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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
ANALYSIS OF SUPPORT MECHANISM FOR TEACHERS’ RESEARCH SKILLS AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | The present study aimed to analyze the support mechanism for teachers’ research skills at higher education level at Islamabad. The main objectives of this study were: to assess the availability of support mechanism, to examine the level of support mechanism for teachers research skills, to examine the level of teachers’ research skills and to measure contribution of support mechanism in teachers research skills at higher education level. Theoretical framework of this study was based on teachers’ support mechanism model by Lucas, & Oliveira (2017) and Teachers’ research skills model was based on the work of Vitea (2010). This study approach was quantitative and research design was correlation. The population of the research was based on 297 university teachers serving in social sciences faculty in public and private universities of Islamabad, having three years or less than three years of teaching experience. The sample was consisted of 100% of the population, while 50 teachers were selected for pilot testing. The teachers who contributed in pilot testing were not included in final data collection. In final data collection out of 247 teachers 236 teachers returned the questionnaire thus the rate of return was 95%. The study tool was self-developed by the researcher. Teachers Support Mechanism Scale (TSMS) and Teacher’s Research Skills Scale (TRSS) were used as the data collection tool. Croanbachs’ Alpha reliability of support mechenism scale was calculated as 0.97. Cronbach's Alpha reliability of teachers’ research skills scale was calculated as 0.90. Data was personally collected by the researcher and analyzed by using SPSS 22nd version. It was concluded that teachers were agreed that support mechanism was available in the universities. It was also found that average level of support mechanism was found among 116 teachers. It was also found that above average level of teachers’ research skills was found among 116 teachers. It is recommended that through the orientation program and weekly meeting administration can inform teachers about the availability of new university facilities. It is recommended that departmental discussions may be arranged once in a month for sharing of new ideas with new teachers. Senior colleagues offer more support to less experienced teachers such as in learning new teaching skills. |
ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR AMONG DIFFERENT FACULTIES AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | This study aimed to examine teachers’ leadership behavior at higher education level, to determine teachers’ leadership behaviour among different faculties at higher education level and to explore the differences in teachers’ leadership behavior based on demographic variables. Quantitative research approach and descriptive research design was used. The population of the current study was 170 university teachers from two universities of Gilgit Baltistan. Sample of the study was consisted of 118 university teachers which makes 69% of the target population. The four factor model of teacher leadership developed by Dehart and Angella, (2011) was used which has four dimensions of teachers leadership including Sharing Expertise, Sharing Leadership, Supra Practitioners and Principal Selection. Tool was adapted from Teacher Leadership Inventory of Angella and Dehart. Data was analyzed through SPSS by applying mean, t-test and ANOVA. The major finding of the results showed that the teachers agreed with the three dimensions , Sharing Leadership, Sharing Expertise and Principal Selection. But they were uncertain about the dimension Supra Practitioners. No significant difference in teachers’ leadership behavior was found on the basis of faculty, gender and university. But a significant difference was found in teachers’ leadership behavior on the basis of department, qualification, experience and age. It was concluded that teachers share same views about teachers’ leadership behavior with respect to gender, university and Faculty. The more qualified, more experienced and senior teachers have stronger sense of leadership behavior at higher education level. It is recommended that universities may conduct collaborative sessions, seminars and training in order to boost up teachers’ leadership behavior with respect to the dimension Supra Practitioners. It is also recommended that the senior , qualified and experienced teachers may work as a team with the novice and younger teachers in order to improve their leadership behavior. |
RELATIONSHIP OF LEADERSHIP STYLES AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF HEAD TEACHERS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between Leadership Styles and Communication Skills of Section Heads at Secondary School level. Beside this, two more objectives were also formulated which were, To define the leadership styles of section heads of Army Public School and College System, and To define the communication skills of section head teachers of Army Public School And College System. Two questionnaires were used for data collection. For accessing Leadership Styles an adapted questionnaire was used while a self-developed close ended questionnaire was used for identifying Communication Skills. This study was quantitative and descriptive in nature. It had a correlation design. Data was collected from 32 Army Public School and College System in Rawalpindi/Islamabad and 92 Section Head Teachers were the sample of study. Because of the available sample size, Census technique is used, and 100% respondents were included in study. Findings revealed that section heads mostly used Paternalistic Leadership Style and frequently used communication skill was Social Sensitivity. It was also found that leadership styles have a significant relationship with communication skills while after individual analysis of constructs results articulated that some leadership styles have a positive significant relationship with some communication skills but have no significant relationship with the other communication skills. This study provided a broader picture of leadership styles and communication skills of Section Heads at Army Public School And College System. The results of study may guide the Section Heads to adopt improved communication skills by employing needed leadership style. |
ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR AND WORK MOTIVATION OF TEACHERS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL | This study was undertaken to analyse organizational citizenship behavior and work motivation of teachers at secondary school level. This study was intended to; evaluate level of organizational citizenship behavior and work motivation of teachers at secondary school level, analyse demographic variables i.e. gender, qualification, age, teaching tenure and socio-economic status based differences regarding organizational citizenship behavior and work motivation of teachers at secondary school level, investigate relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and work motivation of teachers at secondary school level. Quantitative research approach was used and the study was descriptive in nature. This study was based on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour model by Organ (2006) and Herzberg (2010) two factor theory of motivation. Population of the study was consisted of 2200 male and 2400 female teachers. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select sample of 327 male teachers and 331 female teachers teaching at secondary level from Model Secondary Schools of Islamabad. Data was collected through two questionnaires. Organizational citizenship behavior scale developed by Podsakoff and Moorman (2018) and work motivation scale developed by Hilmi Italic (2016). Data was analysed through mean, percentages, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient by using SPSS. Findings of this study indicated that teachers at secondary school level have shown agreed responses towards organizational citizenship behavior and work motivation. There were significant mean differences found in gender, age, teaching tenure and socio-economic status of teachers at secondary level, while no significant mean differences were found in academic qualification of teachers regarding organizational citizenship behaviour and work motivation of teachers at secondary level. Significant positive relationship was identified between OCB and work motivation of teachers. Therefore, it is recommended that discussions, workshops and seminars may be arranged by higher administration authorities to enhance the aspect of altruism and work motivation of teachers and to develop OCB policies and approaches among teachers by providing them understanding about helpful behaviour amongst all teachers and staff. |
RELATIONSHIP OF STUDENTS’ PERSONALITY TRAITS AND ACADEMIC SELF REGULATION SKILLS AT COLLEGE LEVEL | The study aimed to determine relationship between students‘ personality traits and academic self-regulation skills at college level. The major objectives of the study were : to assess the level of big five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) and academic self-regulation skills (self-planning, self-monitoring, selfcontrol, self-evaluation and self-reaction) of college level students, to determine the relationship between students‘ personality traits and academic self-regulations skills, to compare personality traits and academic self-regulation skills of college level students. Two theories were used as a theoretical framework of the study; big five personality traits by costa and mccare in 1992 and, academic self-regulation skills by Zimmerman in 2010. This was a quantitative descriptive correlational study. The population of the study was all the college level students (4699) of district Dir lower KP. 510 college level students were sample of the study. Data were collected from 10 colleges, which included five male and five female colleges. Simple random sampling technique was used as sampling technique. Two close ended questionnaires were adapted to use as data collection tools. Mean, independent sample t test and regression statistical test were applied to analyze the data. The results showed significant relationship between student‘s personality traits academic self-regulation skills. The result showed that there is significant difference between personality traits of male and female students at college level. Student‘s personality traits and academic Self- regulation skills have shown positive and significant correlation. Curriculum may be more social and academic activity embedded to enhance student‘s personality traits and academic Selfregulation skills as these two variables have significant correlation. College administration may develop inductive programs like exhibitions, funfairs, debates, sports, educational trips etc., to help students for improvement of their extroversion and openness to experience. Female students may be provided the opportunities for exposure to social world in order to enrich their personality traits through sports, social work, study and excursion trips etc. |
AN INVESTIGATION OF FACULTY COMPETENCE TOWARDS TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | Thesis Title: An Investigation of Faculty Competence towards Technology Integration at Higher Education Level The current study was conducted to investigate the technology integration competencies of university teachers on the basis of conceptual framework which unifies Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) model and Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Major objectives of the study were to examine the faculty perceptions regarding their competence towards technology integration at higher education level with reference to SAMR model in the backdrop of Bloom’s taxonomy, to diagnose the differences in faculty competence towards technology integration at higher education level on the basis of sector, gender, qualification, experience, designation, disciplines and age, to explore the views of heads regarding faculty competence towards technology integration, and to propose a model for