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CPEC and the Socio-Economic Development of Balochistan: Challenges and Prospects ABSTRACT Asia was once a trade route for the world and entire world used silk route for locomotion of goods in the past. In 2013, China announced revival of ancient Silk route under Belt and road initiative (BRI) initiative with an aim to connect China with seventy-eight countries across the globe. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the six corridors of BRI. CPEC connects Pakistan’s coastal city Gwadar with Xinjiang province of China. CPEC has positively added value to the already existing geo-strategic importance of Pakistan, and Balochistan province in particular. The present research underscores the role of CPEC in uplifting the socioeconomic condition of Balochistan, and challenges lying in mainstreaming CPEC projects in the province. The research has highlighted the internal dynamics of social organization of Baloch society and socio-economic issues, as well as the role of anti-Pakistan actors in sabotaging the CPEC projects to refrain Pakistan from attainting perpetual social stability and economic prosperity. This research aims to explore and comprehend the project's internal and external issues and offers policy suggestions for resolving them. In order to ensure the success of CPEC, it is important to comprehend the nature and possible consequences of significant difficulties in Balochistan, such as insurgency, extreme religious terrorism, and external assistance for such elements. This research outlines the obstacles that CPEC will encounter and suggests policy measures to address them, providing insight into the issues that need to be resolved for the project to be successful.
Impact of Abraham Accords on Iran’s National Security ABSTRACT This study focuses on the changing political dynamics of the Middle East region after the Abraham Accords. The Trump administration facilitated the deal and thereby the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan recognized Israel. There are many underlying reasons for signing the pact, these motivations include political, economic as well and security. One of the major reasons is the threat from Iran. All the signatories of the Abraham Accords share rivalry with Iran, the security threats from Tehran have pushed the Arabs and Israel to join hands with each other. The study found that Israel’s main concern of security is Iran and its extensive network of proxies; likewise, Iran’s main fear is the United States, some Arab states, and Israel. So, the signing of the Abraham Accords appears as a nightmare for Iran and the Arab-Israeli rapprochement indicates serious fallouts for Tehran. The Abraham Accords directly impact the national security of Iran; hence, Iran uses proxies i.e., Iran exerts its influence over various institutes and non-state actors to achieve various security objectives to counter the underlying threats. The thesis finds that Tehran has been effective in maintaining a balance between its relationships with political leaders and its proxy clients thus far. Later the study examined that the Abraham Accords have further consolidated the relations between Tehran and some other states and non-state actors which share common objectives i.e., they oppose the United States, Israel, and some Arab states and support the Palestinian cause. It is determined that Iran will be able to accomplish its foreign policy objectives and increase its influence at a reduced cost by using proxy clients, provided that it has the flexibility to cut ties with them when necessary. The study is qualitative and uses secondary sources such as books, articles and updated online news and reports.
IMPACT OF EVOLVING DOCTRINES ON CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN Abstract This thesis analyzes the impact of military doctrines on the conflict transformation between India and Pakistan through the prism of the stability-instability paradox and coercive spectrum. The nuclear weapons development and subsequent cross-border terrorism/proxies guided the two states to introduce offensive military doctrines which in turn led to conflict transformation by increasing military interaction while decreasing the level of violence. The primary questions addressed in the study are why has Indo-Pakistan reliance on offensive military doctrines increased after the development of nuclear weapon programs? How have evolving military doctrines led to conflict transformation between India and Pakistan? Case study design with mixed method and deductive reasoning are used in the thesis. Both the primary and secondary sources of data are used while adhering to in-depth interviews and document analysis techniques. The study finds that India and Pakistan fought large-scale wars employing brute force in the prenuclear era while both states employed coercive strategies such as compellence and deterrence to fight a low-intensity conflict (LIC) in line with the logic of stability-instability paradox in the post nuclear era. The study further finds that there is a significant transformation in the conflict where large-scale wars might not be possible due to Mutual Assured Destruction but offensive military doctrines have made the surgical strikes as a renewed pattern of bilateral likely engagement. The introduction of offensive military doctrines has reduced the intensity of violence and increased space for military operations with serious accidental and escalation risks attached. Thus, a new mechanism is offered to transform the two states’ offensive doctrines into defensive mode for regional strategic stability. Key Words: Military Doctrine, Conflict Transformation, Nuclear Weapons, Terrorism, Crisis
