten were inclined towards both job turn over and absenteeism due to organizational factors i.e. training, compensation and working conditions. It was also found out that teachers having salary package from 60 to 70 thousand rupees showed inclination towards absenteeism as deviant workplace behaviour due to training and recognition. It is suggested that congenial and conducive working environment, promotion of just culture and development of good employees’ relationship may help to overcome deviant workplace behaviour and for better teaching environment as building up the personality and social norms among students, teachers play a vital role. Furthermore, management may provide a collaborative workplace by giving equal chances of professional development. |
GENDER BASED COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS | Critical thinking is procedure that helps learners to think in a creative way by using analysis and evaluating strategy. In the 21st century critical thinking skills are demand of society and learners learn these skills from educational institutions. This research was conducted to compare the critical thinking skills among university students on the basis of gender. The major objectives of the study were to explore the practices related to critical thinking skill among university students and to compare the critical thinking skill among university students on the basis of gender. The Theoretical framework of the study was based on critical thinking skills domain presented by Elena, Rave, Gabriel, Monsalve, Andrés, Botero and Brand (2017). This model comprised of five critical thinking skills domains interpretation, analysis, argumentation, evaluation and inference. Researcher used quantitative research approach. Furthermore, comparative research design was used for the purpose of data collection. For the current study population was male (4795) and female (3864) students enrolled in social sciences department N=8659. (session 2019 Fall ) of public sector universities of Islamabad . Proportionate stratified sampling technique was used for this study. Research selected 10% from both strata. The sample size for the current study was n=866, male (480) and female (386). Researcher used a self-developed questionnaire based on critical thinking skills presented by Elena, Rave, Gabriel, Monsalve, Andrés, Botero& Brand (2017). The questionnaire was validated from experts of educational field. The reliability of critical thinking skill scale was (.968). Further factor analysis was run for construct validity of the items. The result showed that students were undecided about the practices of critical thinking skills and there was no statistically significant difference found on the basis of gender related to critical thinking skills. Further it was recommended that universities administration may develop activities that help and enable faculty to educate students about their critical thinking skills through their teachings skills. Teachers may adopt these skills for inculcating critical thinking skills in students. |
INVESTIGATION OF TEACHER-RELATED FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | he basic purpose of conducting this study was to explore teacher-related factors contributing to students’ performance in Mathematics at secondary school level. The research objectives were: to explore teacher-related factors contributing to students’ performance in Mathematics at secondary school level, to examine the influence of teaching methodology on the performance of Mathematics students at secondary school level, to describe influence of teachers’ subject knowledge and assessment practice on the performance of Mathematics’ students at secondary school level, to identify the effect of teachers’ professional attitude on the performance of the Mathematics students at secondary school level, to determine the effect of teacher professional training on the performance of Mathematics students at secondary school level. The study was conducted in descriptive research design and qualitative research approach. A self-developed open-ended instrument, the Focus Group Discussion Guide was used for data collection. From Population of 84 Mathematics teachers, teaching at Islamabad Model College and Islamabad Model Schools for boys, 09 teachers were selected by using the purposively sampling technique. A session of focus group discussion was held at Research Library, Dawah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad. Discussion was continued more than an hour with the participants. Views and suggestions of the entire participants were recorded and noted by the researcher. Collected data was analyzed by using thematic analysis technique. Each theme was analyzed separately and got the meaning from their expressions and elaborated their perception into discussions and extracted the findings of this study. Findings indicated that in service Mathematics teachers have insufficient subject knowledge and their pedagogical skills are not very strong. They are less motivated to students and not very skilful to assess the performance. They have less chances to avail teacher training programs. Based on findings it could be argued that teacher’s subject knowledge, pedagogical skills, assessment practices, professional attitude and professional training are the factors which influenced the performance of Mathematics students at secondary school level. The study recommended that in service teachers training programs may be conducted for teachers. |