technology integration on the basis of research. Mixed method approach and convergent parallel design was used to conduct the study. Targeted population contained 4233 faculty members and 380 heads of Social Sciences and Management Sciences, teaching in 32 public and private sector universities of Punjab. For indicating appropriate representation to each strata, 14% of both sectors were selected for the sample from faculty members. Therefore, the sample consisted 593 teaching faculty (358 public sector and 235 private sector). For qualitative sample the researcher selected 30 heads from both public and private universities (13 heads from public sector and 17 heads from private sector). A self-developed questionnaire based on SAMR model and Bloom’s revised taxonomy, a standardized checklists and semi-structured interview were utilized to collect the information from university teachers and heads of departments. The alpha reliability of the technology integration scale was 0.79. Findings revealed that higher education teachers were practicing technology integration. The study indicated that most of the respondents were practicing ICT learning activities at the middle levels of the SAMR model. Study also found differences in technology integration on the basis of sector, gender, qualification, experience, designation, faculties, age. The quantitative responses indicated that teachers in social sciences were practicing the technology integration at augmentation level of the SAMR model but in few cases they used modification level. In management sciences teachers were found practicing and utilizing the ICT tools at augmentation and modification level. The major themes emerged from questions were teachers’ understanding of SAMR model and greater learning opportunities at higher levels of SAMR model. Study recommended that faculty Competence may be elevated from enhancement towards transformation through increase in digital knowledge, skill and attitude by periodic trainings, rewards, incentives and exposure towards more rich, technological and digitized environment. This may help towards attitude formation which is highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy as well. The study also proposed a model for technology integration for HEIs in Pakistan. The model is flexible enough to cope with changes and reforms in HEIs. The phases of the model are interlinked and feedback from stakeholders directly goes back to the system in the form of opinions and suggestions to effectively incorporate technology. |
AN INVESTIGATION OF FACULTY COMPETENCE TOWARDS TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | Thesis Title: An Investigation of Faculty Competence towards Technology Integration at Higher Education Level The current study was conducted to investigate the technology integration competencies of university teachers on the basis of conceptual framework which unifies Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) model and Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Major objectives of the study were to examine the faculty perceptions regarding their competence towards technology integration at higher education level with reference to SAMR model in the backdrop of Bloom’s taxonomy, to diagnose the differences in faculty competence towards technology integration at higher education level on the basis of sector, gender, qualification, experience, designation, disciplines and age, to explore the views of heads regarding faculty competence towards technology integration, and to propose a model for technology integration on the basis of research. Mixed method approach and convergent parallel design was used to conduct the study. Targeted population contained 4233 faculty members and 380 heads of Social Sciences and Management Sciences, teaching in 32 public and private sector universities of Punjab. For indicating appropriate representation to each strata, 14% of both sectors were selected for the sample from faculty members. Therefore, the sample consisted 593 teaching faculty (358 public sector and 235 private sector). For qualitative sample the researcher selected 30 heads from both public and private universities (13 heads from public sector and 17 heads from private sector). A self-developed questionnaire based on SAMR model and Bloom’s revised taxonomy, a standardized checklists and semi-structured interview were utilized to collect the information from university teachers and heads of departments. The alpha reliability of the technology integration scale was 0.79. Findings revealed that higher education teachers were practicing technology integration. The study indicated that most of the respondents were practicing ICT learning activities at the middle levels of the SAMR model. Study also found differences in technology integration on the basis of sector, gender, qualification, experience, designation, faculties, age. The quantitative responses indicated that teachers in social sciences were practicing the technology integration at augmentation level of the SAMR model but in few cases they used modification level. In management sciences teachers were found practicing and utilizing the ICT tools at augmentation and modification level. The major themes emerged from questions were teachers’ understanding of SAMR model and greater learning opportunities at higher levels of SAMR model. Study recommended that faculty Competence may be elevated from enhancement towards transformation through increase in digital knowledge, skill and attitude by periodic trainings, rewards, incentives and exposure towards more rich, technological and digitized environment. This may help towards attitude formation which is highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy as well. The study also proposed a model for technology integration for HEIs in Pakistan. The model is flexible enough to cope with changes and reforms in HEIs. The phases of the model are interlinked and feedback from stakeholders directly goes back to the system in the form of opinions and suggestions to effectively incorporate technology. |
