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Title | Abstract | Action(s) |
A comparative study on the profitability Determinants of conventional and Islamic banks through perceptional Survey | This research meant to find out the factors affecting the profitability of conventional and Islamic banks working in Pakistan from 2006 to 2012. By applying the panel data regression model, the factors affecting the profitability of conventional and Islamic banks were comparatively analyzed. When ROE is taken as a measure of profitability, first hypothesis tests revealed that all variables of conventional banks have an insignificant relationship with profitability. Second hypothesis tests revealed that all variables of Islamic banks have an insignificant relationship with profitability. When ROA is taken as a measure of profitability, first hypothesis tests revealed that bank specific variable non-performing loan ratio, deposit structure, Capital structure and liquidity has a positive significant relationship with profitability of conventional banks while expenditure structure and size of bank do not. Second hypothesis tests revealed that expenditure structure, Capital structure, Deposits structure, size of bank and non-performing loan ratio of Islamic banks have an insignificant relationship with profitability, but the liquidity of Islamic banks has a positive significant relationship with return on assets. When NIM is taken as a measure of profitability, first hypothesis tests revealed that non-performing loan ratio has positive and expenditure structure has a significant negative relationship with the profitability of conventional banks while other variables are not significant. Second hypothesis tests revealed that capital structure has a positive and expenditure structure has a significant negative relationship with the profitability of Islamic banks while other variables are not significant. Third hypothesis tests revealed that there is a statistical difference in the men of Capital structure, Deposits structure and non-performing loan ratio of Islamic and conventional banks whereas liquidity and expenditure of Islamic and conventional are homogenous. Survey results indicate that current deposits, investments, loans, size of Conventional banks and market share is most important for determining the profitability. Current deposits, investments, loans and size of Islamic banks is also most important for determining the profitability, but market share is not most important for Islamic banks. Savings deposits, time deposits and equity is more important as well as important for determining the profitability of the Conventional and Islamic banks. The capital structure is important but inflation is not much important for determining the profitability of the banks. The study did not find any variety of least importance regarding profitability determinants of banks. Many bankers highlighted variables in the questionnaire other than studying which also affect the profitability of the banks such as region, government policies, state bank policies and political and economic stability. |
Determinants of Personal Well-being with mediating Role of Workaholics: A Study of Non-Compulsive Workaholics from Universities of Multan District | One of the significant sources of competitive advantage for an organization is its human capital. Focusing on human capital, the purpose of the study was to explore the effect of intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, and external and internal locus of control on the personal well-being through the mediating effect of workaholism. A person when working for the organizational well being is a possibility that he/she may become workaholic but when they are working for their personal well-being do they get demotivated on work through workaholism or not. Exploratory factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were carried out to test the hypothesized relationships in the data provided by 348 administrative staff of the Universities of Multan District. This study provides novel insight into the understanding of role of Workaholism towards personal well-being. Initially as literature commends the role of Workaholism was considered to be more well-being oriented than its negative out comes on life satisfaction of employees. This study adds new evidences which report that Workaholism nullifies the positive impact of important predictor of well being. The new relationships add significantly to the understanding Workaholism. |
Impact of Job Complexity on Creative Performance Moderating Role of Personality (Big Five Model) | Jobs are getting complex day by day, to meet these challenges employees need to be more dynamic and innovative in order to be persistent in fulfilling the demands of the customers and market. The objective of the study was to find out the impact of job complexity on employee creative performance and to check the moderating role of big five personality traits on the relationship between job complexities on employee creative performance. The study was quantitative in nature. A structured questionnaire was used for collection of primary data. Constructs for all variables were adopted that had already been validated by previous literature. Data for this study was collected from the employees of developmental sectors that include International Rescue Committee (US based INGO), Save the Children Pakistan Program (US eased INGO), Merlin (England based INGO). Sample data was collected with the help of simple random sampling method. Statistical techniques include Cronbach Alpha for reliability of data, descriptive Statistic, Pearson Correlation and Linear Regression Analysis was used to analyze the data. The results of the research study indicated that Job Complexity tends to enhance employees Creative Performance. The result of the study also indicated that Personality traits when used as moderator Extroverts, Contentiousness, Agreeable and Openness to Experience Lengthened the relationship between Job Complexity and Creative Performance whereas trait Neuroticism negatively moderated the projected relationship. At the end limitations of the study, recommendations for future research have also been discussed. |
