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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
Assessment of Socialization Strategies Adopted by Public and Private Sector Universities of Punjab | The research was designed to assess and compare the organizational socialization strategies adopted by public and private sector universities of Punjab for its employees. The major objectives were to explore the socialization strategies that can be applied in the universities; to assess the effect of the socialization strategies being used by the universities of Punjab; to compare the socialization strategies being adopted by public and private sector universities and further to propose the comprehensive model by keeping in view the cultural background of Pakistan to enhance socialization practices. The population of the research was based on 9397 faculty members hired by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized universities of Punjab, Pakistan. By considering public and private sectors as separate strata proportional stratified sampling technique was applied to draw representative sample. 10 percent of the faculty members from both strata were selected as the sample of the study. That data was collected by the use of three different tools (Socialization Strategies Scale (SSS), Socialization Content Learning Scale (SCLS) and Socialization Practice Suggestion) developed in the light of the model presented by Ruth V. Aguilera, John C. Dencker and Zeynep Y. Yalabik (2006). The data was analyzed with the help of SPSS 16th edition. Results revealed that the socialization strategies used at organizational (β = -.023 & R2 = .003), group (β = -.068 & R2 = .004) and individual level (β = -.069 & R2 = .001) were inversely related with Socialization Content Learning and were not being used effectively. However in the prevailing situation the private sector universities were utilizing socialization strategies more frequently then the public sector. Yet the socialization content learning was found better in public sector employees. On the basis of findings it was recommended that socialization of the employees must be accorded the foremost priority by the organizations’ leadership and the top level management of the universities. Special focus may be retained on the provision of orientation, mentoring, and social activities. There is a need to develop a culture and attitude to share, communicate, support and discuss professional issues and matters. |
Comparative Study on Need- Based Work Motivation Among Employees of Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan | The study was based on an investigation about employee motivation practices in universities of Punjab. In this regard objectives of the study involved to assess the factors serving as motivation force for employees, comparison of motivational factors considered significant for employees of public and private universities, to compare motivation techniques used by public and private universities for employees and to evaluate the effect of motivation technique on motivation factors. Employee from public and private universities of Punjab responded against two study questionnaires (MFAS & MTAS). These tools of data collection were developed by the researcher in light of related literature and researches. Various statistical tests were used for data analysis like correlation, t-test, regression, percentages and factor analysis. A pilot testing was conducted for the verification of the tool with reference to its reliability and validity. Total faculty members of all public and private universities located in province of Punjab, Pakistan was population of this research. For sample selection, proportional stratified sampling technique was applied and ten percent (11%) members out of population were taken as sample. These questionnaires were distributed among 1033 faculty members which was desired sample size and finally 940 questionnaires were received in complete form. Responses received from the respondents were interpreted and analyzed through SPSS 16th edition. The analysis provided a significant interrelationship among scales and subscales. Data presented high motivation level of private universities' employees as compare to public sector universities' employees. But private universities were found to be incapable of fair and frequent distribution of intrinsic and extrinsic techniques. In this regard public sector universities of Punjab were better in terms of integration of intrinsic and extrinsic techniques with management practices. The study was highlighted a need to explore some other areas responsible for ineffectiveness of motivational techniques in regards of employees motivation. The study findings might be helpful in figuring out deficit areas causing low or no motivation. Need for proper and regular development programs for managers of an organization was also considered imperative so that psychological factors could be addressed. |
Impact of Locus of Control and Self Esteem on the Achievement Orientations of Private and Public Sector University Students | Problem of the study was to explore the impact of locus of control and self-esteem on the academic achievement orientations of private and public sector university students, it further aimed to investigate the impact of demographic variations such as gender, age, discipline, number of siblings, birth order, family income in determining the type of locus of control, level of self-esteem and level of academic achievement orientations of private and public sector university students. In this study for the measurement of self esteem Factor Loading Self Esteem Scale developed by Rifai was used (1999), it was consisted of 29 items and 4 factors such as Self Acceptance, Academic Competence, Physical & Social Acceptance, and Self Competence. For the measurement of locus of control Rotter’s Locus of control Scale consisted of 29 items was used. Achievement orientation attitude scale developed by Ansari was used to measure achievement orientations, which was consisted of 10 items. Rresearch was carried out in two parts, part I was pilot study which was carried out on a sample of 100 Master level university students. After data collection, psychometric properties were determined and scales were finalized for main study. Part 2 was consisted of main study in which data was collected through stratified random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 510 respondents among them 256 were male and 254 were female students belong to various departments of 138 from social sciences,130 from natural sciences,122 from management sciences and 120 from humanities. Data was analyzed with various statistics, results provided an insight that students differ in terms of self-esteem, locus of control and achievement orientations, higher academic achievement orientations create love for learning and a sense of internal locus of control in the learners that enable learners to exhibit higher motivation towards their academics without extrinsic rewards. Results revealed that students of public sector universities have internal locus of control, higher self-esteem and higher achievement orientations. Female students have higher self-esteem and achievement orientation, whereas male students have internal locus of control. It is recommended that teachers may use appropriate pedagogical and motivation practices to inculcate internal locus of control, higher self-esteem and higher academic achievement orientations among university students. It is also recommended that at university level students may also learn self-management and develop internal locus of control, positive self-esteem and ought to work hard in order to achieve their academic goals without external pus |