“FIFTH- GENERATION WARFARE AND THE BATTLE OF NARRATIVES ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS (2014-2022): A CASE STUDY OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN” This thesis investigates the war of narratives on social media between India and Pakistan and its impact on their national images. In the present era, warfare techniques have changed, and new methods of warfare, such as media propaganda warfare, the war of narratives, and fifthgeneration warfare, are filling the gaps. In the fifth-generation warfare, countries attempt to undermine each other through information operations rather than military conflicts. Countries are waging ideological, political, social, economic, digital, and cultural wars against one another. The current scenario involves narratives building on social media, which has become a powerful tool. Social media platforms, including Twitter and YouTube, have become influential tools of fifth-generation warfare, used to drive radicalization and violence through disinformation campaigns. In the case of India and Pakistan, they have been engaged in continuous disinformation operations against each other. Since 2014, India has adopted various warfare means against Pakistan. Various Indian groups continue to publish narratives to damage the image of Pakistan in the international community. On the other hand, Pakistan has developed a comprehensive counter-strategy to overcome fifth-generation warfare. In light of the aforementioned context, this thesis thoroughly analyzes how the war of narratives between India and Pakistan evolved using social media tools. The thesis follows a timeline between 2014 and 2022, considering three events for assessment: Terrorism, the Pulwama attack, and the demise of the Imran Khan government. While only two platforms, namely YouTube and Twitter, are chosen to assess these events, this thesis also presents some recommendations regarding how Pakistan can manage the war of narratives towards India in the future.
“FIFTH- GENERATION WARFARE AND THE BATTLE OF NARRATIVES ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS (2014-2022): A CASE STUDY OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN” This thesis investigates the war of narratives on social media between India and Pakistan and its impact on their national images. In the present era, warfare techniques have changed, and new methods of warfare, such as media propaganda warfare, the war of narratives, and fifthgeneration warfare, are filling the gaps. In the fifth-generation warfare, countries attempt to undermine each other through information operations rather than military conflicts. Countries are waging ideological, political, social, economic, digital, and cultural wars against one another. The current scenario involves narratives building on social media, which has become a powerful tool. Social media platforms, including Twitter and YouTube, have become influential tools of fifth-generation warfare, used to drive radicalization and violence through disinformation campaigns. In the case of India and Pakistan, they have been engaged in continuous disinformation operations against each other. Since 2014, India has adopted various warfare means against Pakistan. Various Indian groups continue to publish narratives to damage the image of Pakistan in the international community. On the other hand, Pakistan has developed a comprehensive counter-strategy to overcome fifth-generation warfare. In light of the aforementioned context, this thesis thoroughly analyzes how the war of narratives between India and Pakistan evolved using social media tools. The thesis follows a timeline between 2014 and 2022, considering three events for assessment: Terrorism, the Pulwama attack, and the demise of the Imran Khan government. While only two platforms, namely YouTube and Twitter, are chosen to assess these events, this thesis also presents some recommendations regarding how Pakistan can manage the war of narratives towards India in the future.
“FIFTH- GENERATION WARFARE AND THE BATTLE OF NARRATIVES ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS (2014-2022): A CASE STUDY OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN” This thesis investigates the war of narratives on social media between India and Pakistan and its impact on their national images. In the present era, warfare techniques have changed, and new methods of warfare, such as media propaganda warfare, the war of narratives, and fifthgeneration warfare, are filling the gaps. In the fifth-generation warfare, countries attempt to undermine each other through information operations rather than military conflicts. Countries are waging ideological, political, social, economic, digital, and cultural wars against one another. The current scenario involves narratives building on social media, which has become a powerful tool. Social media platforms, including Twitter and YouTube, have become influential tools of fifth-generation warfare, used to drive radicalization and violence through disinformation campaigns. In the case of India and Pakistan, they have been engaged in continuous disinformation operations against each other. Since 2014, India has adopted various warfare means against Pakistan. Various Indian groups continue to publish narratives to damage the image of Pakistan in the international community. On the other hand, Pakistan has developed a comprehensive counter-strategy to overcome fifth-generation warfare. In light of the aforementioned context, this thesis thoroughly analyzes how the war of narratives between India and Pakistan evolved using social media tools. The thesis follows a timeline between 2014 and 2022, considering three events for assessment: Terrorism, the Pulwama attack, and the demise of the Imran Khan government. While only two platforms, namely YouTube and Twitter, are chosen to assess these events, this thesis also presents some recommendations regarding how Pakistan can manage the war of narratives towards India in the future.