Impact of Transparency & Accountability on Firm Performance (A Cross Comparison of Private and Public Sector Companies) | Economic success of a country is the success of big corporations of that country. Corporate governance is thus economic governance in general. Some of the major corporate scandals that stunned global economies and businesses followed by falling down of corporate giants like Enron, BCCI, Coloroll, Polly Pech, Barings, HIH Insurance and Parmalat resulted in tight regulations, codes, and principles of corporate governance. These scandals erupted due to nonexistent of accountability and transparency principles of corporate governance within these companies as the management concealed important facts from the shareholders and that they were also not accountable for their actions. This empirical research study intends to examine different characteristics of Corporate Governance and their impact on firm performance. These characteristics include Transparency and Accountability. Analysis would be based on primary data which will be collected through questionnaire from 200 respondents from 10 public sector companies and 10 private sector companies. Purpose of the study is to determine the nature of relationship between accountability and transparency with firm performance in private as well as public sector companies. Results of the study revealed positive relationship between accountability and transparency with firm performance and vice versa. In case of private sector companies, there was highly significant relationship between accountability, transparency and firm performance. Whereas insignificant relationship of the same was observed in public sector companies |
Factors Effecting Small Scale Business Performance in K.P.K | The main theme of the research study is to examine the factors that affect the small scale business performance in Peshawar, Mardan and Nowshera of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Data was collected from the sample of 247 respondents through direct meeting and sending them the questionnaire by post. Simple random sampling technique was used for distribution. In the study two major variables were analyzed through Descriptive and inferential statistics in KP.K in which demographic factors (age, education and experience) and environmental factors (marketing, technological, infrastructural, financial, political and Govt. policies) were included. The finding of the study shows significant and positive relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. The result further shows the significant variation in the dependent variable due to the independent variables at 1% significance level. Recommendations are given to business owners and government organization and suggestions are given to the researchers. |
Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance, Mediating Role of Employee Commitment | The study has been conducted to measure the impact of Organizational culture on employee performance and the mediating role of employee commitment. In universities offering business education at Peshawar. Ten (10) universities were selected as sample of the study to collect data. As the data was quantitative in nature, self-administered structured questionnaire were used for the data collection. The data was collected from faculties of business educational integral institutes through census research. The population was 200 from ten institutes. The employee performance was the dependent variable, organizational culture as independent variable and employee commitment as mediating variable of the study. SPSS was used for the data analysis. The reliability, correlation and regression tests were used for the data analysis. As per the results of correlation tests the organizational culture has positive and significant relationship with employee performance and employee commitment has positive relationship with performance as well. According to the regression results, organizational culture has a significant effect on employee performance (Alternate hypothesis accepted). Employee commitment has significant effect on employee performance (Alternate hypothesis accepted). The organizational culture has significant effect on employee commitment (Alternate hypothesis accepted). Stepwise regression was run to check the mediating role of employee commitment and results indicated that employee commitment partially mediates the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. At the end limitations and recommendations for future research are given. |