Comparative Effects of Teachers' Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles on Students' Academic Achievement | The study intended to compare the effectiveness of teachers’ transformational and transactional leadership styles on students’ academic achievement. The objectives of the study were: to compare public and private sector college teachers' transformational leadership style; to evaluate public and private sector college teachers’ transactional leadership style; to explore gender wise differences in public and private sector college teachers' views about their leadership styles; to measure gender wise differences in students’ views of public and private sector college about their teachers’ leadership styles; to compare relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and students’ academic achievement; to calculate gender wise differences in academic achievement of students in public and private sector. The population of the study was college teachers and students of 12th grade from public and private colleges registered and affiliated with Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad. Total 36 null hypotheses were developed. The major findings inferred from the data analysis were: there was found significant gender difference in the opinion of teachers about teachers’ transformational leadership style, male and female teachers did not show any difference of opinion about teachers’ transactional leadership styles, male and female students gave different opinion about their teachers’ transactional leadership style, students from moderate ability groups were found more concerned about their teachers’ leadership styles; the transformational and the transactional leadership styles than low and high ability groups, positive relationship was found between teachers’ transformational and transactional leadership styles with students’ academic achievement. The major recommendations of the study were: There is a need to design a complete course for teachers’ training in leadership and this course may be included in teacher training programs. Effects of teachers’ leadership styles may be investigated with reference to self-actualization of students. The teachers’ training program for in-service college teachers may be designed for development of traits of leadership and for this purpose the model proposed by the researcher may be used for designing teachers’ leadership training course. |
A Comparative Study of Cognitive learning Styles and Attitude of Science Student is at Undergraduate level | Everyone has a distinct style of thinking and learning. Because of individual differences, the cognitive learning style of every individual is different. Cognition explains an individual's usual mode of perceiving, thinking, remembering, or solving problem. Cognitive learning style is typically explained as a personality aspect which influences values, social interaction, and attitude. Researches have revealed that cognitive learning styles and attitude are joint contributors to behavior. This study was designed to understand, identify and compare cognitive learning styles and science related attitude of undergraduate science students, to compare science related attitudes of science students with respect to cognitive learning styles, to find relationship of cognitive learning styles with science related attitude and academic achievement, to find relationship between science related attitude and academic achievement of undergraduate science students. The population of the study consisted of all undergraduate science students of basic sciences (physics, mathematics, and bio sciences), computer sciences, and engineering sciences (electrical and computer engineering) of public and private sector universities/Degree Awarding Institutes of Islamabad. For sample selection, stratified random sampling was used. The data was collected using demographic inventory, Hidden Figure Test (SHAPES) and convergent/divergent test. A self-developed science related attitude questionnaire was used to identify student's science related attitude. The academic results of students were obtained from the respective universities/Degree awarding institutes. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The hypotheses were tested using Chi-Square and t-tests at 5 percent level of significance. Results were presented in tabular and graphical form. The findings revealed that Field-Dependent and convergent cognitive learning style have been found the most prevailing cognitive learning styles of science students at undergraduate level. Moreover the Field-Independent and divergent learners have more science related attitude and academic achievement than other learners. The findings also revealed that cognitive learning styles have positive relationship with science related attitude and academic achievement. It has been recommended that teachers must use varied teaching methods and provide academic and career guidance to the students so that they can be motivated to develop more positive science related attitude towards the study of science and may improve their academic achievement. |