PHYSICS PRACTICUM PREPARATION AND ASSESSMENT AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL: FACTS AND CHALLENGES | The study was designed to explore the facts and challenges regarding preparation and assessment of physics practicum at secondary level in Pakistan. The aim of research were (a) To explore that physics practicum at secondary level are according to standards and benchmarks set in national curriculum of physics 2006 (b) To find out the current practices regarding preparation of physics practicum assessment at secondary level in Pakistan. (c) To find out the current practices regarding assessment of physics practicum assessment at secondary level in Pakistan. (d) To investigate the problems and challenges faced by teachers during preparation and assessment of physics practicum. The study was descriptive in nature and survey method was used. The population of the study was teachers teaching physics at secondary level in F.G cantt and garrison institutes of Rawalpindi, Chaklala and Wha region. There are 83 schools in these three regions and 183 teachers are teaching physics teaching physics in these schools. A sample of 125 participants was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected from respondents through questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 25 close ended questions and two open ended questions. The data was analyzed by mean score and data analysis. It appeared from the data that large class size, less allocated marks, less allocated time and inappropriate assessment practices are major barriers in implementation of Physics practicum according to true spirit of national curriculum of physics, 2006. Major recommendations are that class size may be reduced, marks weightage for Physics practicum may be increased, more time may be allocated for practicum and teachers may be trained for proper assessment |
PHYSICS PRACTICUM PREPARATION AND ASSESSMENT AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL: FACTS AND CHALLENGES | The study was designed to explore the facts and challenges regarding preparation and assessment of physics practicum at secondary level in Pakistan. The aim of research were (a) To explore that physics practicum at secondary level are according to standards and benchmarks set in national curriculum of physics 2006 (b) To find out the current practices regarding preparation of physics practicum assessment at secondary level in Pakistan. (c) To find out the current practices regarding assessment of physics practicum assessment at secondary level in Pakistan. (d) To investigate the problems and challenges faced by teachers during preparation and assessment of physics practicum. The study was descriptive in nature and survey method was used. The population of the study was teachers teaching physics at secondary level in F.G cantt and garrison institutes of Rawalpindi, Chaklala and Wha region. There are 83 schools in these three regions and 183 teachers are teaching physics teaching physics in these schools. A sample of 125 participants was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected from respondents through questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 25 close ended questions and two open ended questions. The data was analyzed by mean score and data analysis. It appeared from the data that large class size, less allocated marks, less allocated time and inappropriate assessment practices are major barriers in implementation of Physics practicum according to true spirit of national curriculum of physics, 2006. Major recommendations are that class size may be reduced, marks weightage for Physics practicum may be increased, more time may be allocated for practicum and teachers may be trained for proper assessment |
EFFECT OF TEACHERS’ ASSESSMENT PRACTICES ON STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | This study intended to explore the effect of teachers’ assessment practices on students’ engagement at higher education level. Major objectives of the study were to explore teachers’ assessment practices at higher education level, to explore students’ engagement at higher education level, to find the effect of teachers’ assessment practices on students’ engagement at higher education level. This study was descriptive survey type in nature. For the selection of sample convenient sampling technique was applied. From total 988 population 98 teachers’ were selected as a sample and from 10130 students population 1013 students’ respondents were selected as a sample from public sector universities in Islamabad. Data was collected from social science departments in public universities. Researcher used two questionnaires in this study first self-developed questionnaire which is teachers’ assessment practices scale and second adapted questionnaire for students’ sample which is students’ engagement scale and to use that questionnaire proper permission was taken from the author. For the current study, researcher used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean and regression were calculated to analyze the data. The analysis of data and results of regression shows that there was no statistical significant effect of teachers’ assessment practices discussions, quiz, assignment and projects on students’ cognitive, behavioral and affective engagement. Only presentations had a significant effect on students’ engagement. Moreover, it is recommended that teachers’ may use verity of techniques during implementation of assessment practices to engage students’ with their learning. |
ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AS A PREDICTOR OF PROFESSIONAL WELL-BEING OF HEAD TEACHERS AT SECONDARY EDUCATION LEVEL | The relationship of organizational justice and Professional well-being is a developing research topic. Present research was conducted to find out the effect of organizational justice on professional well-being of head teachers at secondary education level. Population of the study was all the head teachers of Public high and higher secondary schools of Punjab. Cluster sampling was used for quantitative data analysis and convenience sampling was used for qualitative data. 260 Head teachers of high and higher secondary schools of district Rawalpindi were sample of the study. Explanatory Sequential mix method design was used in which quantitative analysis followed by qualitative analysis was done. For this purpose organizational justice scales by (Niehoff & Moormon ,1993) were adapted to measure procedural justice, distributive justice and interactional justice and professional well-being scale by Yıldırım (2014) was adapted. Simple regression, Independent sample t test and one way ANOVA were used for data analysis. For Qualitative data analysis semi structured interviews were conducted. The result of the study showed that organizational justice has significant effect on professional well-being of head teachers at secondary education level. Effect of distributive Justice was more significant on professional well-being than other two dimensions of organizational justice. No significant mean difference was found between organizational justice of male and female head teachers. It was also concluded that no mean difference was found between professional well-being of head teachers of male and female. Significant difference on the basis of age group and experience of head teachers was also found |
ASSESSMENT OF IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR COLLEGE TEACHERS | This research was designed to assess and compare impression management techniques of public and private College teachers. The first objective of this research is to assess the difference in all educational techniques used by college teachers The main objective of research was not only to compare Impression Management Techniques used by teachers of public and private sector but also to assess differences in practice of these techniques due to demographic differences including gender, experience, qualification and job designation. The theoretical framework of the study was based on theory of Impression Management Taxonomy by Jones and Pitman (1982), which comprised of Self Promotion, Ingratiation, Exemplification, Intimidation, and Supplication. The researcher used the quantitative research approach by using questionnaire as a data collection tool. For the current research population was all college teachers of ICT urban under FDE and private colleges registered in Federal Board of Intermediate &Secondary Education (FBISE) The total population was 528 .These colleges are ten (public 6 &private 4).But sample was (Male 100) and (Female 100) teachers serving in the colleges of public and private sector of Islamabad. The Chronbach alpha was 0.75. The result showed that, there was a significant difference between Impression Management (IM) Techniques practiced by private (3.00) and public sector college teachers (2.98) and it showed that Private college teachers used Impression Management Techniques more efficiently than college teachers of Public sector. It is recommended that Public Sector teachers should identify the techniques used by private teachers in managing impression. It is recommended that to improve Impression Management Techniques, seminars may be conducted where teachers can learn how they make their personality more attractive and appreciable. |
PARENTING STYLES AS A PREDICTOR OF STUDENTS’ PERSONALITY AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | Parenting styles involve variety of behaviors that operate together and individually to influence a child’s behaviors. This study was aimed to assess the relationship between parenting styles and students personality at secondary school level. The main objectives of the study were to determine parenting styles perceived by students at secondary school level. To determine personality traits of secondary school students. To explore the relationship between parenting styles and students personality at secondary school level. This study was based on the theoretical framework of parenting styles given by Maccoby and Martin (1983) and personality traits proposed by Goldberg (1993). The population for this study was 2292 students of public secondary schools in chitral. Simple random sampling technique was used. Sample size was 328 students selected by using Krejcie and Morgan sample size table (1070). Two adapted questionnaires were used in this study. i.e. Parenting style four factor questionnaire by Shyny (2017) and big five inventory by Benet-Martínez, V & John O. P. (1998). Through pilot testing reliability of both questionnaire was checked and both questionnaires were found reliable. Mean and Pearson correlation were applied for data analysis. The findings showed the most prevailing parenting style perceived by students was authoritative and most prevailing personality trait of students was openness to experience. There is a positive significant relationship between parenting styles and personality traits at secondary school level. It may be recommended that schools may arrange trainings/workshops/seminars to educate parents and students and to make them aware about their parenting styles and personality traits along with strength and weakness of their styles and personality traits this may help them in selection of right parenting styles and personality traits to handle any situation. |
RELATIONSHIP OF FAMILY SUPPORT AND JOB PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL | This study was aimed to find out the relationship of family support and job performance of teachers at university level. The main objectives of the study were to explore the level of family support, to assess the level of job performance of teachers at university level, to find out the relationship of family support and job performance of teachers at university level, to investigate the gender based difference regarding family support and to investigate gender based difference regarding the job performance of university teachers. This study was quantitative and correlational in nature. This study was based on theories of family support Greenhouse & Powell (2006) and job performance given by Viswesvaran (2000). The target population of the present study was based on four public sector universities teachers of social sciences