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OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AND JOB PERFORMANCE AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS: ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AND EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE The present study was designed to investigate the impact of occupational stress on job performance among school teachers. Data was collected from various schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad following the convenient sampling technique. Total sample of (N = 500) school teachers including both male (n = 150) and female (n = 350) with age range of 23 to 60 years participated in the study. In this study, teachers occupational stress questionnaire (TOSQ; Shirom, Oliver & Stein, 2009), Organizational Commitment Scale (Mowday, 1979), Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (Taksic, 2001) and Job Performance Scale (Goodman & Svyantek, 1999) were used. The results indicated that occupational stress has significant negative correlation with job performance. Organizational commitment and emotional competence are significantly positively correlated with one another. Organizational commitment and emotional competence have significant positive correlation with job performance. However, significant gender and age related variables emerged on study variables. T- test shows that women experienced much more occupational stress than men did (p =.001). It was revealed that there are hardly any mean differences across age groups for the studied variables. The mean differences between organizational commitment and job performance have been found out to be highly significant. Findings of this study will guide the school administration in protecting school teachers from occupational stress and reduced job performance by providing social support in the workplace and trained them to cope up with the difficult situations. Further studies may be conducted to study same relationship in college and university teachers as well.
Techno-stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Motivation among Faculty of Higher Education Institutions: Role of Mindfulness In the modern digital age, technology has been deeply embedded in higher education institutions, greatly affecting faculty personnel. Academic personnel experience "techno stress" as they face obstacles relating to technology, such as technical glitches, software integration, and online interactions. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of techno stress on the motivation and job satisfaction of faculty members, specifically in the setting of higher education in Pakistan, where there is limited research on this subject. The research investigates the impact of mindfulness on techno stress, specifically examining how faculty members' coping strategies affect their job satisfaction and motivation. Furthermore, the study investigates how demographics, including gender and employment level, influence individuals' reactions to technological stress. The research seeks to fill these gaps in order to offer valuable insights that can guide interventions aimed at improving faculty members' capacity to overcome technological obstacles and foster a culture of resilience and well-being in higher education institutions. The data was collected through purposive convenient sampling in which male and female both participants were included. The main study sample was N=300. Cross sectional research design was used to conduct the data of the present study. The English version of all the questionnaires were used to measure variables. Techno Stress Questionnaire by Tarafdar(2007), Job satisfaction scale by Macdonald and Maclntyre (1997)., Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale by Tremblay et al (2009)and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale by Brown and Ryan (2003), were used to measure the variables of the current study. The collected data was assembled and arranged in SPSS 22 in order to perform the required analysis such as descriptive analysis, correlation, regression t-test,one way ANOVA and moderation analysis. The finding of the study indicates that there exists a negative association between techno stress and job motivation.Job Motivation is positively correlated to job satisfaction, and mindfulness,while techno stress is negatively correlated with job satisfaction and mindfulnesss among faculty members of the higher education institutions. Similarly, different aspects of technostress are negatively correlated with job motivation and job satisfaction. Female faculty members are higher on techno stress as compared to male faculty members.Further, techno-stress is significantly predicting job motivation and job satisfaction among faculty members of higher education institutions. Different sspects are significantly predicting job satisfaction. The role moderator of mindfulness was found as a significant on the study variables. In the end, the results could help enhance the quality of teaching and increase productivity within the organisation. They can also provide guidance for creating rules and processes that assist faculty members in efficiently utilising technology.