The Effects of Perceived Service Recovery Justice on Customer Loyalty and Word of Mouth with Mediating Role of Customer Affection | The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation mechanism of customer affection to account for the influence of perceived justice dimensions (distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice) on word of mouth and customer loyalty. This study has theoretical foundation on emotional appraisal theory, theory of love and theory of justice. This cross-sectional study was conducted on car insurance sector of Faisalabad region. Self-administrated questionnaire was distributed to respondents (using convenient sampling technique). 210 properly filled questionnaires were used for analysis in SPSS. Cronbach alpha and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) had been used for assessing validity and reliability of the instrument. Pearson correlation, Regression analysis and Preacher and Hayes (2008) were the statistical techniques used for data analysis. Regression results depict significant direct relationships between all variables under study, further interactional justice accounts for highest variance in word of mouth and loyalty as compared to other dimensions of perceived justice and affection has strongest effect on WOM. Mediation analysis depicts that customer affection fully mediates the relationship between procedural justice and customer loyalty. While customer affection partially mediate the relationships between "distributive justice and loyalty" and "interactional justice and loyalty". Similarly, customer affection also plays its role as partial mediator on the relationships between "distributive justice and WOM," "procedural justice and WOM" and "Interactional Justice and WOM". This research extended previous studies by adding affection as an affective mediator. Further this research also contributed to practitioners by providing strategies for effective service recovery that would positively affect customer justice perception, strengthen customer affection and ultimately generate loyal customer that will prove positive advocator of company. |
The Impact of Organizational Learning on Firm's Perceived Financial Performance Taking The Role of Leadership as Moderator | This research thesis investigates the impact of organizational learning on firm's financial performance and also figure out the moderating effect of leadership on their relationship. The primary purpose of the study is to perform an exploratory research. Survey is conducted among the six telecommunication companies working in the Faisalabad. Data of 251 respondents from these six selected companies were collected for analysis. The data is primary in nature. The study is quantitative in nature. A structured close ended questionnaire is used and results are analyzed through regression with the help of SPSS. The financial performance used in this thesis is based on the perceptions of the employees under study. The results of the study show organizational learning has a positive impact on firm's perceived financial performance while organizational learning has more effect on financial performance in presence of leadership, where leadership acts as moderator. It is suggested that these companies must deploy their efforts in enhancing on organizational learning capabilities to get the better financial results. In study, quantitative research design is used. Instrument is integrated 65 items. Instrument contains three parts, (1) Organizational Learning (Devmoski 1994), (2) financial Performance (Li & Lu, 2007) and (3) Leadership (Zagorsek et al. 2009). Correlation Analysis of each items of major variable confirms the moderate relationships between them. Data is collected from population of 600 employees of telecommunication companies in Faisalabad, Pakistan. 251 valid responses are entered in statistical program tool (SPSS 20) to perform data analysis. Results and discussion of the study discuss that research fulfill the objectives of the study. Companies can use these findings in future to analyze themselves from wider perspectives. This research can help R&D departments to work on these areas for better performance of companies. Due to some limitations of study, this research suggests some future recommendations. Due to limited time and other resources, research was limited to small population and sample size. In future, research can be conducted for large population. In future, other companies can use this research for their better performance. |
Determinants of Individual Investor's Behavior and Their Impact on Investment Decision | The stock market in Pakistan is highly volatile and sensitive for unexpected shocks. In this market, the role and importance of individual investors and their trading behavior is also very critical. But there is always an environment of uncertainty and lack of information. Furthermore, the investment policies are formulated keeping in view the interests of institutional investors only. So, it becomes impossible for the individual investors to take decisions depending upon their own personal resources and complex statistical data. Therefore, the individual investors resort to other non-statistical gadgets and try to make rational decisions relying on non-statistical gadgets that are related to their behavior and psychology. In this study, the researcher has investigated the importance of these non-numeric factors for individual investors' investment decision making. The purpose of this study is to examine these determinants of individual investor's behavior as well as the influence of these determinants on the individual investor's decision. This is a quantitative research based on analytical and descriptive lines. Regression Analysis is used to determine the relative importance of each behavioral factor. This study bears great significance in recognizing the importance of heuristic and behavioral tools for investment decision making. This research is a contribution in the research paradigm from the view point of the policy makers also. It will play a significant role at the time of formulation of policies for institutional investors and regulatory bodies such as Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and at the same time retaining the interests of individual investors. |