CHANGE MANAGEMENT AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR | current study was designed to conduct a comparative analysis of educational change management in public and private sector higher education institutions. Major objectives of the study were: to investigate level of change management in HEIs, to compare phases of Fullan’s Educational Change Model among Public and Private HEIs, to explore the views of heads regarding change management in Public and Private HEIs. The population of the study consisted of 52 Deans, 315 Heads of departments and 2685 Faculty members of social sciences. The selection criteria of universities involve universities with technological changes and restructuring. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to obtain sample from two strata (public and private). For obtaining quantitative sample, 20% of total faculty members were selected. The sample of the study was 536 faculty members which led to 315 public sector and 221 private sector faculty members. To meet the saturation point of the study, from each stratum 12 deans (6 public and 6 private) and 24 heads (14 public and 10 private) were selected as qualitative sample. Convergent parallel design of mixed methods was utilized for the study. The participants of the study were Deans, Heads and Faculty members of social sciences working in public and private sector HEIs of Punjab province. Harvey’s (2001) standardized Checklist was used to obtain ratings from Deans. A self-developed questionnaire based on Fullan’s (2016) educational change model was used to obtain level of agreement of faculty members. A semi-structured interview was used to obtain responses of Heads of departments. The pilot study was conducted from one Public and one Private university. The questionnaire was validated through face, content and construct validity processes. The interview was validated through face and content validity. Valid and reliable Harvey’s (2001) Checklist for Change was adopted. However, test-retest and Cronbach’s Alpha were applied to assess the reliability of the Checklist and questionnaire. Mean and S.D as descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and thematic analysis were used to assess the data. Findings revealed that higher education institutions are adequately coping with educational change and institutions place their focus on all three phases but mainly on first two phases of Fullan’s model. Change management in higher education has addressed several reforms including new study programs, infrastructure, administrative processes, instructional processes, curriculum reforms, technological changes, organizational structure and learning environment etc. The study found that there existed a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of change management between private and public sector institutions. Private sector institutions possess higher capability for change management than public sector. The study recommended that university management may provide training on strategic planning and educational reforms. Universities may activate various change agents, such as change teams comprising students, management and organizational leadership to energize change dynamics. Creating an organizational structure with greater integration and differentiation may support the processes of educational reforms in Public sector HEIs. It is essential to enable horizontal coordination not only in departments but within faculties of Public sector HEIs. It is essential to enable linkage between bottom-up processes and institutional leadership while performing educational reforms. During the implementation process involving teachers in collaborative processes with the decision makers could be more meaningful strategy to implement educational reforms |
CHANGE MANAGEMENT AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR | current study was designed to conduct a comparative analysis of educational change management in public and private sector higher education institutions. Major objectives of the study were: to investigate level of change management in HEIs, to compare phases of Fullan’s Educational Change Model among Public and Private HEIs, to explore the views of heads regarding change management in Public and Private HEIs. The population of the study consisted of 52 Deans, 315 Heads of departments and 2685 Faculty members of social sciences. The selection criteria of universities involve universities with technological changes and restructuring. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to obtain sample from two strata (public and private). For obtaining quantitative sample, 20% of total faculty members were selected. The sample of the study was 536 faculty members which led to 315 public sector and 221 private sector faculty members. To meet the saturation point of the study, from each stratum 12 deans (6 public and 6 private) and 24 heads (14 public and 10 private) were selected as qualitative sample. Convergent parallel design of mixed methods was utilized for the study. The participants of the study were Deans, Heads and Faculty members of social sciences working in public and private sector HEIs of Punjab province. Harvey’s (2001) standardized Checklist was used to obtain ratings from Deans. A self-developed questionnaire based on Fullan’s (2016) educational change model was used to obtain level of agreement of faculty members. A semi-structured interview was used to obtain responses of Heads of departments. The pilot study was conducted from one Public and one Private university. The questionnaire was validated through face, content and construct validity processes. The interview was validated through face and content validity. Valid and reliable Harvey’s (2001) Checklist for Change was adopted. However, test-retest and Cronbach’s Alpha were applied to assess the reliability of the Checklist and questionnaire. Mean and S.D as descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and thematic analysis were used to assess the data. Findings revealed that higher education institutions are adequately coping with educational change and institutions place their focus on all three phases but mainly on first two phases of Fullan’s model. Change management in higher education has