Interrelationship of Emotional Intelligence, Self Efficacy and Organizational Commitment Among University Teachers | The study seeks to explain the interactive and relative effects of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment among university teachers in Pakistan. Basic objective of this research was to find the relationship between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment and further to investigate emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as predictors of organizational commitment. Disproportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select 500 university teachers (male= 225, female=275) from public sector universities, located in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sargodha, Faisalabad, Multan and Islamabad. The data for the study was collected though three types of instruments. These were; emotional intelligence scale, self-efficacy scale and organizational commitment scale. Data was analyzed using statistical techniques like Pearson correlation, t-test, ANOVA and simple linear regression. Results of the study indicated that emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment had positive significant relationships. It was inferred that emotional intelligence and self-efficacy were found as significant predictors of organizational commitment. It was found that there were significant gender differences in university teachers’ scores on emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment scales. Female teachers were found more emotionally stable and competent than male. However, males’ score was found higher than female on organizational commitment. Findings inferred that married teachers’ score was higher on organizational commitment and self-efficacy scale, whereas unmarried score was found higher on emotional intelligence scale. There were found no statistically significant differences on emotional intelligence and organizational commitment of teachers due to their demographic variation (Age, job experience, designation and locality). Likewise age, designation and location differences have no effect on university teachers’ self-efficacy. However it was found that differences in job experience effected significantly on teachers’ self-efficacy. It was recommended that emotional intelligence of male teachers can be enhanced through professional training. Likewise novice teachers’ self-efficacy can be improved through professional training. The findings of the present study has implications for teachers’ training, counseling and retention of university teachers. As there was found positive relationship among emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment, therefore it was recommended that professional training of teachers can enhance teachers’ emotional stability, efficacy and they can be more committed to their organization. It was further inferred that emotional intelligence and self-efficacy were the significant predictors of organizational commitment. |
A Comparative Study of Organizational Characteristics in System 1 - 4 Organizational Theory in Public And Private Universities | This study was designed to compare the organizational characteristics in System 1-4 Organizational theory in public and private sector universities. Major objectives of the study were to explore and make a comparison among organizational variables including leadership processes, motivation processes, communication , interaction influence , decision making , goal setting , control processes, performance goals and use of ICT in public and private sector universities, finding the correlation among employee related variables of the study namely employee attitude, commitment, group loyalty, trust, confidence, upward influence and motivational forces and developing a model for making a shift towards System 4 Organization. Population of the study included 12, 729 faculty members and administrators of 17 public sector and 15 private sector universities. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 10% as the research sample. Data was gathered through a self-constructed Opinionnaire. Its psychometric properties were developed through validation of expert opinions, Cronbach’s alpha(r=.90) and Item analysis. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics with the help of SPSS version 21 and Cohen’s d calculator were used for data analyses. Descriptives revealed that public sector is System 3 organization and private sector is a System 2 organization. Correlations, Multiple regression analyses, Independent Samples t- test and Cohen’s d helped to make associations and comparisons. Results showed that a significant difference was found in the organizational characteristics except for control processes which were manifested in centralized manner in both the sectors. Findings revealed that as the leadership processes moved towards consultation, employee attitude, trust, loyalty and commitment towards organizational goals improved. A suggested model was developed on the basis of gaps observed to make a shift towards System 4 organization. This model recommends leadership development, improved motivation strategies, strong communication networks, training in decision making, interactive goal setting approaches and decentralized control. Recommendations of this study may be useful for educational managers and planners in reframing their organizations through improvement of organizational characteristics and processes. |
A Comparative Study of Teacher Education Program in Pakistan and Turkey at Secondary | Teacher training is a lynchpin of teaching learning process. Curriculum of teacher training programme plays a vital role in its success. The study was undertaken to compare Secondary School teachers’ education programmes in Pakistan and Turkey. The study pinpointed the points of congruence and incongruence in teacher education programmes of both the countries. The study was carried out to achieve set objectives and research questions.Major objectives of the study were to highlight the procedure which is being used to monitor and evaluate the model lessons; to investigate the similarities and differences in teacher education programmes of both the countries, teaching practice facilities, curriculum, comparison of teaching methodology, teaching faculties of Pakistan and Turkey, foreign professional training, duration of teacher training course, monitoring and evaluation, assigning of projects, comparison of education facilities available in both the countries and to suggest possible plan for teacher education based on best practices of both the countries. Research questions were framed to achieve the objectives of the study. 25 teacher trainers (13 Turkish and 12 Pakistani) and 200 prospective teachers (100 Turkish and 100 Pakistani) were taken as sample for the study. Two survey questionnaires were developed: one questionnaire for teacher trainers and one for prospective teachers from Pakistan and Turkey. Survey Questionnaires were used as an instrument for data collection and data was analyzed by using percentage and mean score. Majority of Turkish teacher educators received foreign professional training while majority of Pakistani teacher educators did not receive any foreign professional training. Teacher educators of both the countries had attended seminars, workshops and conferences. Teacher educators as well as prospective teachers of both the countries had consensus that supervision and evaluation of model lessons should be done by a panel of examiners rather than head of institution or an individual teacher. Turkish teacher educators were satisfied with the number of teaching staff, working conditions, funds for research , internet facilities and gadgets whereas Pakistani teacher educators and prospective teachers were dissatisfied with the number of teaching staff, working conditions, funds for research, internet facilities and gadgets. Turkish prospective teachers and teacher trainers mostly used demonstration method whereas most of Pakistani teacher educators used lecture method. The researcher also recommended that duration of B.Ed. should be increased to two years instead of one year. On the basis of findings, major conclusions were drawn. The researcher gave his findings and recommendations to attain maximum benefit of teacher training programmes in Pakistan and Turkey. |
