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SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AND WORKPLACE PROCRASTINATION: MODERATING ROLE OF TIME MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR This study examines the moderating role of time management behavior in the relationship between social media addiction and workplace procrastination among employees in Pakistan. The sample comprised 500 adults (329 men and 171 women) aged between 22 and 50 years, drawn from various private and public sector organizations in Islamabad and Rawalpindi using a non-probability convenience sampling method. A cross-sectional survey design was employed to gather data using self-reported measures: the Social Media Addiction Scale, the Procrastination at Work Scale, and the Time Management Behavior Scale. Data analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between social media addiction and workplace procrastination, indicating that higher levels of social media addiction are associated with increased procrastination at work. Conversely, time management behavior was negatively correlated with workplace procrastination, suggesting that better time management skills reduce procrastination. Importantly, time management behavior was found to moderate the relationship between social media addiction and workplace procrastination, mitigating the negative effects of social media addiction on productivity. Additionally, demographic variables, including age, gender, job status, and job type, emerged as significant predictors in understanding these relationships. The study's findings have important implications for organizational practices and employee management in the Pakistani cultural context. Enhancing time management skills among employees could serve as a practical intervention to reduce workplace procrastination driven by social media addiction, thereby improving overall productivity. This research underscores the need for culturally tailored strategies that address the unique challenges faced by employees in managing their time effectively. Further studies are recommended to explore these dynamics across different cultural and organizational contexts to better understand the role of time management behavior in mitigating the adverse effects of social media addiction on workplace performance.
EXPLORING THE INTERPLAY OF EPISTEMIC CURIOSITY AND SELF-REGULATION IN MIND WANDERING AND CREATIVITY OF ADULTS Mind wandering, a distinctive human activity which refers to a period of time in which an individual’s mind is off-track, that is, the individual's thoughts are not focused on the task being undertaken. While thinking is not always useful, it has few advantages, including helping solve problems creatively, but also make the individual curious about the incoming information and keeping oneself regulated and focused on the task at hand. The current research aims to look at how mind wandering contributes to creativity of a person and how epistemic curiosity and self-regulation mediates the process. It was a cross sectional study, with a convenience sample of 514 participants categorizing as emerging adults, establishing adults and middle adults whose ages range from 19-60 years. The subjects were selected from both employed and non-employed groups in the private and government sectors of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. In the first part of the study i.e. pilot study, firstly the English scales were translated in to Urdu by using the Brislin method of translation. The scales used were translated for the understanding, suitability and ease of filling the questionnaires. The assessment tools that are translated and used for this study are Spontaneous and Deliberate Mind Wandering (Carriere, 2013), Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (Kaufman, 2012), Epistemic Curiosity Interest and Deprivation Type (Litman, 2008), and Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Brown, 1999). Next statistical analyses were used to draw the reliabilities of these scales and moved on to the second and main part of this study. Results showed that there exists a positive correlation between deliberate mind wandering and various aspects of creativity except scientific creativity whereas there is negative correlation between the spontaneous mind wandering and various aspects of creativity except the scholarly type of creativity. Further the results are depicted that epistemic curiosity and self-regulation are also correlated. Moreover results also revealed that artistic type creativity and total creativity was found to be more significant for the individuals in nuclear family type. It was also found out that adults who belonged to the working class showed more significant differences in different types of creativity i.e. every day, scholarly, and total creativity with a slight difference on the interest type epistemic curiosity. Significant differences were also reported that adults who prefer to day dream scores higher on the deliberate mind wandering, performance creativity and total creativity.
Perceived life stress, Psychological Well-being and Qualityof Lifeamong Patients with Diabetes:Mediating Role of CognitiveFunctioning The aim of this study was to examine the association between Perceived life stress, Psychological Well-being and Quality of Life among Patients with diabetes and to investigate the mediating role of Cognitive Functioning in this relationship. The data were collected through purposive sampling technique from 230 male and female diabetic patients from Out-Patients Department (OPDs) of different hospitals of Islamabad and Rawalpindi cities of Pakistan. A cross-sectional research design was used to conduct the data of the present study. The Urdu version of all the questionnaire were used to measure variables. In this study, Perceived StressQuestionnaire (Levenstein, 1993), Psychological Well-being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), Well-being health-Related Quality of Life (DeVellis, 2003) and Cognitive Functioning Self-Assessment Scale (Annunziata, Muzzatti, Giovannini, & Lucchini, 2012) were used. For the present sample, the Alpha coefficient reliability of the test scores for these measures ranged from .80 to .95that was in acceptable range and quite satisfactory. The findings of the study indicated that perceived life stress was significantly negatively correlated with psychological well-being and quality of life whereas perceived life stress was significantly positively correlated with cognitive functioning among diabetic patients. However, significant physical exercise (yes\no) related variables emerged on study variables. T-test shows that diabetic patients who did not engage in physical exercise experienced significantly higher level of perceived life stress and higher level of cognitive abnormalities. The mean differences between age-wise, marital status and job status have been found out to be highly significant. Moreover, mediation models were tested to investigate the relationship between the perceived life stress, psychological well-being and quality of life using cognitive functioning as a mediator. Using regression analysis, result suggest that a significant change in the relationship after adding the mediators. However, present study guide the other elements such as social support and physical exercise may serve as a protective barrier against the negative impact of perceived life stress on the psychological well- being and quality of life of diabetes patients. Engaging in regular physical activity aids in diminishing stress, enhancing mood and promoting general well-being. Keywords:Perceived life stress, Psychological Well-being, Quality of life, Cognitive functioning
Personality Traits and Job Performance; Investigating the Role of Job Crafting and Work Engagement. Personality traits play a significant role in shaping individuals' behavior throughout their lives, particularly in the workplace. These traits can greatly influence employees' performance and their strengths on the job. This study focuses on two key personality traits: Neuroticism and Conscientiousness, as they have a profound impact on job performance. Neuroticism is typically associated with emotional instability and erratic behavior, while Conscientiousness is considered a positive trait, often linked to reliable, goal-oriented behavior. Work engagement refers to an employee's dedication and enthusiasm toward their tasks, while Job Crafting involves actions taken by employees to modify and reduce the complexity of their work environment. The study aimed to predict the mediating role of Work Engagement and Job Crafting among working employee working in public and private sector. Sample was selected through simple random convenient probability sampling. The sample comprised of 300 employees from higher educational sector. A cross-sectional study design was used to study the relationship among variable. The data was collected through self-report measures i-e., Big five Inventory-10 items by Rammstedt and John, (2007). Utrecht Work Engagement Scale with 9-items by Schaufeli et al. (2002). The Job Crafting scale with 15 items by Slemp & Vella-Brodrick (2013), Individual Work performance Questionnaire with 13 items by Koopmans (2014). The result shown that Job Crafting and Work Engagement positively mediate the relationship between Conscientiousness and jobl performance whereas negatively mediate the relationship between neuroticism and job performance. The findings conclude that Job Crafting and Work Engagement are significant partial mediators in the relationship between Personality traits and Job Performance.