addressed several reforms including new study programs, infrastructure, administrative processes, instructional processes, curriculum reforms, technological changes, organizational structure and learning environment etc. The study found that there existed a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of change management between private and public sector institutions. Private sector institutions possess higher capability for change management than public sector. The study recommended that university management may provide training on strategic planning and educational reforms. Universities may activate various change agents, such as change teams comprising students, management and organizational leadership to energize change dynamics. Creating an organizational structure with greater integration and differentiation may support the processes of educational reforms in Public sector HEIs. It is essential to enable horizontal coordination not only in departments but within faculties of Public sector HEIs. It is essential to enable linkage between bottom-up processes and institutional leadership while performing educational reforms. During the implementation process involving teachers in collaborative processes with the decision makers could be more meaningful strategy to implement educational reforms |
ANALYSIS OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS AMONG HEAD TEACHERS WITH TRANSACTIONAL OR TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLES AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL | The present study aimed to assess the problem solving skills and determine the transactional or transformational leadership style of head teachers at primary school level. Furthermore, this study analyzed the problem solving skills among head teachers with transactional or transformational leadership style at primary school level. The nature of the study was quantitative and descriptive method was adopted to describe the collected data from 210 head teachers employed in five educational sectors in Islamabad. The total population of head teachers was 256. The researcher used two set of questionnaires as a research tool to collect information from the respondents. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20th by applying statistical tests such as mean and correlation. Out of 200 head teachers 154 perceived transformational while 46 have transactional leadership style to solve problems. Findings show that majority of head teachers were agreed that they have problem solving skills to solve the problem and used transformational leadership style at primary level. Moreover, head teachers whose adopt transformational leadership style were mostly solving problem than transactional leadership style at primary school level. On the basis of findings, it was recommended that head teachers may provide an environment such as better work condition, collaborative working environment and appraisement to enhance the motivation of teachers because motivation enable teachers to solve problem with confidence. Breaking down silos strategies may allow head teachers to more easily engage their subordinates to solve problems. Trainers may design problem solving courses in teachers training programs where they can learn to identify, define and examine the possible solution of problems. Transformational leadership style may introduce for head teachers and teachers through work shop, training and seminars by sharing vision, creating trust and raise the expectation. Transactional leadership training program may be conducted where head teachers and teachers receive instructions on goal setting, performance feedback, and contingent reinforcement. Ministry of education and education department may organize seminars, conferences and lectures to develop and implement transformational leadership at primary level and its impact and implication on problem solving skills. |
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AT PRE- SCHOOL LEVEL | The current study intended to compare the school environment at pre-school level in public and private sector schools of Rawalakot. The objectives of the study were to assess the space and facilities provided in public and private sector pre-schools of Rawalakot and to compare the physical environment facilities included spatial environment, visual environment, acoustic environment and thermal environment facilities in both sectors of pre-schools. This study was quantitative in nature and research design was descriptive comparative. The theoretical framework for the study was taken from the theory of learning environment of Lev Vygotsky (1962). Latterly this theory was used by many researchers. In 2017 there were four sub-variables included in the physical environment theory; spatial, visual, acoustic, and thermal environment. The population of the study was the public and private sector teachers ofpre-schools of Rawalakot. For the selection of sample from the targeted population stratified Random sampling technique was used. The sample of the study were 263 pre- school teachers in which 94 teachers from the public sector and 169 from the private sectors. A questionnaire was made to collect the information and the reliability of the questionnaire was .834. There were 43 item in the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS 22nd version. Statistical tests of mean and t-test were applied. It was concluded that the basic facilities of spatial, acoustic and thermal environment were equally available in both public and private sectors while the visual environment facilities were not equally available. It wasrecommended that the researchmay be helpful to compare the physical environment of classrooms and the affect of environment on learning. |