A Study of Professional Development of School Leaders in Federal Government Educational Institutions of Pakistan | The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the secondary school principals of the Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantonments & Garrisons) were getting appropriate opportunities for their professional development or not. The population consisted of 181 principals out of which a sample of 126 was selected by using stratified random design. The instrument comprised a survey questionnaire containing 14 question items, structured telephonic interview of the responsible heads of the governing bodies, and the policy document of the Federal Government Educational Institutions for its evaluation to obtain qualitative data. The results of the study indicate that despite their earnest desire, the secondary school principals of Federal Government Educational Institutions were not getting appropriate opportunities for their professional development in terms of frequency of holding of development courses, methods of organizing the courses, rate of participation, and practical value of the courses. The findings reveal that the policy document of the Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions does not contain any specific provisions pertaining to the professional development of their school principals and it has been left to the discretion of the regional offices without any obligation and monitoring by the directorate. |
An Analysis of 5th Class Social Studies Textbook | The study is aimed at the evaluation of textbook of Social Studies for 5th grade as an effective instructional aid. Textbook development is very sensitive area in curriculum. It is a critical task to maintain the coherence among the concepts of the textbook. In Social Studies political, economic, cultural and environmental aspects of society are studied. The primary purpose of Social Studies is to help "young people make informed about the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse and democratic society". Objectives of this research study were to evaluate the appropriateness of the book for the students, to analyze the contents of prescribed book of Social Studies, to assess the importance of the textbook, to explore the possible difficulties in the book, to find out the durable physical features of it and to draw a comparison between opinions of both teachers and students regarding the book. It was hypothesized that our schools have no special resources required for textbook of Social Studies. It is also hypothesized that book is not likely to excite the interest of students and teachers nor it is according to the National Curriculum. The population comprised teachers and students from all Federal Government Junior Model Schools of Islamabad city. By using Random sampling technique, sample was selected. In order to collect data, two questionnaires were used. One was for teachers of Social Studies and other for students of 5th grade. Data obtained was analyzed and interpreted by using appropriate descriptive and inferential test of significance such as one way chi-square and two-way chi square. The level of significance was 0.05. On the basis of results, it was concluded that the book contains irrelevant questions in exercises and proper answers were not available in the relevant chapters. Maps and legends of maps were not very much clear and the lengthy facts and figures were not understandable for the students. In light of the conclusions, it was recommended that colorful pictures, perfect binding, proper description of facts, pre-requisite knowledge and learnability of students should be ensured in writing and adoption of a textbook for Social Studies. |
A Study of Relationship Between Multiple Intelligence Categories and Learning Styles of Students at Secondary Level | This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between multiple intelligence and learning style of students at secondary level in Pakistan. Using the population of Federal Government Girls secondary Schools Islamabad, The sample was selected from 17 schools in Islamabad and after getting the permission from the federal directorate 6 schools were selected for this study. Therefore one school was selected for pilot study and other six schools were selected for the main study. A learning style questionnaire, and multiple intelligence scale, was administered in sample schools. Learning style instrument, assessed individual's learning styles in three areas (visual, aural, kinesthetic). A second instrument, the Multiple Intelligence Development Assessment Scales, provided information regarding different intelligence categories, not generally available from standard intelligence and most aptitude tests. Statistical package for social science (SPSS-X) software was used to analyze the data in this study, Statistical technique (Pearson coefficient correlation and simple ANOVA) were used to examine the data. A one-way ANOVA was used to test the differences in multiple intelligence categories based on demographic information. Results revealed that the student's strongest preference was for tactile and aural learning style and there was significant relationship between multiple intelligence categories of secondary school students' with the above two learning styles. The data indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in multiple intelligence based on demographic information. |