Bank Specific, Industry Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants of Bank Profitability in Pakistan | The relationship between the bank profitability and bank specific, industry specific and macroeconomic factors has important implications for a host of public policy questions. In current study, unbalanced panel data on 51 scheduled banks and 6 DFIs over a period of 2001 to 2013 has been used to provide novel estimates of bank profits and it influential factors. The empirical strategy exploits the relationship between the current profits with previous year profits to identify the dynamic characteristics of the model of bank profitability in addition to the bank specific, industry specific and macroeconomic estimates. The continuity in bank profits in Pakistan allows the current study to model the lagged profitability as determinants of bank profitability. Further this study modeled the structure-conduct-performance hypothesis (SCP); it reflects the setting of prices that are less favorable to consumers (lower deposit rates, higher loan rates) in more concentrated markets as a result of competitive imperfections in these markets and lead supernormal profits. A related theory is also modeled by the current study, the relative-market-power hypothesis (RMP), which asserts that only firms with large market shares and well differentiated products are able to exercise market power in pricing these products and earn supernormal profits. The results for current study has been obtained by us two-step generalized method of moments (GMM) technique, it deals well with the dynamic panel data sets. The results for the current study are significant and supported by the previous literature. In bank specific characteristics, lagged bank profitability, capital ratio and size found to have positive relationship with bank profits while management inefficiency and credit risk variable found to have negative and significant relationship with bank profits. In industry specific variables concentration ratio found positively associated with bank profitability. In macroeconomic factors like inflation, GDP growth rate and market capitalization have positive while money supply growth rate found to have negative effects on bank profits. |
The Determinants of Capital Building Methods: A Case Study of Textile Companies | Capital budgeting is one of the most important decisions which are taken by chief executive officers. Capital budgeting is a process of identify, scrutinize and selection of a project which have long time impact on the performance of the organization and also require a heavy amount. The aim of capital budgeting decisions is to maximize the shareholder wealth and success of companies. In capital budgeting decision making, when making the financial evaluations of the projects then capital budgeting methods are also used. Capital budgeting methods are influenced by the firms' characteristics and decision maker's characteristics. This study conducted with two aims to ascertain the prevailing capital budgeting methods in textile companies and to find the factors of capital budgeting methods. To obtain the objectives, major part of data collected by questionnaire and minor part of data collected from financial statements of 2013 of seventy seven textile companies which are listed on Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). Size (sales), leverage, growth (price-earnings ratio), dividend payout ratio, target range for solvency (debt-to-equity), proportion of foreign sales, management ownership, education of CEOs, age of CEOs and experience of CEOs are taken as independent variables and capital budgeting methods as dependent variables. Descriptive statistics showed that payback period is mostly used by textile companies of Pakistan. Ordinal regression analysis runs on data to find the determinants of capital budgeting methods. Findings showed that target range, foreign sales, size of firm, leverage, management ownership, education of CEOs and age of CEOs have significant association with capital budgeting methods and these are factors of CB methods while growth, dividend payout and tenure of CEOs have no significant association with any capital budgeting methods. Preference of PP method by firms shows that there is theory-practice gap existed in Pakistani textile companies. It is recommended that textile companies should to use sophisticated CB methods. For future studies it is recommended that these variables or some other variables should be studied in other private or public sectors of Pakistan. |