UNIVERSITY STAKEHOLDERS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT EFFECTIVENESS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PRACTICES WITH REFERENCE TO ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE | Ratees’ reactions to appraisal practices and their perceptions of appraisal system fairness may happen to be a good indicator of appraisal system success. The primary intent of this research was to investigate employees’ perception of performance appraisal (PA) aspects in connection with organizational justice (i.e., distributive, procedural, informational justice, and interpersonal justice to check its effect on Performance Appraisal effectiveness and employees’ satisfaction with appraisal system in higher education institutes of Pakistan. The conceptual framework was based on Greenberg's (1993) four-factor model. This study's research design was explanatory using mix method approach. The study population was teaching faculty N= 1237 of public and private sector universities of Quetta. Stratified sampling technique was used and the sample size of the current study was n= 532. I used Thruston (2001) scale used by Walsh (2003) in her study. The questionnaire was validated by field experts and scale reliability was (.908). Result exhibited a positive relationship between distributive justice, informational justice, and interpersonal justice with appraisal effectiveness while exhibiting a non-significant relationship between procedural justice and PA effectiveness. Study results also reported a positive relationship between distributive justice, procedural justice, and informational justice with employees’ satisfaction with PA system and a non-significant relationship between employees’ satisfaction with PA and interpersonal justice in performance appraisal. Further confidentiality of ACR proforma and ACR comments, non-equality of rules for all, no connection of promotion with performance, lack of teacher participation and training, political baking and relationships, lack of communication, and no feedback mechanism were top-rated factors causing dissatisfaction among employees. It was recommended to work on methods of increasing the PA system's effectiveness and making it acceptable for the employees with their satisfaction. |
ANALYSIS OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AMONG UNIVERSITY TEACHERS | The main aim of this research study was to analyze the conflict management styles and psychological well-being among university teachers. It was planned to assess the prevailing conflict management style and psychological wellbeing of university teachers; to determine the demographic differences i.e age, gender, sector, designation, tenure, and qualification with reference to conflict management styles and psychological wellbeing among university teachers and to find out the relationship between conflict management styles and psychological wellbeing of university teachers. This study was based on theories of conflict management styles explained by Rahim (2011) and psychological well-being developed by Ryff (2014). This research study was quantitative and descriptive in nature. Two questionnaires were used; one was self-developed for conflict management styles based on current scenario whereas the other one was standardized on Ryff’s Scale of Psychological Well-Being (PWB) (2014). The population was public (2563) and private (1311) university teachers of Islamabad. Stratified random sampling technique was used and 633 university teachers were taken as a sample that consisted of two strata; males 327 and females 306. For data analysis mean, t-test, ANOVA and correlation was used with the help of SPSS (version 25.0). The main conclusion of the study were university teachers agreed with competing and avoiding styles with reference to conflict management style whereas positive relations and self-acceptance regarding psychological wellbeing and there was positive and significant relationship found in conflict management styles and psychological well-being. It is recommended that administration may conduct capability building activities involving their teachers to continually improve their conflict management styles and psychological wellbeing. |
EFFECTIVENESS OF E-LEARNING STRATEGIES USED AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL | Current research was conducted to check out the effectiveness of e-learning teaching strategies used at higher education level and also to check out the effect of e-learning teaching strategies on teaching learning experience of teachers at higher education level. In current study quantitative research approach and descriptive research design was used. Population of the study was 319 teachers in common departments (Education, Economics and Masters in Business Administration) in public sector universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Sample of the study was selected according to the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table for sampling that was 175 teachers. Two tools were adapted for data collection. First one was related to e-learning teaching strategy Seven principles of good practice were given by the Chickering and Gamson (2016) have seven dimensions and second one was related to teaching learning experience, community of inquiry and it was given by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2008) have three dimensions. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used for data collection. Data analyzed through statistical tests first one was Mean and second one was linear regression test. According to the major findings, results shown that teachers were agreed with seven dimensions of the e-learning teaching strategies. According to the findings of the study “Emphasizes time on task” was the most effective e-learning teaching strategy. Results shown that “teaching presence” was the most important factor for effective teaching learning experience of teachers. The result also has shown that e-learning teaching strategies had significance effect on teaching learning experience of teachers. According to the teachers of economics department e-learning teaching strategies 36.6 % effect on teaching learning experience of teachers at higher education level. It is recommended that administration may conduct the workshops for their faculty members and also teach them about effective e-learning teaching strategies like “emphasize time on task” and “communication high expectations” and also give them awareness about e-learning teaching strategies have significance effect on teaching learning experience of teachers. |