Effective Chemistry Teaching at Secondary Level Through Modular Instructional Design | The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of modular instruction in 10th grade chemistry by employing Gagne's events of instruction. The researcher developed modules of chapter 11th and 12th of 10th —grade chemistry. The instruments developed were validated by pilot study and professional experts. The instrument was based on three cognition levels. The three sections i.e. A, B and C of 10th grade chemistry students constituted the population of the study. Sections B and C were randomly taken as sample of the study and each consisted of 28 students. Both the sections were randomly assigned as modular and traditional group. Section C was assigned the modular group while the section B was traditional group. The modular group was taught by modular instruction and the traditional group was taught by the traditional instruction/lecture method. At the outset of the experiment the students were pre-tested. The experiment lasted for 12 weeks i.e. September 2006 to December 2006.Post-test was administered at the end of the experiment for the achievement purpose. To judge the stability of the independent variable a retention test was administered in mid January 2007. The design selected was pre-test-post-test control group design. A 2x2 factorial design was used to analyze the data. Level of significance chosen was 0.05 for the t-test and the ANOVA test. The analysis of data favored the modular approach and a significant difference was found between the modular and the traditional group. The analysis of the data further revealed the usefulness of the modular instruction and proved its effectiveness within the teaching of chemistry and facilitated student learning. The data analysis further revealed that the modular instruction was not specific to the specific levels of the achievement variable but was generalizable across all levels of the achievement variable i.e. the treatment was not dependent on learner type. No interaction was observed and the modular instruction was found beneficial for both low performers as well as high performers. |
A Comparison of Multiple Intelligence Categories and Learning Styles of Arts and Science Students at Intermediate Level | This study was undertaken to investigate the differences between art and science students of multiple intelligence categories and learning styles at intermediate level. Population of the study comprised all the arts and science female 12th grade students of government federal colleges of Islamabad city only. Stratified accessible random sampling was done. 40% was the desired sample therefore two strata were made arts and science group that were randomly selected from each stratum. Out of 5 F.G. colleges 3 colleges were selected the reason was, in 3 F.G. colleges there were two arts and. science group Therefore, total number of sampled colleges was 3 and total number of students was 2197. One model college was selected for pilot study. A learning style questionnaire, and multiple intelligence scale, was administrated in sample colleges. Learning style instrument, assessed individual's learning styles in three areas (visual, aural, kinesthetic). The second instrument, the Multiple Intelligence Development Assessment Scale, provided information regarding different intelligence categories, to investigate the difference between arts and science students at intermediate level. (SPSS-X) software was used to analyze the data in this study. Independent sample t test and simple Univariate ANOVA and Tukey test were used to examine the data. Univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the differences in multiple intelligence categories based on demographics information. Results revealed that the arts and science students have strongest logical mathematical intelligence Arts students have weaker spatial intelligence whereas Science students have weaker musical intelligence; although there were significant difference between arts and science groups. Arts students' strongest preference was for Auditory learning style. Science student's strongest learning styles were visual and kinesthetic. There was no significant difference between arts and science students in demographics information based on multiple intelligence categories. |
Effects of the Leadership Style of Principals of Efficacy of Teachers and Student Achievement | The present study aimed in finding out leadership style of school principals, and the relationship of leadership style flexibility and effectiveness with collective teacher efficacy and student achievement. It also focused on finding out the differences, if any, between leadership style flexibility and leadership style effectiveness of male and female principals, and the differences between collective efficacies of teachers working under principals with different leadership styles. The difference in achievements of students studying under principals following different leadership styles was also examined. In total 19 null hypotheses were formulated. The population comprised Army Public Schools and Colleges located in all the eleven regions throughout Pakistan. The sample taken was a population sample. Data regarding school principals’ leadership style, style flexibility and style effectiveness were obtained through the instruments of Leader Behavior Analysis (LBA-II Self and LBA-II Other). Data regarding collective teacher efficacy were obtained using Collective Efficacy Scale (CE-Scale) and the data on student achievement grade were obtained through results of students who appeared in the SSC annual examination conducted by Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Islamabad (FBI&SE) in the year 2008. Parametric statistical techniques including correlation, t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The key conclusions based on the descriptive and inferential statistical evidences of the study indicated that there was consistency between the perception of school principals and their teachers regarding the leadership style, style flexibility and style effectiveness of school principals. Participating was perceived as the primary leadership style of the majority of school principals; Selling was the secondary leadership style, while Delegating was perceived as the developing style. The school principals’ leadership style flexibility and effectiveness were inversely related with each other as well as with collective teacher efficacy. It was concluded that school principals’ leadership style flexibility was inversely related student achievement. However, principals’ leadership style effectiveness and student achievement were positively related. Collective teacher efficacy and student achievement were positively related, thereby concluding that more collective teacher efficacy may result in higher student achievement. No difference was noted between collective efficacy of teachers working under principals with different leadership styles. There was no difference observed between achievement scores of students who were studying under principals following different leadership styles. |