Examining the Role of Self Efficacy, Co-Worker and Supervisor Support on Career Success: A Mediating Study of Work Engagement in Banking Sector | The basic purpose of this study is to seek the empirical evidence of relationships between Self Efficacy, Co Worker Support, Supervisor Support Work Engagement and Career Success.It aims to hypothesize a mediating model, implying that Self Efficacy, Co Worker Support, Supervisor Support enhance the mediating effect of Work Engagement, thereby facilitating Career Success. Data were collected from 336 respondents of banking industries by using self-administrated questionnaires. Data were analysed by using various statistical techniques like construct validity and normality in order to explore the nature of relationship among variables. Hypotheses were tested using mediation analysis with structural equation modelling. The research findings have provided support to the role of Self Efficacy, Co-Worker Support and Supervisor Support makes employees feel happy when engaged in Work activities voluntarily, so employees become more satisfied with their jobs and it increase the capability of firm for innovativeness. Results indicate that Work Engagement mediates the relationship between Self Efficacy, Co-Worker Support, Supervisor Support and Career Success. Cross-sectional data were collected from Southern Punjab, Pakistan. It would be highly valuable to consider replicating this study in different settings using longitudinal designs. The study carries both academic and managerial implications, future direction and recommendations that can provide base for future studies. |
Impact of celebrity Endorsement, Advertisement and Sales Promotion on Brand Equity: Mediating Effect of Brand Image | In present scenario, customers are well aware about the price and feature of all the substitute of a product. They have more awareness, more accessibility to the various brands in market. Generic competition among the products has made the competition tougher. The aim of this work is to understand the effect of optimum brand promotional activities to improve brand equity. Students enrolled in university in faculty of management sciences were considered as target population. Respondents were selected on the basis of non-probability convenience based sampling technique. A survey questionnaire was conducted. The number of respondents was 273 which were included in the study. Reliability test, descriptive analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis used for data interpretation. SPSS 20 version software was used for data analysis. It is concluded from the study that celebrity endorsement, advertisement and sales promotion have significant effect on brand image, brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty and perceived quality. Brand image has significant positive effect on brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty. It is further evident that brand image has partial mediating effect on brand awareness, brand association and brand loyalty through advertisement, celebrity endorsement and sales promotions. Brand image has mediating effect on perceived quality through celebrity endorsement, advertisement and sales promotion. The results of this study will help out the brand managers and marketing managers in beverage industry for designing and launching the promotional mix. The study has been conducted in only one metropolitan city of Pakistan. Respondents may be different in different cities due to their change in life style and preferences. Future researchers can conduct the same study in different cities or at national level. |
Impact of Customer Relationship management (CRM) on Banks's Performance in Faisalabad Moderating Role Marketing Turbulence | In this age of globalization, businesses are facing big challenges due to rapid changes in the market place. Since the last decade customers have become the main pillar for the success of every organization. So every organization of the world is try to establish a strong and long lasting relationship with their customers. Similarly, banks also think that their customers are a key factor in their success. To develop a strong and long lasting relation with their customers, organizations had adopted different strategy, but since the last two decades CRM business's strategy has been evolving rapidly in the business community of the world. The activities that a business performs to identify, qualify, acquire, develop and retain increasingly loyal and profitable customers by delivering the right product or service, to the right customer, through the right channel, at the right time and at the right cost is called CRM. Like banks of the world, Pakistani banks are also using CRM business strategy to develop a strong relation with their customers. Since CRM based on computer technology and required a huge investment, therefore some school of thought are against CRM business strategy but it has been proved that CRM is a best strategy in this age of technology and high competition. CRM business strategy becomes fruitless when its functions are not used properly. In the light of such conflicts, this research is conducted to see whether CRM business strategy is best for banks or not. In this regard, the researcher selects all the banks of Faisalabad as population that are belonged to public as well as private sector. The objectives behind this study are, to investigate the relation between CRM's practices and performance of the banks and the impact of market turbulence on this relation. Data is collected through survey method with the help of a questionnaire and a sample of 300 banks is selected randomly. The employees of the banks related to marketing, trade, advances and operational are respondents of this study. Then this data is treated in SPSS software and regression is applied to see the impact of CRM's practices on the performance of the banks. All the results are found significant that mean CRM's practices have a positive impact on the performance of the banks. More over the moderator role of market turbulence also has a positive impact of the relation. The findings of this study will be prove a mile stone in future researches in this regards and will provide a guide line for managers as well as researchers. |