and management sciences departments, which were 768 teachers from public sector universities of Islamabad. A simple random sampling technique was used. The sample of the present study consisted of 317 among them 146 were males and 171 females university teachers. Data were collected through two questionnaires, one for family support and the second was about job performance. Data were analyzed through mean, Pearson Correlation, Independent t- test by using SPSS. The findings of this study indicated that university teachers showed sometimes agreed responses towards family support and job performance which were not up to satisfactory level. Positive significant relationship was found between family support and job performance, no significant gender based differences was found related to family support among university teachers. Significant gender differences were found related to job performance therefore, it is recommended that Teachers may make the best utilization of the time to set boundaries and maintain flexibility between life and professional life to attain the work life balance |
EFFECT OF TEACHING INTERVENTIONS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND BEHAVIOURAL MANAGEMENT OF ATTENTION DEFICIT AND HYPERACTIVE DISORDER (ADHD) AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL | Major objective of this doctoral research is to develop interventions for higher academic achievement and behavioural management of elementary level ADHD students. Study has been conducted in two phases, descriptive and experimental. During phase I (descriptive) exploration of the phenomenon has been made in the light of teachers’ awareness of the concept of ADHD, prevalence of ADHD students and various challenges faced by teachers in managing ADHD students at elementary level. Phase II (experimental in nature) has been designed to measure the effects of teaching interventions on the academic performance and behavioural management of ADHD students. Population of the study included elementary level teachers and students of Tehsil Rawalpindi. For ease of data collection study delimited to male and female elementary level schools of Rawalpindi only. For data collection, four research questionnaires developed through standard procedure. Pilot testing was conducted to establish the reliability and validity of research questionnaires. During phase I, for the exploration of phenomena data were collected from 200 teachers and 300 students. Stratified random sampling technique used to collect data from teachers whereas; data from students were collected through purposive sampling technique. Collected data were analyzed through Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) through SPSS. Results revealed that most teachers have diminutive knowledge of ADHD. A significant difference has been found in the prevalence of ADHD among the private and public sector schools. On the basis of the findings, several teaching interventions developed which includes instructional, behavioural and physical classroom management interventions for better academic performance and behavioural management of ADHD students. In order to determine the effects of these developed interventions on academic achievement and behavioural management of ADHD students two separate experiments were conducted on 40 teachers and 30 students respectively. A significant difference was found in the pretest and post test scores of teachers (n=40) after imparting 5 days intensive training on teaching interventions. Significant differences were also found in the academic performance and behavioural management of experimental (n=15) and control group (n=15) on achievement test and behavioural check list, when students of grade 8th were taught subject of English compulsory through interventions for three months. Results illustrated that if proper awareness and training provided to elementary level teachers (building their capacity of handling ADHD students) it will ultimately enable ADHD students to meet the challenges of life (better academic purists, reduction of disruptive behavioural problems) effectively. |
A GENDER BASED COMPARISON OF DECISION MAKING STYLES OF HEADS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | The main objective of this study was to assess prevailing decision-making styles of male heads at the secondary school level, to explore prevailing decision making styles of female heads at the secondary school level and to compare gender-based differences regarding decision-making styles of heads at the secondary school level. The theoretical framework of this study was based on Scott and Bruce's (1995) theory that is based on five dimensions: rational, intuitive, avoidant, dependent and spontaneous. Decision-making styles of heads were assessed using the decision-making styles scale, consisting of five factors and based on 27 items. In this study, descriptive design and a quantitative approach were used. The population of this study consisted of 392 public secondary schools of the Rawalpindi district. There were 201 boys' secondary schools and 191 girls' secondary schools. The sample of this study was 200 secondary school heads in the five tehsils of district, Rawalpindi. One hundred heads from boys' secondary school and 100 heads from girls' secondary school. A random sampling technique was used. The researcher used an adapted decision-making style scale initially developed by Robert Baioccouse (2009). Reliability was checked through Cronbach Alpha, the reliability of the tool was.816. Statistical technique such as means and t-test were used to analyze the data. Findings showed the prevailing decision-making style of the males and females were rational decision making style. There was no gender difference in the decision-making style of secondary school heads. It is recommended to train the head teacher to adopt the decision-making style related to the situation to make an effective decision. |